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Wierd graphic in newly installed BGT with mods

FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477
I've recently installed BGT and I'm having a wierd problem, I think the pictures speak for themselves, the last picture also shows all the mods I've installed. Any help would be appreciated! :)

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and the mod list:
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  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    it looks like a widescreen bug, not a bgt bug
    Did you enter the size of your screen correctly when you installed widescreen?
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    I can't see the mod picture. Try a smaller resolution if you don't have the widescreen mod installed.
  • FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477
    I use the widescreen on 1280x720 which has previously worked for me, I think it might be a combination of widescreen mode and something else, maybe 1pp?
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    ajwz said:

    it looks like a widescreen bug, not a bgt bug
    Did you enter the size of your screen correctly when you installed widescreen?

    I have had a similar issue in the past that I was able to resolve without needing to reinstall.

    I cannot exactly remember what the issue was but would echo ajwz in recommending you try redoing the widescreen mod for a different resolution.
  • KasonKason Member Posts: 30
    ajwz said:

    it looks like a widescreen bug, not a bgt bug

    Isn't that like BGT has implemented widescreen mode?

  • FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477
    Ok i just found out I should probably use 1280x768 instead, reinstalling widescreen mode right now and will report on the result :)
  • FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477
    edited October 2012
    Kason said:

    ajwz said:

    it looks like a widescreen bug, not a bgt bug

    Isn't that like BGT has implemented widescreen mode?

    I thought so too but BGT was 800x600 when I ran the game for the first time.
  • FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477
    Reinstalling widescreen mode to 1280x768 didn't work the problem is the same. Maybe I should try uninstalling widescreen too...
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    The other possibility is likely to be the 1pp mod.
    Get rid of the UI enhancements option - it conflicts badly with widescreen mod
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Also make sure widescreen is the last thing in your install order. It avoids a lot of problems that way.
  • FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477
    edited October 2012
    Just got back from work, thank you all for the suggestions, @ajwz I think you're right with the 1pp, it certainly worked well before I installed 1pp and a few other mods so it might be it, gonna try it later tonight.
  • Roller12Roller12 Member Posts: 437
    1. does it work without mods?
    2. post weidu.log
    3. start the game after each mod installed and check.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Also post the mod versions you're using if you haven't solved this problem yet.
  • FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477
    edited October 2012
    Good morning helpful friends :D it was the 1pp as @ajwz suggested, specifically the UI modification mod (how unexpected >.<) And so my party continues forth gathered in duo \o/
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