Dual Class question

to spend my time until the release of BG:EE I started a new game of BG2 with the idea to dual class my Kensai. It's been a very long time and I think I fulfil all necessary conditions, but somehow the 'dual class' option in my character screen doesn't light up. I have already leveled up once or twice, but still no possibility.
Strength, Dexterity, Condition and Charisma are all on a 18, Intelligence and Wisdom much lower (7 and 10 or so).
Of course I play human...
Anyone an idea what I could do to enable the dual class option?
Strength, Dexterity, Condition and Charisma are all on a 18, Intelligence and Wisdom much lower (7 and 10 or so).
Of course I play human...
Anyone an idea what I could do to enable the dual class option?
Questions like this are effectively bat signals for @sandmanCCL. But since I think he's logged off for the night, I'll just point you here:
Thanks for the link, but my company filter will not allow me this link...
To dual into a thief you need: human, minimum 17 DEX, and any alignment *but* Lawful Good. If the button isn't lighting up, then I'd guess your toon doesn't meet these requirements.
Many thanks anyhow.
Have fun!
-Check your alignment. Thieves can't be lawful good in AD&D, so you also can't be lawful good in your first class if you want to dual-class into them. Same thing goes for Druids: you have to be true neutral with your dude in order to do it.
-You need 15 in your first class' main attribute. This means 15 STR for fighters, 15 Dex for thief, 15 Int for Mage, 15 STR & CON for Ranger, etc.
-You need 17 bare minimum in the main stats of the class you want to dual-class into. That means 17 STR for fighters, 17 Int for Mages, 17 Wis for Clerics, 17 Wis & 17 Cha for Druids, etc.
Looks like all this was answered in the thread, just thought to consolidate it in case there was any more confusion.
Just goes to show the level of depth in D&D titles. There's always something else to learn.