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A guide to new magic items in Siege of Dragonspear *SPOILERS*



  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    @lansounet There is a script in the dialogue before which prevents M'khiin from wearing either the robe or the armor, depending on what you tell her to be.
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    edited April 2016
    Items sold by Nazramu (genie vendor in coalition camp, available by using spectacles)

    - Dervish Crescent +2, Wizzard Hat, Bracers of the Shuttered Lid, Ring of Purity, Bracers of Defence AC 5.
    - Items I omitted from previous because I'm unsure they're really new : Amulet of Protection +2 (what you think it does) and Cloverleaf (luck on wearer) from same shop.

    Items sold by Jegg, who also does the craftables (maybe only in Bridgefort) :

    - Stalwart Scales +2, Steadfast +2

    Items sold by Waizahb (another vendor in coalition camp)

    - Belt of the Skillful Blade, Backwhacker +2, Soft Feet, Screaming Bagpipes, Headband of Focus, Raconteur's Regalia +2, The Night's Embrace +3

    EDIT : I see you had Belegarm covered, found out who Waizahb is...

  • AriusArius Member Posts: 92
    edited April 2016
    I wish the acid tongue transferred over or could be imported. It would be great help in clearing out the keep infested with trolls in BG2. Well and dual wielding Acid Tongue and Black razor in ToB would be down right devilish :wink:

    ***I forget what it was called but I don't see the dwarf ghosts armor that you get from the basement of the keep after you set his trapped ghost free.
  • Wraith_SarevokWraith_Sarevok Member Posts: 130
    edited April 2016
    That Cloverleaf belt is actually MUCH better than it looks!

    "Luck" has a vague description. It doesn't really add a flat +5% increase to all stats, it actually modifies all dice rolls by +1. Essentially it raises the average of ALL of your character's rolls, and thus enhances any attributes that depend on rolls. For example, you can never roll a 1 (critical miss) because it's always rolled as a 2. And your base crit chance is doubled: A to-hit of 19 is rolled as a 20.

    Similarly, all of your damage rolls are increased by one point for each die. This can get rather complicated to understand. Your longsword's base 1d8 damage would normally deal 1-8 damage, but now it deals 2-8 because whatever value you rolled is increased by one point. Seems minor, but when dealing with multiple instances of damage this becomes far more effective. A level 10 Fireball normally rolls for 10d6 (1-6 points for each of the 10 die) for a total of 6-60 damage. Now each die would have its roll increased by one. The total would become 12-60 damage. Note that this cannot exceed the maximum roll, it only increases the average.

    By contrast, all of the enemies' rolls and the damage instances you receive are reduced by one point for each roll. An incomming Fireball from a level 6 caster can roll 6d6 (6-36 damage). Let's say it rolled maximum on all its dice for 36 damage. It will have all of its dice rolls reduced by 1. All 6's would become 5's, dealing only 30 damage total. In addition, your saving throws are rolled as +1 value higher and you cannot be crit, as an opposing to-hit of 20 is reduced to 19.

    Luck has never been viable before because the only source of it (the spell) had such a short duration at 18 seconds. But now it's permanent. This makes Cloverleaf EXTREMELY powerful. I think it ranks WAY above the Belt of Inertial Barrier, which was previously my favorite belt.

    EDIT: Fixed my mistake. It was +1 point for damage rolls, not dice. Don't know what I was thinking. ><

    EDIT 2: I wanted to clarify how damage rolls work, because it gets complicated once you have multiple die. Hopefully it's easier to understand now. :)
    Post edited by Wraith_Sarevok on
  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320

    That Cloverleaf belt is actually MUCH better than it looks!

    "Luck" has a vague description. It doesn't really add a flat +5% increase to all stats, it actually modifies all dice rolls by +1. For example, you can never roll a 1 (critical miss) because it's always rerolled as a 2. And your base crit chance is doubled: A to-hit of 19 is rerolled as a 20. Similarly, all of your damage die are increased by one step. Your longsword's base 1d8 damage becomes 2d8. A 1d4+1 magic missile now deals 2d4+1. Multiply that by the number of missiles and you're looking at a serious boost.

    By contrast, all of the enemies' rolls and the damage you receive are reduced by one die. An incomming Fireball that rolled 6d6 damage will only deal 5d6. Your saving throws are rerolled as +1 value higher and you cannot be crit, as an opposing to-hit of 20 is reduced to 19.

