Rolled a wild mage for a 92....

I'm thinking
12 Str
18 Dex
16 Con
18 Int
10 Wis
18 Cha
I'm Human btw.
This is by far the best roll I've ever gotten, I was bored and fired up TuTu...I might have to play this guy now.
But I could go with 18 Str for carry weight and skip the Cha....what do you think?
12 Str
18 Dex
16 Con
18 Int
10 Wis
18 Cha
I'm Human btw.
This is by far the best roll I've ever gotten, I was bored and fired up TuTu...I might have to play this guy now.
But I could go with 18 Str for carry weight and skip the Cha....what do you think?
Wisdom can be useful for Wish spell, but there are tons of potions of insight anyway, so it's not TERRIBLY needed.
Edit - ninja'd XD
If you're taking Imoen with you she can deal with the merchants and then you could max Str to carry stuff, as you said. Plus it might be fun to buff the character and have him or her melee with a quarterstaff once in while just for shits and giggles. While you're at it maybe use Ghoul Touch and Vampiric Touch, etc. I've always found it surprising how well mages fare on the frontline with a staff; although they're then vulnerable to missile attacks until they have the PfM spell.
Carrying weight is never really an issue for the PC. It's not like the game lacks for high-STR NPCs. I think 14 gives you 120lbs and that's more than enough for a mage.
That or reduce your charisma to 13 and increase your wisdom to 15 (if you want to have 18 wisdom for Wish). 14 charisma (which you will eventually get) will at least mean you will get a +2 reaction bonus.
I'm sure you've already made your character by this point, but in the future maybe this will help guide you.
Knock Charisma down to 14. Friends is a level 1 spell, boosts your Charisma to 20 for it's duration, which is the highest it ever needs to be.
Other than that, it's pretty spot on. I would have rolled Elf too, but it's a little late for that now.
And stop wasting time!
Saying that I also like reducing stats to the lowest possible... Fun is where you find it... Rolling is okay too. I totally respect you
But really... Elf is better...
I try to boost my Charisma whenever I can, because I like the extra story content it potentially unlocks.
I can see arguments to keep stuff where you've got it because if you really need strength to carry something really heavy, there's spells for that, or Minsc. When you have a roll that high, it comes down to personal preference.
And yes, that's why elf would be better. Humans gain 0 bonuses for being human. Elves gain minor resistance against enchantments (charm spells and the like) as well as have higher dexterity which helps with ranged thac0. Mage thac0 is pretty poor and they are probably going to use slings or darts when not casting spells so any little bit helps. The longsword bonus won't come into play on a mage unless you multi-class. The only downside is a hit to constitution which doesn't matter because you can still get 16 CON anyway, you know?
Its the free part I like
My first run through was with a human necromancer named Magnus Magnusson, and his stats were pretty awful. I had to run away a lot, and reload a lot. But I made it to the end of ToB with him. I really enjoyed the second run through cause I did more of the sidequests... But the magic of the first time is still their with me... Just let the random generator roll and play with it... I reckon I may do this... maybe not... I had to reload quite a bit to finish!
To be honest I rolled him a human because I forgot if Wild Mages could Dual Class (apparently, they can't), but still...that roll was my third roll! I was just struck by it because I figured he wouldn't have use many, if any of the tomes. Though I haven't played this game yet. Work has been crazy. I could SK him so he has high strength instead today, etc.
My rule is if I'm not dual-classing, I'm not human period. Shame gnomes can't be wild mages. I'd LOVE to be a gnome Wild Mage.
The Armor Class: +1 bonus
Missile Armor Class bonus: +4 bonus
Save vs Death: -4 penalty
Save vs Wands: +3 bonus
Save vs Polymorph: +3 bonus
Save vs Breath: +3 bonus
Save vs Spells: +3 bonus
Constitution modifier: -2 penalty
Things to look at are straight additional -5 AC vs missiles and +3 vs spells. Which is the majority of things the mage will be thrown at, namely spells and arrows. -5 AC vs arrows is pretty hax, no more spell disruption from an archer. The penalty is reduced constitution, which getting 18con completely avoids. Granted, this ring is also pretty good on a lot of people, but not many can handle reduced HP, frontliners especially.
