SPOILER: The new Bhaal-story in BG:EE...

OK - we know that it will be a new Bhaal-story in BG:EE. So the question is - what is the story about?
I, personally, think that Dorn is a Bhaalspawn (and yes, I was laughed at when I presented that idea in another thread about Dorn).
What do you think that the new Bhaal-story is?
I, personally, think that Dorn is a Bhaalspawn (and yes, I was laughed at when I presented that idea in another thread about Dorn).
What do you think that the new Bhaal-story is?
I think it there were a second npc bhaalspawn and their story were told in BG1, it would totally trivialise all the Imoen stuff in BG2. If this is happening, we mght find out more about the PC's own origins - who their mother is, etc.
I feel like I missed an extremely important memo. I thought Overhaul Games promised to "leave the game untouched." Adding a new Bhaalspawn to the Bhaalspawn story is most certainly NOT leaving the game untouched. Could you provide a link to information posted or stated by an Overhaul Games development team member stating that the Bhaalspawn story is being willfully tampered with via the addition of a Bhaalspawn?
I don't believe this is true.
Unless... Oh, is this because of that (completely truthful and not at all ironic in tone) post I made a while ago about how they were going to make Bhaal a joinable NPC?
How can it leave the game untouched if it adds a Bhaalspawn?
I interpretate that as a new story within the Bhaalspawn-storyarch.
And I think (or rather hope) that it will continue into BGII:EE.
I know this is pure speculation - but it would be cool! :-)
I assume they add a new quest that is related to the bhaalspawn story and Charname. Which would be cool, really, as I always felt that the bhaalspawn story didn't get enough attention in BG1.
I'm not saying that Dorn must be a Bhaalspawn. I think it os very possible. Thats all.
What do YOU think that the new subplot of the Bhaalspawn-story is?
No confirmation that another bhaalspawn will be present in this new adventure, but it is an addition to the bhaalspawn story line.
If anything, ToB proved that it was quite the opposite ...
How else could there be Giants (not half-giants), Drows and so on that are Bhaalspawns?
"Pureblood"-species that are not human and still have Bhaal as the father.
However, in this case, the mother is clearly human, whereas Dorn is half-orc. Meaning that the father can not be bhaal by definition.
Dorn's short story/vignette identifies his father as an orc from a tribe in the Spine of the World mountains, and mother as a human, taken by the father as a slave.
I suppose it's possible that mother could have had a secret tryst with Bhaal, who took the form of an orc. And if so, Dorn doesn't know he is a bastard (in the literal sense) at the age of 12. Perhaps only mother knew...
But my guess is that this scenario is rather unlikely.
I think it more likely that the quest of one of the new NPCs involves a new Bhaalspawn in some way.
But I agree, it IS possible that bhaal contributes the shapeshifted DNA and that Dorns mother would have "cheated on his father" with a god (can that actually be called cheating?
But seriously, this is very unlikely, isn't it? None of the joinable npcs is a bhaalspawn, except for Imoen, so why make an exception now? It wouldn't make sense and in my oppinion even break the immersion.
Also, why would Bhaal breed with an ordinary human slave? All of the other children of bhaal had something unique to them (well, we don't know much about the dead bhaalspawn in Saradush, but one could assume it). The mother of Charname and Sarevok, for example, was a cleric of Bhaal...
Now that I think about it: I wish we could get some information of Imoen's mother. Unlike the mother of Charname, she was never mentioned in the game, not even by Imoen herself and she doesn't even care about it.
If he was an orc - then the child will have Orc-features (fullblood orc if the mother was an orc and half-orc if the mother was human). If he was human - the child would have human features. And so on.
I think it could turn into an interesting twist when you meet Gromnir.
And both Imoen and Sarevok are Bhaalspawns (the later is rather an ex-Bhaalspawn when he can join, but still...)
But this is my thought about the new Bhaalspawn-story.
Whats yours?