And while you're at it, make it a male character who is romanceable. The female villains among us were even more screwed over than the men, since their only option was not only an insufferable jerkass, but an extremely self-righteous insufferable jerkass.
@DeathMachineMiyagi You're the one who inflicted Anomen's "insufferable self-righteousness" upon yourself - having him fail his test and become CN changes his personality quite a bit.
An corruptuon idea? Yes, glad that someone share this thought besides me @neleothesze, Viconia can be redeemed, Sarevok too but not a single corruption possibility in a game that lack evil a lot (BG2).
Well ... not evil per-se but you can turn Anomen into a much bigger, Chaotic Neutral, dick.
You can always dual-class Sarevok into an evil thief...
You can. Which means you don't get your evil thief until the very, very end of the entire series...and not even that until he has levelled up to his equivalent level in fighter.
Its a pretty weak substitute for a solid evil thief in the main game, is what I'm saying.
You can. Which means you don't get your evil thief until the very, very end of the entire series...and not even that until he has levelled up to his equivalent level in fighter.
Not saying that Sarevok isn't a poor substitute for a Thief, but he gets his Thief abilities as soon as he dual-classes.
And while you're at it, make it a male character who is romanceable. The female villains among us were even more screwed over than the men, since their only option was not only an insufferable jerkass, but an extremely self-righteous insufferable jerkass.
@DeathMachineMiyagi You're the one who inflicted Anomen's "insufferable self-righteousness" upon yourself - having him fail his test and become CN changes his personality quite a bit.
Nah, I've never played a full game with Chaotic Neutral Anomen, though I know how much more of a jerkass he's supposed to become from browsing dialogue files.
For curiosity's sake, or just for the completionist in me, I once ran through his romance with a female Paladin and worked to make him pass his test and everything. He's a lot better than when you recruit him, certainly, but that still makes him spend a good portion of the game as one of the most obnoxious characters you can recruit. Arrogant, self-righteous, and a bully.
At one point, Anomen lashes out at Mazzy before he takes his test. No reason for doing so, apparently; she hasn't said or done anything to him, he just starts belittling her and telling her no matter how hard she tries she'll never be a real paladin or some such. It probably wasn't a very paladin-like reaction of my character, but I had to kill him at that point, so I hacked him to bloody gibs with Carsomyr.
(Yeah, it really wasn't very Paladin-like, so I reloaded later and just kicked his racist a$$ out of the party, but it was satisfying.)
Anyway, the point here is that as bad as Anomen is to romance for a good or neutral female character, romancing such an overbearing douche as an evil female character even to the extent of making him chaotic neutral is much, much worse.
You can. Which means you don't get your evil thief until the very, very end of the entire series...and not even that until he has levelled up to his equivalent level in fighter.
Not saying that Sarevok isn't a poor substitute for a Thief, but he gets his Thief abilities as soon as he dual-classes.
Oy, you're right. Let me rephrase that: you LOSE your high level fighter Sarevok for a huge chunk of the expansion pack until he has moved up from being a useless thief.
I never liked how the game worked yoshimo question, we undo an geas easly in BG, in BG2 there's no chance to avoid his geas... hate this fact.
Sarevok is too lame in status by the way, the devs surely tightened ctrl+8 when they made him.
As opposed to the times he randomly does 200 damage just because he's the goddamn deathbringer?
Stats really don't matter by the time you reach Throne of Bhaal so I never had a problem with how absurd his roll is.
They truly matter dude, there's an huge difference between hit someone with str 16 or str 23, but i believe you mean that the basic character stats doesn't matter, yes that's true for strenght, that's an important stats but has many items that send it ubber, but by another side if you reach a str of 22 (23 if half orc) by your own, you get a free belt slot (unless you pretend to use Crom Faeyr in your main char, then str doesn't matter really).
Charisma above 10 (better 12) is more than suffice to anything and you don't get much more for a high charisma in BG, it's a broken stats somehow, same with int as long you have 18 with a mage/sorcerer.
Constitution for another side is an status that few or no items improve in the game and wisdow for clerics is the only non physical stats that's worth to raise "if" you're a cleric.
And let's not talk about the deathbringer assaut, the mods can have maybe bad ideas as removing it and that would be the end of my day !
I'd again like to point out that there is already a fairly full topic along these lines in feature requests, as @kamuizin did earlier.
