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evil aligned parties

i pretty much exclusively play parties that are neutral to good in alignment. when i play, i like to "role play" according to my charname's alignment.

it's fun to role play an evil aligned charname and be "evil" on occasion. also gives me the opportunity to meet and play with evil aligned npc's.

i rarely play an evil charname anymore for a couple of reasons.

1. higher prices at vendors.

2. becoming kos to guards when your reputation falls too low.

it's a shame that it is made alot more difficult to the point of just not playing an evil aligned party due to the difficulties i encounter as a result. what makes it even more heart wrenching is that the best npc's for various classes are of an evil alignment. edwin and viconia being a couple of examples.

i know money is plentiful in the game and you can do quests to raise your reputation, but it's a shame that you have to play "out of character" to avoid being kos to guards.

i know we'll probably never see it, but i think it would be awesome to maybe have one "evil" vendor in each town where you get better prices the lower your reputation gets.

and why be kos to guards if you haven't broken any laws (that they know of) in town. no photography back in those days. so how do they know who you are anyways? would be great if guards only come after you if you are witnessed doing a crime.

just wishful thinking on my part "sigh". would like to hear other's thoughts on making the game easier to play with an evil aligned party.


  • CommanderRpgCommanderRpg Member Posts: 521
    This is the italian section of the game, you might want to ask for the relocation of your topic.
  • DavideDavide Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,698
  • AmmarAmmar Member Posts: 1,297
    I think as long as you are not playing a sadistic thug an evil character is fine. Evil people benefit from good reputations as well, and there are plebty of quests that give reputation AND a reward.

    You can also donate at temples. Plenty of evil people in real life do this for their image :)
  • Wraith_SarevokWraith_Sarevok Member Posts: 130
    Just keep your reputation from dropping too low. Or get strong enough to 1-shot the Flaming Fist traps. If you're gonna be evil in an RPG where you're supposed to be a hero, expect the world to fight back.
  • ber5nie5ber5nie5 Member Posts: 430
    thanx for moving this thread davide. no idea how it ended up in the italian section lol.
  • TenreccTenrecc Member Posts: 265
    As people have mentioned, what you're referring to isn't playing an evil character, it's having low reputation, and these things are not synonymous. Look at a guy like Sarevok, who was on his way to become a Grand Duke. Pretty sure he wasn't running around with 1 or 2 rep at that point.

    As Lawful or Neutral Evil it's fine to run around all the way up to 17 rep (so your evil characters doesn't leave), and it isn't out of character at all. It just means you're fairly smart and understand what reputation is and how it can benefit you.

    In fact, if you're doing runs like me, which includes things like pickpocketing tomes of wisdom and rings of regeneration, you're probably playing an evil character more than a good anyway from a RP perspective.
  • VitharVithar Member Posts: 70
    edited April 2016
    I will just drop my ''2 cents'' here.
    Most of my life i've been playing RPG games as one of those Cocky Jercks ''Charname'' and from what i've seen and hear / read i think that the majority of players are misguided or just don't know what and Evil Char or Party is.
    Basically being Evil doesn't mean that u need to cleave your way trough the streets or steal from everyone you see (Except if you are not one of those Solo Sorcs in BG2 he he).
    There are lot's of ways to do a bad things and not destroy your reputation.
    Being at low rep means that you did bad things and from doing bad things - items / gold / stuff come for free ... so there you go!

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  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    I always play Lawful Evil. This means my reputation can stay about average, so good vendor prices & no guards wanting to exterminate me as a thug.
  • catsarekacampcatsarekacamp Member Posts: 52
    It's kinda funny. A big complaint against the KOTOR series is you have to play stupid evil. A big complaint against BG is that you have to play smart evil.
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  • TenreccTenrecc Member Posts: 265

    It's kinda funny. A big complaint against the KOTOR series is you have to play stupid evil. A big complaint against BG is that you have to play smart evil.

    Since when is this a complaint? It's pretty realistic. Running around killing and robbing everyone will make life quite hard on you, no matter what time frame or setting you live in. You're free to do it, which is awesome, but it'd be stupid and unrealistic to make that path as easy and smooth as others.
  • catsarekacampcatsarekacamp Member Posts: 52
    Tenrecc said:

    It's kinda funny. A big complaint against the KOTOR series is you have to play stupid evil. A big complaint against BG is that you have to play smart evil.

    Since when is this a complaint? It's pretty realistic. Running around killing and robbing everyone will make life quite hard on you, no matter what time frame or setting you live in. You're free to do it, which is awesome, but it'd be stupid and unrealistic to make that path as easy and smooth as others.
    You misunderstand me. It's not a complaint of mine, personally, at all. I completely agree with you. Just something I read alot.
  • ojthesimpsonojthesimpson Member Posts: 121
    self preservation is a trait all evil characters have. if they know the guards will off them unless you're seen as this generous person always giving to the poor. Maybe they wont believe those stories about you.

    A karma mini game would be extremely complicated for such an involved story. This isn't bethesda. They are not all quests that are barely related and the story doesn't flow from one note found on a dead body to another.

    I personally like the idea of if you're truly evil you really can't be hero either. they do have evil options though. its just harder cause no one wants to help u and u dont want to help them to get exp and items.
  • PK2748PK2748 Member Posts: 381
    The whole debate over evil seems odd. Literally in the first map you meet a psychopath Halfling and his pet necromancer. A couple of Zhent agents. Evil as they come. What's the first thing they do? Offer you a free potion. BG 1 showed amazing depth in the portrayal of evil. Frankly I think they did it better than BG 2. They had cackling crazy evil, greedy amorality, calculating evil and violent psychopaths willing to keep it subtle. I don't play evil but I respect that BG 1 did it right
  • ber5nie5ber5nie5 Member Posts: 430
    i wasn't running through the streets killing everybody.

    i was making choices on quests that i thought was consistent with my charname's alignment and had a rep of 3 by the time i made it to baldur's gate in bg1.

    when you start off with only a 9 rep after adding an evil npc to your party. it doesn't take much to get a low rep if you are not doing the "goody goody" quests, if you will.

    i appreciate all the comments. i have only played an evil alignment a few times. you all have helped alot. i liked the comment about sarevok almost becoming a duke. makes sense to be smart/sneaky evil.

    your comments have helped me to see being "evil" in a new light. thanx again for all the comments.
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