Creative Use of Cursed Items (spoilers)

I'd be interested in hearing what creative uses you have found for some of the cursed items in the game.
I'd be happy to hear about other items, though not cursed, probably not the wisest choice but used for spicing up situations.
I'll start with one;
Just bought the Barkskin Quarterstaff in BG. The armour improvement is negligible at this point but the added +1 to saving throws can certainly come in handy. It's not gonna be a frequent occurrence but there will be times where one more "free" +1 to saves might just do the trick. My Mage using it will NEVER be in a position where she will need to melee an enemy anyway (hopefully!) and also, one more slot now open for Branwen to memorize and use a different spell than Barkskin. Of course, it creates two problems as well: Branwen needs to keep a "remove curse" memorized on occasion and my Mage using the stick can't hit my high armoured fighters worth a damn!
It's just a fun thing, anyone else find some creative uses for stuff?
I'd be happy to hear about other items, though not cursed, probably not the wisest choice but used for spicing up situations.
I'll start with one;
Just bought the Barkskin Quarterstaff in BG. The armour improvement is negligible at this point but the added +1 to saving throws can certainly come in handy. It's not gonna be a frequent occurrence but there will be times where one more "free" +1 to saves might just do the trick. My Mage using it will NEVER be in a position where she will need to melee an enemy anyway (hopefully!) and also, one more slot now open for Branwen to memorize and use a different spell than Barkskin. Of course, it creates two problems as well: Branwen needs to keep a "remove curse" memorized on occasion and my Mage using the stick can't hit my high armoured fighters worth a damn!
It's just a fun thing, anyone else find some creative uses for stuff?
Some cursed items are pretty awesome on their own, of course, like the Claw of Kazgaroth, the Big Fisted Belt, Kiel's Morningstar, The Sword of Berserking, and maybe a few others I forgot...
Well apparently that transferred to sod...spending a lot of gold on curse removal as I wanted her in that run.
So jokes on me I guess