BG2EE badly needs an evil thief

This was an annoyance for me when playing an evil party in BG2. You had Viconia, Edwin, and Korgan covering your cleric, mage and fighter spots...but if you wanted an evil thief, you had to roll your main character as one. Otherwise, your only options were neutral or good.
I liked having an all-evil party run-through. I also liked being able to disable traps, backstab people, etc. without being forced to roll a thief or multi/dual-class thief character. Please make it possible.
And while you're at it, make it a male character who is romanceable. The female villains among us were even more screwed over than the men, since their only option was not only an insufferable jerkass, but an extremely self-righteous insufferable jerkass.
I liked having an all-evil party run-through. I also liked being able to disable traps, backstab people, etc. without being forced to roll a thief or multi/dual-class thief character. Please make it possible.
And while you're at it, make it a male character who is romanceable. The female villains among us were even more screwed over than the men, since their only option was not only an insufferable jerkass, but an extremely self-righteous insufferable jerkass.
Even with Sarevok we get only 5 evil NPCs in the game, that's sucks.
And I actually didn't mind having a shortage of evil NPCs, if only because the ones we got were so awesome. Edwin, Viconia and Korgan were all at or near the top of effectiveness for their respective classes amongst the NPCs available. With an evil thief CHARNAME, you had an efficient little machine of malevolence dividing the XP four ways for most of the game...and then getting Sarevok, the best NPC fighter in the BG series, as a bonus at the end.
Make it so!
*I almost forgot. Make her male and female "friendly." Viconia is already available for male-only romances.
You know I won't lie. I would kind of like a character like Safana. Since BioWare killed her off, which was bogus. I thought her personality was absolutely lovely.
Besides that there are other evil characters but not many.
If the reputation break for neutral NPCs where removed, probally we would not need to rely so much in the hope of a evil thief.
I think this points to a bigger issue -- BG2 needs twice as many (!) evil NPCs. As it stands now, you're limited to one choice for each slot if you want to run an evil group.
I wish they could take a page from KOTOR2 and the PC could influence NPC alignment. So via dialogue you could end up corrupting Aerie and turning her evil by ToB.
I know it can't happen, but that would have been fun.
As for an evil thief... why not? For diversity if nothing else. But careful with the sounds... if I have to hear something along the lines of "And the rivers run reeeeeeed" I'll go insane :P
I suspect the real reason for not providing a real thief is because it would negate the point of bringing Yoshimo along and therefore considerably lessening the story arc. Not saying I agree with it, it's just my guessing of why it is how it is.
Sarevok is too lame in status by the way, the devs surely tightened ctrl+8 when they made him.
Only reservation is that some classes have alignment restrictions, so I don't know how it would work with AD&D/ BG2 in actual practice.
(it's an academic question, I know .. )
Stats really don't matter by the time you reach Throne of Bhaal so I never had a problem with how absurd his roll is.