Did 2.x make it possible to add new Classes rather than just Kits
I have no experience modifying or making mods for the BGEEs myself, other than the simple things one can do in Keeper series. But I wanted to ask the general question to those who actually do mod: has the large rehaul of the games done by Beamdog in 2.x actually made it possible, and perhaps then even viable, to add entire new classes (as well as new Multi/Dual classes) to the game rather than just Kits for the original classes? Beamdog obviously had to recode the engine to a certain extent to allow them to add the Shaman class, but is now possible for modders to do the same thing. I know adding new classes requires one to fiddle with the UI as one would have to make a new quick bar for the new class. How hard is this from a modder’s perspective? Thanks.
Personally I love the new "enchantment vs creature type" effect, finally allowing some weapons to be as they should always have been.