So what are they doing now?

Hi guys,
Was just wondering if anyone knew what the team is doing now, with the extra months afforded by the new deadline. They needed the time to squash extra bugs. Does anyone know if they have some time to put more content in, or work on the UI some more? Or is it just bugfixes?
Was just wondering if anyone knew what the team is doing now, with the extra months afforded by the new deadline. They needed the time to squash extra bugs. Does anyone know if they have some time to put more content in, or work on the UI some more? Or is it just bugfixes?
Actually , i also hope they can release gameplay video for us..
”Trent Oster (@TrentOster)
15/09/12 07.09
We grabbed some quick footage of iPad gameplay. It is in approvals"
Don't know if it'll be approved, or maybe they just changed their minds on releasing the footage.
But we can hope...
Maybe we will be seeing BG:EE in action soon...
We're going to further fix the major outstanding bugs between now and release. In our overhaul of the codebase we've introduced many new bugs which we've been fixing as we go, but more continue to crop up all the time. Every time you touch code, you add bugs.
The contractual changes were required for us to push the date back, not to make any additional changes to the game.
The plan from here out is to fix bugs, polish the game to the level of quality expected of a major release and then ship the game on all platforms.
I assume they realize that the late decision to postpone the release didn't sit too well with pockets of the BG community, and to ease the anger of discontented fans they'll add in some minor changes. At least that's what I would do.
But then again, I could be mistaken entirely..
I'd love more areas.