    Luck has never been viable before because the only source of it (the spell) had such a short duration at 18 seconds. But now it's permanent. This makes Cloverleaf EXTREMELY powerful. I think it ranks WAY above the Belt of Inertial Barrier, which was previously my favorite belt.

    Just want to make sure I'm reading this right. When you say a "longsword's base 1d8 damage becomes 2d8" you mean the damage range changes from 1-8 to 2-16? That's super powerful.
  • Wraith_SarevokWraith_Sarevok Member Posts: 130
    illathid said:

    That Cloverleaf belt is actually MUCH better than it looks!

    "Luck" has a vague description. It doesn't really add a flat +5% increase to all stats, it actually modifies all dice rolls by +1. For example, you can never roll a 1 (critical miss) because it's always rerolled as a 2. And your base crit chance is doubled: A to-hit of 19 is rerolled as a 20. Similarly, all of your damage die are increased by one step. Your longsword's base 1d8 damage becomes 2d8. A 1d4+1 magic missile now deals 2d4+1. Multiply that by the number of missiles and you're looking at a serious boost.

    By contrast, all of the enemies' rolls and the damage you receive are reduced by one die. An incomming Fireball that rolled 6d6 damage will only deal 5d6. Your saving throws are rerolled as +1 value higher and you cannot be crit, as an opposing to-hit of 20 is reduced to 19.

    Luck has never been viable before because the only source of it (the spell) had such a short duration at 18 seconds. But now it's permanent. This makes Cloverleaf EXTREMELY powerful. I think it ranks WAY above the Belt of Inertial Barrier, which was previously my favorite belt.

    Just want to make sure I'm reading this right. When you say a "longsword's base 1d8 damage becomes 2d8" you mean the damage range changes from 1-8 to 2-16? That's super powerful.
    Oh you're right, my bad! I made a mistake there. Meant to say that when you rolled a number between 1-8 as your damage, it would get boosted by 1 point. So a 1 would become a 2, and so on.
  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320
    Ok yeah, with the dice notation you used that looked really over the top. :)
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    edited April 2016
    More item locations :

    The Forest Queen's Benediction : in a stump container in Deadman's Pass near Nüber (South East)

    Bow of the Banshee +2 : inside the cave in Deadman's Pass
    Mimic chest + adds depending on difficulty

    Heart of the Mountain : dropped from Hamadryad in Deadman's Pass (North West above cave)

    The Protector of the Unworthy : Orog and wolves in Deadman's Pass (North East)

    Amulet of Whispers : Hidden Cellar in Deadman's Pass (East)

    Fleshripper +2 : Complete "Skie's gone missing" quest
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited April 2016
    I may be being blind, but you seem to be missing Jegg's Leathers +2: AC 5 +20% fire and cold resistance, Mkhiin only.

    As for "notable extras" Onaroth sells Ankheg plate.

    It might be useful to add the type of bow to the OP, since some of the descriptions don't mention if it is long, short or composite.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Updated, thanks everyone
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    @lansounet what are the stats on the the amulet of whispers?
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    edited April 2016
    @ajwz Amulet of Whispers : Vocalize while equipped and silence 15' radius 1/day. (great to remove silence on multiple chars by passing it around / circumvent deafness on 1 character)

    I had more locations too but I forgot to note them, from memory :

    - The Hydra + 2 - Ogre treasure that only appears if you free them under the castle
    - Bloody Boneplate +2 : Immunity to backstab, charisma -1 - Dropped by Ferrusk the druid in Underground River.
    - Amulet of Abnormally Awesome Ankheg Summoning - Dropped by Ferrusk as well
    - Modron Heart - From Rakshasa pulled with spectacles in Underground River

    and that's all I can remember.

