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Couple questions about the AI scripts

Hey guys,

This might be a bit of a stupid question but here's the thing.
I'm playing BG2 for the first time, and I've been having a bit of trouble with the AI scripts.
For example, my main character is an Undead Hunter. I have her script set to "attack enemies" and "use melee weapons". Which is good because I don't have to tell her to attack every single time.
But now when I tell her to Turn Undead, she'll turn undead for only a split second and then run off to attack whatever enemy is inbound.
I know there's an option in the script for "turn undead when idle" but she still runs off.
Now, I know that if turn "attack enemies" off from her script, she won't attack, but I also don't want that.
Is there an option somewhere like "turn undead when I tell you to, otherwise you may attack"? Or am I being an incredible n00b here?

Thanks for any help


  • RobertMcDuckRobertMcDuck Member Posts: 133
    edited April 2016
    You can turn off the AI by pressing the A key (by default). Using a script that will make him/her turn undead while idle would still be interupted by the "attack on sight" script. Press A (by default) to turn party AI on again.
  • Dev6Dev6 Member Posts: 721
    Thank you @RobertMcDuck. I knew I was probably being dumb here, that helps.
  • RobertMcDuckRobertMcDuck Member Posts: 133
    Dev6 said:

    Thank you @RobertMcDuck. I knew I was probably being dumb here, that helps.

    I've posted some pretty funny questions too, glad it helped. =)
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Passive stuff like turn undead or find traps will always be interrupted by active stuff like attack enemies. If you turn off attack when there's undead around, then turn it back on for mundane enemies, she'd probably act more like you want her to.
  • AewyrvenAewyrven Member Posts: 228
    Just set her to use the "spellcaster defend" script and toggle ai off when you're marching into undead. (She will use whatever weapon is primary equipped to auto attack and then defend your mages or clerics if they get hit)

    (The primary equip of the 3 in your quick slot is the one with the green square around it)

    Most times your party members will actually start chasing the mobs that get feared rather than outright destroyed by your turn thus drawing more mobs and causing havoc. This way the rest of your group will wait patiently as you hero it up and kill them with turn.

    Don't forget to turn the ai back on tho or they will stand there with blank faces as mobs use their heads for piñatas.
  • Dev6Dev6 Member Posts: 721
    Thanks for the tips everyone :D
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