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Anyone tried playing BG whilst under the influence of alcohol?

Gun19Gun19 Member Posts: 48
I have, and I have to say my morale enjoyed a boost, but I couldn't click on a kobold for shit.


  • KhamillKhamill Member Posts: 226
    hehe I guess a lot of people have tried, but i wonder if there is anyone who has completed it:)
    ...and if there is one, then Im pretty sure he done it in one run!
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    I had a drink or two once when a group of us on the old PBG boards played MP a dozen years ago. It was actually pretty enjoyable. But that was because of the social aspect. I just got a little buzz when I did that. I doubt I could enjoy the game if I was sauced.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Not really. Even these days after so many years I still RP pretty much every moment of my time spent with the BG trilogy and want to be immersed in the game - so generally I tend to stop playing if I am too tired to focus properly or just have too many other things on my mind. When I do play, I want to be sharp and alert.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Gun19 said:

    I have, and I have to say my morale enjoyed a boost, but I couldn't click on a kobold for shit.

    I usually only play BG when I'm alone... and if you drink when you're alone, I'm pretty sure that's a sign of alcoholism... Just ask George Thorogood

  • GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607

    Gun19 said:

    I have, and I have to say my morale enjoyed a boost, but I couldn't click on a kobold for shit.

    I usually only play BG when I'm alone... and if you drink when you're alone, I'm pretty sure that's a sign of alcoholism... Just ask George Thorogood

    Meh, I call bullshit on that. I've gotten drunk while alone a few times and I am no where near what one would call an alcoholic. I get drunk maybe once every two months and some times it happens when I'm by myself while I'm writing or something.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    Actually alcohol might improve some RP. Unless you're playing an always sober dwarf. Honestly I think if I were to play drunk the only character I could play would be a straight dwarven fighter.

    And I'm going to have to leave this here before my mind starts working on a dwarven fighter drinking game. Oh god.
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    edited October 2012
    Wait till Ward sees this discussion..
    Anyway, I wouldn't do that to an RPG, but playing WoW was a different story; let's say I had to take screenshots in battlegrounds to watch the results later; and I was damn good about it; half blind.
    So heres something:
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    @Dragonspear I guess that is a point to consider as well, if you have that kind of character and find it works for you. I still feel it weakens my connection to the medium and scatters my attention too much to be worth it though. I similarly wouldn't read a book I liked or watch a movie I really wanted to see while drunk.

    Maybe, at times when my character was emotionally distraught and would have liked to forget about things for awhile it would be feasible to start up BG and just sit at an inn or similar while drinking, while also getting drunk in real life.. but then I'd possibly feel myself reaching a somewhat disturbing degree of immersion.
  • Gun19Gun19 Member Posts: 48
    Shin said:

    @Dragonspear I guess that is a point to consider as well, if you have that kind of character and find it works for you. I still feel it weakens my connection to the medium and scatters my attention too much to be worth it though. I similarly wouldn't read a book I liked or watch a movie I really wanted to see while drunk.

    Maybe, at times when my character was emotionally distraught and would have liked to forget about things for awhile it would be feasible to start up BG and just sit at an inn or similar while drinking, while also getting drunk in real life.. but then I'd possibly feel myself reaching a somewhat disturbing degree of immersion.

    Total liquid immersion! I like it ;-)

    Also, whenever I did happen to fire up a game of BG after a night on the sauce, I would always tend to choose the more evil dialogue options and play more as a scoundrel. Wonder what that says about me O.o
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2012
    Ya. I've tried it. When i do this, I play a good cleric instead of an evil one. I also do all the self-righteous responses.
  • KenKen Member Posts: 226
    Nope, just drink loads and loads of sweet icecold diabetus inducing Coca-Cola & Pepsi <3
  • CyhortCyhort Member Posts: 78
    Nope. But then again I've never been drunk at all so that's kinda a given.
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    I tried playing drunk once, but it's no fun with any game, conentrating is a lot harder and the whole process just feels like too much work, I keep getting things wrong and have to reload or (if it's a shooter) can't react fast enough and loose HP for no reason. Getting drunk sucks anyway, haven't been drunk since last New Year I believe and don't feel like I missed something.

    Some movies are better watched when you are drunk though. Like anything that relies more on special effects than on actual story. Also, the first time I've watched the Simpsons movie I was drinking whiskey and it worked out quite well. Basically anything where you don't have to think too much works with alcohol, all other stuff is better enjoyed sober.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    I have a friend that regularly has a drink or two a few times a week after work when we play league of legends. For me I might have a drink or two every few months when I play. Like @Cyhort I've never actually been drunk. I do appreciate the occasional drink but have never understood the point of getting drunk myself.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Some medieval opinions.

    Less good than belief would have it
    Is mead for the sons of men:
    A man knows less the more he drinks,
    Becomes a befuddled fool.

    .. Best is the banquet one looks back on after,
    And remembers all that happened.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861

    .. Best is the banquet one looks back on after,
    And remembers all that happened.

    That rather depends on whom you were sitting next to.

    "I drink to make other people interesting." George Jean Nathan

  • HoebaggerHoebagger Member Posts: 46
    Having a beer or two really helps with my immersion in games. It assists in me letting go of everything else so I can focus solely on the game at hand. I'm not talking like trashed, but having just a drink or two usually results in myself making a stronger connection with any game I play.
  • ZraenianZraenian Member Posts: 26
    Last friday night when i got home from the pub at an early morning hour, came in at around 4:30. Launched BG1 tried to continue playing, but decided after 5 mins of continuesly misclicking and resulting in unwanted dead party-members that just like everything else when your are drunk, this was not one of my better ideas!

    When drunk, going to bed is way better and sweeter then any rpgame!
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    Gun19 said:

    Anyone tried playing BG whilst under the influence of alcohol?

    I admit I've had the cops bust down my door a few times for PUI.
  • FinellachFinellach Member Posts: 36
    Tried was a very short dizzy and sick so that was that :)
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    I vaguely remember playing computergames while drinking and smoking weed when I was addicted, which was only doable in the first stages of drunkenness and getting stoned and it increased the feeling of immersion. Though it must have been bad for the accuracy. But when I discovered Baldur's Gate some 5 years ago I already had quited tobacco, alcohol and marihuana (all at once) so no, I did never nor ever will experience it under influence.
  • Arsene_LupinArsene_Lupin Member Posts: 181
    I don't drink.

    I have, however, played under the influence of painkillers. Strong painkillers. They... dull the focus. The general effect is that I'm either constant pausing to micromanaging the hell out of everything, or I'm playing normally and not paying any attention to my HP and constantly dying.

    It's annoying, but not quite so bad as when I tackle JRPGs and breeze through grinding/story content without saving and then die to a crazy boss. Man, Growlanser IV and YS really kill me when I'm having a bad day.

    Of course, on really bad days the painkillers do nothing for the pain and I can't even focus my mind well enough to read, let alone play games. ~__~
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    no because i dont drink alcohol at all;)
  • FelixFelix Member Posts: 39
    Replace alcohol with weed and you have a winner but be prepared to die ALOT;)
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