    Bow of the Banshee +2 is a longbow, I believe Corinth's bow as well.
  • AntaraReisAntaraReis Member Posts: 26
    What about basic +2 weapons and armor? Is it possible to buy or find, say, vanilla Buckler +2 or Club +2?
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    I saw a vanilla +2 habard somewhere. Oh, and I came across a duplicate +2 staff-spear.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Oh, the helmet of Dumathion gives +2 con to dwarves.
  • Wraith_SarevokWraith_Sarevok Member Posts: 130
    illathid said:

    Ok yeah, with the dice notation you used that looked really over the top. :)

    Sorry, I wanted to clarify how the damage increase works. I don't think I did a very good job explaining it before. Hopefully it makes sense now. :)
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    I absolutely LOVE the new items for specific kits (Swashbuckler, Monk... even Wizard Slayer!)
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    I very much agree with the above comment @Southpaw. I love class or race specific items (or even combined race-class specific items). I like questing for these legendary items geared especially for the character I have developed.
  • SikorskySikorsky Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2016
    I'm courius if Stalker Gauntlets transfer for BG:EE II. This bracers make Stalkers a lot more efficient. Maybe now Stalker is even better backstaber then F/T multiclass.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Is it worth including elven chain as a "notable extra", it's in the spider cave with the wizard slayer sword?
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Don't see Cloak of the Strange Beast: +1 AC (stacking) -1 Cha, being worn as a loincloth by the ghost ettin.
  • BlackmoorBlackmoor Member Posts: 8
    isnt bow of the banshee a longbow not a short?
  • Tommy123Tommy123 Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2016
    also noteable: throwing dagger +1 (purchased by Belegarm) has melee mode, which normal throwing daggers in BG EE are missing ... my imported fighter/illusionist currently dual wields a throwing dagger +1 and the poison dagger for base 4 APR
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Thanks all, updated again
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    Rhino Beetle Plate, AC 1,
    Missile Damage Resistance +25%
    Crafted by Jegg from Rhino Bettle Shell
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited May 2016
    Just to confirm that the Circlet of lost Souls is in BG2, in the possession of the kobold shaman in the sewers under the Copper Coronet (this does not depend on SoD). I can't remember where I found it in SoD.

    There are still some items mentioned in the files that don't seem to have been found yet, such as the Trollblood Ioun Stone, Ghost Locket, and the Sable Cloak.

  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    The Trollblood Ioun Stone is a gift from Tsolak the Vampire if you side with him. His servants deliver it.
  • RohndilRohndil Member Posts: 171
    edited May 2016
    Great topic, the old ones really helped me. Next run I'll take notes.

    Some item locations:

    Corinth's Bow - Reward for "The Trial" quest at Dragonspear Castle

    Axe of Krunthur - Kanaglym

    Shadowed Spear +2 - Reward for "On the Fence" quest at Coalition Camp (Waizahb)

    Bartleby's Wakizashi +1 - Dropped from Bartleby in the Three Old Kegs (Baldur's Gate, he will spawn if you pester the lady in the room next to Minsc & Dynaheir)

    Fractal Blade +3 - Hidden room in Bhaal's Temple (Forest of Wyrms)

    Vexation +2 - Dropped by the Shadowy Figure in the canyon ambush

    Kruntur's Armor +3 - Kanaglym

    The Ghostdreamers' Robe - Kanaglym

    The Bloodied Guardian +2 - Dropped by Sentry of Tempus at the end of "Foehammer's Blessing" quest at Dragonspear Castle

    Crown of Lies - Chest in Hephernaan's room

    The Gift - Jaheira only, crafted by Khalid at the end of "Anniversary Gift" Quest

    Ring of the Crusade - Reward for "Understanding the Crusade" quest at Dragonspear Castle

    Robe of Netheril - Chest in Hephernaan's room

    Cornugon's Revenge +2 - Dropped in troll battle during the Coalition Camp's defence

    Other items:

    Daeros's Full Plate +1 (Fire Resistance: +40%, Save vs. Breath +2) - Hidden on last floor of Dragonspear Castle, you can find it only after freeing Daeros and possibly Halatathlaer

    Rhyte's Last Arrow +2 (Returning throwing axe, chance to score a critical hit: +5% with this weapon only, on a critical hit the wielder gains +5 thac0 for 3 rounds, non cumulative) - Sold by Jegg

    Post edited by Rohndil on
  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    Nice post.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited May 2016
    Found the Helmet of Dumathoin in BG2: SoA. It is on the adventuring party who attack you in the sewers under the Temple District. I assume the dwarf was wearing it, but it's hard to tell when looting corpses.

    It was in my inventory when I completed SoD, but I'm not sure if this is a requirement.
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