In the AMAA Trent Oster did mention something along the lines of "there should be a thief in BG2, and she should be cool, not annoying" (paraphrasing, but gender pronoun is accurate). So we may well get some flavour of female thief in BG2EE, alignment unconfirmed.
Female? Lesbian romance for sure if it's the only NPC added. They have to balance things. Hope for an evil female character but other romanceable males are needed too.
In the AMAA Trent Oster did mention something along the lines of "there should be a thief in BG2, and she should be cool, not annoying" (paraphrasing, but gender pronoun is accurate). So we may well get some flavour of female thief in BG2EE, alignment unconfirmed.
Yes, I recall that quite well, I think you aren't giving yourself enough credit you relayed it pretty much spot-on to how it was worded in the AMAA.
Female? Lesbian romance for sure if it's the only NPC added. They have to balance things. Hope for an evil female character but other romanceable males are needed too.
True, that.
They should seriously just make a Safana rip-off ... they ripped off Kagain with Korgan, so why not? Seriously, I liked the cool, sexy, mysterious Safana and they don't have a character like that in BGII ... closest thing is Viconia (who is quite awesome as well) but she has a soft spot.
And well, I know that (whether I approve of such idiocy or not) a lot of dudes around my age would ... approve ... of a lesbian romance with such a character.
Plus you can't choose the evil path in Ch 3 if CHARNAME is a thief. It's like they really wanted to discourage evil parties from having a thief, for some reason.
Or a neutral one that don't leave the party no matter the reputation (my only concern with reputation is that neutral characters are always upset, cos no one keep rep neutral, there's no fun or a mechanic that help in that.
I think the lack of thieves in general is a problem in BG2. I think we need two pure thieves, a good and an evil one.
I sometimes get the feeling they included Yoshimo as a True Neutral single class Thief, in a game with zero (0) other straight thieves, purely so that people would be inclined to keep him in the party long enough for him to betray you.
They truly matter dude, there's an huge difference between hit someone with str 16 or str 23, but i believe you mean that the basic character stats doesn't matter, yes that's true for strenght, that's an important stats but has many items that send it ubber, but by another side if you reach a str of 22 (23 if half orc) by your own, you get a free belt slot (unless you pretend to use Crom Faeyr in your main char, then str doesn't matter really).
I meant for the stage you get him, they really don't matter. His 17 dexterity and 18 constitution are awesome and are the "most broken" parts of his rolls. 17 intelligence so he can dual-class to that, too. But if his strength was just 15, it wouldn't affect him in any way and it's not like wisdom and charisma matter for NPCs. It's great he can dual-class and all but I've never utilized him as anything other than a straight fighter because it takes way too long for little payout to drop his fighter kit.
They are great stats and it's part of his appeal. Just saying, he's really not THAT gamebreaking, except for Deathbringer Assault but again that's the other half of his appeal.
Personally I always go Halbreds with him and make him wield the ravagar. Popping improved whirlwind triggers all sorts of instant kill hits.
i think there was some mod pc somewhere out there that added a neutal evil mage/thief i think it was called suna, i've always kept her potrait ever since, despite the fact its a photoshopped viconia remake
That would be Suna Seni (sp?), Valygar's girlfriend. I believe she was content that was cut and reintroduced through Unfinished Business. In the vanilla game she's a random thug during the many waylaid encounters in Athkatla. I think she's under a geas like Yoshimo to kill the Bhaal spawn. I don't think she was ever a joinable companion though, and she may have been a ranger since that's how her and Valygar knew eachother, which leads me to believe that she's possibly a good guy.
As for Yoshimo, yeah, it was blatant that he was the only full thief who happened to be True Neutral (the easiest going alignment for any party) so the PC would be inclined to take him along for the betrayal. There's also Jan and Nalia, the latter not being a sufficient enough thief without potions and the former more likely to be taken along in a second play through (at least in my humble opinion).
An evil thief NPC would be ace! Probably an Assassin with perhaps something special about him or her, much akin to almost vey single NPC in BG1 (impossible dex and con, ghast and wolves summons, beserker rage, charm etc). Perhaps like 3 pips in daggers or invisibilty. A female is most likely as with the addition of Dorn, there will be a total of 4 evil male NPCs and only 1 evil female NPC. I'm guessing she'll be incorporated within a quest, so maybe a Shadow Thief who Aaron gives to you as a guide (hey! I always liked that female thief you do a shadow thief mission with by the docks, she dies though which is a shame).
