I read on the baldur's gate wiki that the Sword Spider Avenger form had haste but apparently this isn't the case? Was this changed in the enhanced edition?
I didn't get much time to play last night but according to the wiki they're supposed to be able to poison their target on hit but that never proc'd for me, I also never tested their web immunity. I'll test it some more when I get home.
Tested the web immunity and that's working as intended but I noticed that the spell/spell description is wrong. "Shapeshift: Spider" should read "Shapeshift: Sword Spider", which is what's listed in the class description.
edit: Tested in the original bg2. The sword spider form indeed has haste and was able to poison the first enemy in the game. I wasn't able to poison any enemies in the enhanced edition of baldur's gate 1.
I'm assuming that my character is turning into a normal spider and not a sword spider in the ee.
Anyway, sorry for double posting, I'm not sure if you can update the bug report or not.
Since you did all the testing I might suggest making a new bug report yourself showing the issues you mentioned. Its better to have a bug report written up using first hand knowledge instead of me trying to write something which I may or may not get correct.
Ill make a bug report for you if its not already listed.
Edit: Bug report link.
I didn't get much time to play last night but according to the wiki they're supposed to be able to poison their target on hit but that never proc'd for me, I also never tested their web immunity. I'll test it some more when I get home.
edit: Tested in the original bg2. The sword spider form indeed has haste and was able to poison the first enemy in the game. I wasn't able to poison any enemies in the enhanced edition of baldur's gate 1.
I'm assuming that my character is turning into a normal spider and not a sword spider in the ee.
Anyway, sorry for double posting, I'm not sure if you can update the bug report or not.
Here is the link for how to write a bug report:
Also in the bug report at the end just post a link to my bug stating that they are related and Beamdog will look at them both together
Let me know if you can do that and how it goes! If you link me your report once its done ill add a link in mine to your bug
edit: According to the forgotten realms wiki they're poisonous.