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Wis / Int / Cha and dialogue option walkthroug ?

I love playing talkative character and in more time if there a dialogue - negociation option i alway a least try it. So i'm start thinking if somebody have made a list of stat-based dialogue option for BG:EE, BG:SoD and BG2:EE. I have search online but not find anything related (except the fact stat seems doesn't have a lot of importance in BG:EE).

Does somebody have something like this ?


  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    There's very, very few dialogue options that are only open to those with particular ability scores. Off the top of my head, I can literally only think of two - one involving Wisdom in the Sahuagin city, and one involving Intelligence in the Drow city. Both are easily manageable using potions.
  • KcoQuidamKcoQuidam Member Posts: 181
    Ok. Thank for the answer. I don't mind spoiler at all can you say when it happened ? (If that doesn't bother you of course)
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    edited April 2016
    Hey there, as far as I can remember:

    BG1: Having charisma 18 gives you access to better rewards , such as from Fuller in Candlekeep, who gives you a dagger+1 instead of just gold.

    At the Shadow Thieves base a woman will call you cute if you got high charisma, and at Windspear Hills the Dryad queen will also call you a "pretty one".

    In the drow city , if you have high intelligence you will call the mind flayers "illithids" , and Solaufein will recognize that you're very smart.

    In the Sahuagin city you need to be wise enough to trick the Beholder into allowing you to check what's in the chest.

    Also, wisdom affects your Wish spell choices.

    Apart from dialogues, intelligence and wisdom also affect your lore skill , while charisma affects your party's morale (a character with charisma 18 will never experience Khalid's cowardice) and store prices, which makes these three attributes very important as well.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Having low charisma in BG1 means several NPCs will not join you when you talk to them. If another party member talks to them they will though. I like the low charisma play, you get the arguments between party members sooner than having a high charisma (in which case it may even not happen at all).
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    Yeah, I forgot to mention, but high charisma matters significantly more in the first game than the second. Especially since there's the ring of human influence right out the starting gate in Shadows of Amn.
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    It's still nice not to have to rely on magical steroids in order to make people like you though.
  • matricematrice Member Posts: 86

    Yeah, I forgot to mention, but high charisma matters significantly more in the first game than the second. Especially since there's the ring of human influence right out the starting gate in Shadows of Amn.

    Actually, it's not that charisma matter significantly more in the first game, it's rather that it doesn't matter at all in the second, ring or not.

    The only "relevant" thing about charisma in the second is price at merchant. but you have anyway more than enough gold in the 2nd game to buy anything you want
  • KcoQuidamKcoQuidam Member Posts: 181
    Ok. Very thank to you all o/
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    @KcoQuidam Check this post - and the links in it for Wis / Int / Cha dialogue options.
  • LoreLore Member Posts: 114
    Play planescape Torment , its literally full of those :) Heres wishing for PS:T EE
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    Quick research : Looking for CheckStat in DLG files in BG1EE = 77 hits. the same in SoD = 888 hits. Many more stat-related options in SoD. No unmodded BG2EE to check currently

    I might make a full guide about SoD ones if there's interest and nobody does it before me.
  • KcoQuidamKcoQuidam Member Posts: 181
    @bengoshi yeah ! I have miss this two subject. Very thank. ^^.

    @Lore Already play Planescape, more than one time. To whom do I have to sell my soul for an PS:T EE ? : D
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