In your opinion, how is the REST of SoD (outside of the controversial character and the Minsc line)?

I haven't played it yet because I've been holding off on SoD until the EET mod is ready. But the vast majority of reviews and critiques that I've seen about the expansion are all centered around the apparently poor implementation of the controversial trans character. But I haven't seen a lot of opinions about how the rest of the expansion is. Specifically if it fits well between BGI&II from a narrative standpoint, the writing, environments, etc.
I've also seen a lot of criticisms over some of the 2.0 features, so I consider the 2.0 stuff to just be a "work-in-progress."
But anyway, what are your thoughts?
I've also seen a lot of criticisms over some of the 2.0 features, so I consider the 2.0 stuff to just be a "work-in-progress."
But anyway, what are your thoughts?

The rest seems to be okay, 2.0 issues aside.
For me personally, I never cared too much about BG1 in the first place, but thought I'd pick up SoD anyway just to play it a few times and see the new stuff. Then they went and broke my BG2, so now I won't give them money anymore. Has nothing to do with the actual quality of SoD itself, which from what I have heard from people I trust has its issues but is overall worth the money for fans of the series.
- Areas: They look gorgeous. My praise to whoever drew them. Sometimes I just wander to enjoy the beauty of the area.
- Items: I really liked the items designed for specific kits and most of the new artworks/BAMs. I also appreciated the Shaman and Bard items - these classes really needed some stuff.
- Quests: Most of the tasks you get in Baldur's Gate and in the following chapters are just fetch quests and I found them boring and silly. The only one that has potential is "Meeting of the Minds".
I do not want to seem too harsh, but I smelt lack of creativity on this side.
- UI: I adore the new UI and I hope it will get polished, especially the buttons (they are too small for foreign languages).
- Dubbing: Average. Some characters have been dubbed very well (for instance, Dynaheir, Minsc, Khalid, Safana, Glint), but there are many secondary NPCs whose voice sounds very bad (Eltan, you are one of them).
Also, I did not like the fact that some dialogues are half-dubbed. There are many conversations where some lines are dubbed, some lines are not. It has no sense. Dub the whole dialogue or keep it silent.
As I said in another thread, I think that keeping Jaheira's original sound set and leaving her new lines unvoiced was a good choice.
- Writing: I really like Corwin, Glint and M'Khin. I hope to see them again in the future. Fleshed out
I am sorry for Voghlin, but he cannot compete with them.
I enjoyed all the dialogues with Khalid and Dynaheir.
The first meeting with Baeloth is PURE AWESOME!
Safana has been developed very well. Same goes for Jaheira. Their personalities are consistent with BG/BG2.
CHARNAME has many replies that gives him/her the chance to roleplay as he/she wants, which is good.
One of the thing that I most like is that you can ask your comrades help during some quests. They give you some insights, they solve some critical situations, they provide you more info... This is something that I really, really like. I want to see it again.
- IA and fights: The new IA rocks and I just love it. Some fights are challenging, while some fights are predictable and should be reworked (for instance, the undead fights in the tomb or the Bridgefort siege).
Overall: Siege of Dragonspear is not the expansion I imagined in terms of plot and returning characters, but it is good. I enjoyed having the chance to play a brand-new adventure with my Bhaalspawn. I hope that Beamdog will do something to bridge the cap between Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal. A Throne of Bhaal improvement will be nice as well, since we all know it is not so satisfying.
There are some flaws, but I cannot write anything about them since you want no spoiler.
You should definitely play it!
Score: 7/10
- The graphic is great, for a game old like bg, i don't have a top computer but works just fine.
- The 2.0 is, in my opinion, a real improvement except for the experience bar that doesn't have sense. I'm probably the only one that kept every graphic change in the world, anyway. Till now, 0 bugs for me in SoD.
- The new NPCs are well made, but except one only good-aligned. I don't care because i only play good but i understand it's not fair. The old NPCs (the ones that appear in SoD) now talks, have opinions and they are much better than BG where they have not much personality.
- In opposite, and i will put on
- The game is much more linear than BG, it depends on what do you like but for me is a slight flaw. The quests (till now) are well made, the encounters from map to map now are great.
So, as you can suppose, i suggest you to buy this game, just remind that i still didn't finish it.