Anyone Else Think There Were Some Missed Opportunities with Achievements?

So I've been doing a play through of the BG series once again and knocking off all of the achievements along the way, but I've noticed there are a lot of really trivial achievements that could have been replaced by better ones. Now I realize not everyone cares about achievements, so I'm directing this question mostly to people who like going for them (feel free to chime in anyway if you don't care), but in my opinion the games could still use some more achievements. My thoughts on some of the obvious ones that should have been included, but weren't:
Finish Rasaad's quest
Finish Dorn's quest
Finish Neera's quest
Kill Drizzt (this one is like a right of passage for Baldur's Gate fans)
Finish the Werewolf Island quest (this is like the big one for TotSC)
Finish the Ice Labyrinth quest
Black Pits progress achievements (maybe one every 5 waves)
Quest for Voghiln (they'd need to give him a quest, but it seems odd that he doesn't have an achievement
related to him, since the other three do)
Romance a character
Finish Rasaad's quest
Finish Dorn's quest
Finish Neera's quest
Finish Hexxat's quest
Find and recruit Wilson
Romance a character
Sahuagin City
Defeat Demogorgon (seriously, how is this not an achievement?)
Finish Aerie's quest (she's the only vanilla NPC without an achievement related to her) EDIT: Acutally, I don't think Viconia has anything either, so she could use one too.
Black Pits achievements
Cromwell crafting achievement (craft X items with Cromwell)
Cespenar crafting achievement (craft X items with Cespenar)
Complete the Big Metal Unit
Meeting/killing Drizzt and/or Jarlaxle
I've been thinking of putting in a feature request for these but wanted to see what others think about it. Obviously there are bigger fish to fry currently, but at some point it would be nice to get more added. In addition to adding some replayability to games, achievements also serve as useful statistics, and I think it would be nice to be able to see things like what percentage of players are using which of the new NPCs and how far people are making it in the Black Pits. I'd like feedback from others though. Are there any others you think should be added?
Finish Rasaad's quest
Finish Dorn's quest
Finish Neera's quest
Kill Drizzt (this one is like a right of passage for Baldur's Gate fans)
Finish the Werewolf Island quest (this is like the big one for TotSC)
Finish the Ice Labyrinth quest
Black Pits progress achievements (maybe one every 5 waves)
Quest for Voghiln (they'd need to give him a quest, but it seems odd that he doesn't have an achievement
related to him, since the other three do)
Romance a character
Finish Rasaad's quest
Finish Dorn's quest
Finish Neera's quest
Finish Hexxat's quest
Find and recruit Wilson
Romance a character
Sahuagin City
Defeat Demogorgon (seriously, how is this not an achievement?)
Finish Aerie's quest (she's the only vanilla NPC without an achievement related to her) EDIT: Acutally, I don't think Viconia has anything either, so she could use one too.
Black Pits achievements
Cromwell crafting achievement (craft X items with Cromwell)
Cespenar crafting achievement (craft X items with Cespenar)
Complete the Big Metal Unit
Meeting/killing Drizzt and/or Jarlaxle
I've been thinking of putting in a feature request for these but wanted to see what others think about it. Obviously there are bigger fish to fry currently, but at some point it would be nice to get more added. In addition to adding some replayability to games, achievements also serve as useful statistics, and I think it would be nice to be able to see things like what percentage of players are using which of the new NPCs and how far people are making it in the Black Pits. I'd like feedback from others though. Are there any others you think should be added?
Post edited by gugulug5000 on
True, though achievements of that nature tend to be more for the company who made the game than for the player. It's more along the lines of getting statistics on which parts of the game people are completing over others. It can help companies determine what people enjoy more. If more people are completing a certain quest over another, it's probably because the first one is far more interesting that the other.
story mode gives you 25 strength, so that particular achievement is officially the easiest one to get.