Whats your favorite item/s in BG1/BG2

Couldn't find a similar topic so I thought id make one. As we know there is a lot of great(and funny) items out there, some better than others depending on your class choice.
I wanna know what item/s YOU go after as soon as you have the chance and why this/these specific item/s is so important for your play style.
Mine is defiantly the Robe of Vecna, improved casting speed is so powerful combined with Amulet of Power(even greater cast speed) and a spell sequence spell. Queue up those magic missiles and wait for your pc to lagg out. Cheesy, I know
Couldn't find a similar topic so I thought id make one. As we know there is a lot of great(and funny) items out there, some better than others depending on your class choice.
I wanna know what item/s YOU go after as soon as you have the chance and why this/these specific item/s is so important for your play style.
Mine is defiantly the Robe of Vecna, improved casting speed is so powerful combined with Amulet of Power(even greater cast speed) and a spell sequence spell. Queue up those magic missiles and wait for your pc to lagg out. Cheesy, I know

Just did it for the fun of it, never played a fighter character and wondered what it'd be like to pretend to be the legendary Balduran. Also I have a thing for 'sets', like the red dragon one; sword, helmet, shield & armor. Lol I'm weird like that.
Keeping to sets makes me feel more awesome too
Ring of Gaxx is a classic, remember doing the pickpocket trick aswell ^^
Bag of Holding is such a nice item, ashamed to have forgotten about it
Though its just a quest item, the Nether Scroll is one of the funniest items i know of in game. When you thought; Damn I wish something would put Edwin in his place, *poof* Edwina. I was laughing out loud listening to the mockery Edwina had to take from the other party members, good times good times.
never know Ogre's sex
..and that was the first lesson i learnt in BG
need to identify items before wearing them
Jester's Chain: because it's changing colors; sadly you're not able to cast spells