@Jaxsbudgie well she was joinable because there was a romance option with her and such, and she was waiting for you in the copper cohornet but i only ever used it once eons ago so i dont remember much about it
BG2 just is horrid for NPC options, almost forces you to run same group over and over due to lack of option, on either front good or evil.
Its a pretty weak substitute for a solid evil thief in the main game, is what I'm saying.
For curiosity's sake, or just for the completionist in me, I once ran through his romance with a female Paladin and worked to make him pass his test and everything. He's a lot better than when you recruit him, certainly, but that still makes him spend a good portion of the game as one of the most obnoxious characters you can recruit. Arrogant, self-righteous, and a bully.
At one point, Anomen lashes out at Mazzy before he takes his test. No reason for doing so, apparently; she hasn't said or done anything to him, he just starts belittling her and telling her no matter how hard she tries she'll never be a real paladin or some such. It probably wasn't a very paladin-like reaction of my character, but I had to kill him at that point, so I hacked him to bloody gibs with Carsomyr.
(Yeah, it really wasn't very Paladin-like, so I reloaded later and just kicked his racist a$$ out of the party, but it was satisfying.)
Anyway, the point here is that as bad as Anomen is to romance for a good or neutral female character, romancing such an overbearing douche as an evil female character even to the extent of making him chaotic neutral is much, much worse.
Man, the dual-class system is counter-intuitive.
They truly matter dude, there's an huge difference between hit someone with str 16 or str 23, but i believe you mean that the basic character stats doesn't matter, yes that's true for strenght, that's an important stats but has many items that send it ubber, but by another side if you reach a str of 22 (23 if half orc) by your own, you get a free belt slot (unless you pretend to use Crom Faeyr in your main char, then str doesn't matter really).
Charisma above 10 (better 12) is more than suffice to anything and you don't get much more for a high charisma in BG, it's a broken stats somehow, same with int as long you have 18 with a mage/sorcerer.
Constitution for another side is an status that few or no items improve in the game and wisdow for clerics is the only non physical stats that's worth to raise "if" you're a cleric.
And let's not talk about the deathbringer assaut, the mods can have maybe bad ideas as removing it and that would be the end of my day
In the AMAA Trent Oster did mention something along the lines of "there should be a thief in BG2, and she should be cool, not annoying" (paraphrasing, but gender pronoun is accurate). So we may well get some flavour of female thief in BG2EE, alignment unconfirmed.
They should seriously just make a Safana rip-off ... they ripped off Kagain with Korgan, so why not? Seriously, I liked the cool, sexy, mysterious Safana and they don't have a character like that in BGII ... closest thing is Viconia (who is quite awesome as well) but she has a soft spot.
And well, I know that (whether I approve of such idiocy or not) a lot of dudes around my age would ... approve ... of a lesbian romance with such a character.
I know some females that would prefer a lesbian romance as well. Just sayin
They are great stats and it's part of his appeal. Just saying, he's really not THAT gamebreaking, except for Deathbringer Assault but again that's the other half of his appeal.
Personally I always go Halbreds with him and make him wield the ravagar. Popping improved whirlwind triggers all sorts of instant kill hits.
As for Yoshimo, yeah, it was blatant that he was the only full thief who happened to be True Neutral (the easiest going alignment for any party) so the PC would be inclined to take him along for the betrayal. There's also Jan and Nalia, the latter not being a sufficient enough thief without potions and the former more likely to be taken along in a second play through (at least in my humble opinion).
An evil thief NPC would be ace! Probably an Assassin with perhaps something special about him or her, much akin to almost vey single NPC in BG1 (impossible dex and con, ghast and wolves summons, beserker rage, charm etc). Perhaps like 3 pips in daggers or invisibilty. A female is most likely as with the addition of Dorn, there will be a total of 4 evil male NPCs and only 1 evil female NPC. I'm guessing she'll be incorporated within a quest, so maybe a Shadow Thief who Aaron gives to you as a guide (hey! I always liked that female thief you do a shadow thief mission with by the docks, she dies though which is a shame).
The game has only TWO NPCs who can still level up as thieves - and only ONE of them is playable through TOB.
I would've loved to have seen them bring back Shar-Teel as dual classed thief, just as Imoen returned as a dual classed mage.