Spoiler Discussion "ending"

Is anyone else out there as disappointed as i am about the way the ending was? I mean here you are you just defeat Caelar Argent and all of a sudden your framed for murder with hopes of proving your innocence an entire new chapter begins (with cut scene style dialog) and 2 minutes later the game ends? i love 99% of this game but i feel the ending was cut short and appalling it left me wanting more of what I'm sure we wont ever have.
I never really thought the game was a good idea from the perspective of continuity. Jaheira says in BG2 that they were travelling somewhere near Baldur's Gate when they were taken. That's enough to explain it, you don't need a whole game to do it. The time your character spends with the Hooded Figure are the same. You already know Irenicus was observing you, it doesn't add anything to the game. And also they felt the need to explain how the captive genie had the Sword of Chaos. There already was an explanation: Irenicus took it from you when you were captured. Did they need an explanation for the Helm of Balduran too? the way it was done just raised the questions of why Irenicus wanted the sword in the first place and what was so important about the blood on the blade.
Ah, I was focused on the sudden part of your comment rather than the impact part. It would've been nice if we could have done more to cast shade at a certain advisor. It wouldn't have to change anything in my opinion, but even being able to just say more to Caelar would be good. Still I liked how it all went down overall.