Stuck Near End

I am stuck on the bridge in the Nine Hells at Thrix. No matter what dialogue options I choose he brings a bunch of baddies to attack me. I am unable to kill them without losing my whole party and the one time I did my journal updated but the door was still locked. Any help? Am I bugged?
Thrix is immune to weapons +2 or lower, has 75 MR, 100 to Fire 128 HP, -10 AC, regenerates 2hp/round and teleports away at low HP.
I recomand you to use Chaotic Commands, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, on your companions. Also if you have potions of regeneration its very usefull. What you need is mobility, so Speed Oil very nice to use, if you have many range weapons, you should be able to beat it.
@isd71 As for poison, if you have any elixirs of health (purple bottle), those act as a health potion and antidote in one.
Edit: I reloaded a save and choose another dialogue option and now it works.
Yeah I was too quick to post a question about that.