Is a really good point that I've never thought of. HUGE penalty to save vs death, still, but how often does that come up in BG1?
It is an item that is not carried into BG2 though...
death penalty, not often, but depends on spell implementations, mods, patches or something, its a Cloudkill save, but i dont remember enemies casting it, and probably just as easy to run out of its effect.
I was able to bring the claw over to bg2 a few days ago, but so far I have not had much use for it just because of the composition of my party (I am a druid) and because of the hit you take for constitution loss. However, you got me thinking about gnomes. It could be really good with a gnomish illusionist. I think you get your short bonuses recalculated whenever you level up, but even with a reduced constitution to 16 you still would benefit from it. Since you are a gnome you wouldn't get save vs death short bonuses (unlike dwarves and halflings) so in bg2 especially it would be bad if you were poisoned/paralyzed, but that would be made up potentially through the extra save vs spell/wand bonuses you'd get on top of your shorty saves for wands/spells. Not sure, might have to be investigated
Not for my tastes, can be run out or dispelled, consume time to drink. I prefer hard bases. That having said if they are available in infinite number then youre probably right. I tried to use/store potions on PI and it was horrible, too slow for action.
Wish is a difficult spell to utilize in battle, I find, so "extra time" spent to go quaff a potion doesn't bother me. Most fights are over super, super quick as is.
Honestly, I find it's the most overrated spell anyway. Here's a list of all effects from Wish (not limited wish. The full power spell.) I got this list off PlanetBaldursGate.
-Improved Haste on all party members
-Breach on all enemies in the area
-Restoration on all party members
-Raise all party members' characteristics to 25 for 4 rounds
-Resurrection on all dead party members
-All party members gain the temporary ability Greater Deathblow
-All party members gain the temporary ability Hardiness
-Create a random wand in caster's inventory
-Create a random potion in the caster's inventory
-Make it as if the entire party has just rested a full night and re-memorized all their spells
-Cast a double-length Time Stop and Improved Alacrity on the caster
Improved Haste is a 7th level spell and you should already have it prepared once or twice. You shouldn't need to waste a 9th level slot to get 7th level spell results.
Breach on all enemies is kind of nice, but it's rare there's multiple enemies in the area you need to cast breach on, there's wands you can get out of Watcher's Keep that cast Breach, and it's a 5th level spell. Not worth wasting a 9th level slot for this, as it's unreliable this will even come up when you need it.
Restoration on all party members gets a giant Meh from me. Why are multiple guys in your party level drained? Stupid.
Resurrection on all party members is handy in a pinch, but 1) why are multiple guys on your team dead? 2) Where's your cleric? If your clerics and druids are all dead and the fight is over and you can't easily return to town AND you're out of charges on your rod of ressurection? Okay. Then you can pray this result comes up.
Creating random wands/potions is kind of silly. There isn't a wand out there that shoots higher than 5th level spells. You already said you don't like using potions because they are "too slow for action."
That leaves us with temporarily setting the party's stats to 25 across the board for 4 rounds (kind of cool. Doesn't last very long, though), giving everyone a temporary use of some of the least important fighter HLAs (fighters will already have them and your other guys won't make very good use of them), double-lenth time stop and improved alacrity on the caster (admittedly awesome but only if you haven't already burned a lot of your spells and double only if you're fighting someone not immune to time stop like a dragon, Demogorgon, liches, Melissan, etc.)
So out of the 11 options that are purely good, with no downsides, there is a single effect I consider truly awesome, and that's resting as though you slept the whole night and restoring the party's spells accordingly. To get the most out of this option, you must be in a battle that lasts a really long time. Else you can just rest anyway and save the hassle of hoping this option comes up.
KEEP IN MIND: this spell resides in a 9th level slot. A cast of this (which isn't that reliable even at 18 Wisdom) eats up a slot you could use for any HLA spell. And all this time, you've had to throw stat points into a stat that gives you no other returns at all and can be replicated easily with a single potion.
edit: oh, i read the post now. Wishes are cast through PI so its just one lvl7 spell for anything, PI casting Alacrity at first is a bit slower and more risky, but ensures spells still can be cast on a bad Wish option.
It's got some neat effects, but nothing that strikes me as worth rolling for a long time to get some absurd roll.