Safana Theory

I haven't played Siege of Dragonspear yet so this may come up there but I had a thought about how Safana became a werewolf. What if Relair's Mistake from the pirate cove was her share of the treasure and it it gave her lycanthropy like it did to Relair?
killing Skie in SoD?
More likely, CHARNAME simply has a ton of bounties on him in disreputable circles. I mean, remnants of the Iron Throne, bandits, mercenaries... Take your pick.
What logic do you need? For Irenicus, I assume, since for the money sounds good enough for Safana. From Irenicus' POV, he needs your soul for his ritual, and so he does what he can to lure you to Spellhold. But hey, that might not be enough. There's nothing but the game design forcing you to come to him. What if you decided to flee Amn and keep going south to Tethyr or something? Budgeting for some cuthroats to drag you to him in chains is a reasonable backup plan.
But really, none of that matters too much. What matters is that Irenicus, in the story, might foresee something other than a headlong Leeroy Jenkins charge into his clutches. It's said that Evil Cannot Comprehend Good, and if so, then he'd have even less reason to expect such behavior from his prey, especially if you're non-Good. I mean, I doubt anyone thinks he'd take inordinate personal risks to save Bodhi, so he wouldn't instinctively expect others to act differently. And you need to consider also the likelihood of getting what he wants versus the consequences if he's wrong. Even if there's only a 1 percent chance that Charname won't show, then that's a one percent chance that he'll go without a soul, lose his mind, and die without having gotten the revenge he wants. I think it's safe to say that even a one percent or a thousandths of one percent chance of that would be abhorrent to him. Therefore, bounty.
Now, I think I've blathered on enough about this topic. We seem to have fundamentally different perspectives on what's possible/plausible in this universe and in roleplaying motivations, so I don't really expect this post to be any more convincing to you than my last. Still, I wanted to get my perspective out there, and I think I've done so at enough length that it can be understood.
An opponent may appear challenging, but there technically is no such thing as an insurmountable opponent, that's all in a state of mind. What I mean by that is a person who believes there is an obstacle that he/she can't overcome will never overcome that obstacle as long as he/she believes he/she can't do it, and Charname, no matter what alignment he/she is, does not have such a low self esteem. If you claim a Lawful Evil person is like that, Edwin Odesserion would beg to differ. If someone wronged him, he would not let that slide, he would find allies with goals that align with his and get revenge. He certainly had no intention of letting Caelar Argent in SoD off the hook for turning against him.
It's clear we have different perspectives. But can we respect each other despite our differences?