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Within Amnesia's Items (Work in Progress)

WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
Hello it has come to my attention that I happen to create a lot of items and very few people ever seem to get to use them in Baldur's Gate. Now I hope to change this with this thread.

I have a lot of items that I have worked on over the past quinquenniad and I want to eventually create a mod out of them.

The Ring of Dispossession
Ring of Dispossession Item Description

This ancient heavily enchanted immaculate ruby studded golden ring once belonged to none other than that of the last Ruamathari prince and last heir to the now fallen Raumathar Empire. This magical ring was gifted to the Raumathari prince by the royal smiths located in the now ruined castle of Winterkeep on prince's fifteenth name day. This regal ring's purpose is said to be of that of a warding against any ill-begotten curses laid upon the prince on his wedding day come his eighteenth name day. Most all of the royal records of the ancient fallen empire of Raumathar are now destroyed along with their once great empire in war known as Great Conflagration of -160 DR. Although there is one very old surviving insightful document on this matter located within the archives of the Rashemen capital city of Immilmar that was transcribed from an ancient now lost Ruamathari manuscript that states that there was great unease within the Ruamathari royal court upon the their prince's choice of his controversial bride to be. Little else has been saved over the last nearly two thousand years of this controversial marriage to be and even whom the bride in question was to be has been lost to the ebb and flow of history. The extent of the historical record degradation is so severe that even the very assured name of last Raumathari prince is too lost. As too his true linage and that of his parents having been lost also within the annals of time paramount. In spite of these lost records what can be discerned is that the Raumathari royal family gave their prince and heir to their ill fated empire this very gem studded ring inlaid with the finest of rubies and cast of the purest of gold in all of the Raumathar empire. This exquisite jeweled loop was to be worn on the prince's right hand as a safeguard in case of any treachery that should befall their young prince upon donning his wedding band wrought from within his supposed bride's land that time forgot. It is rumoured that the bride was to receive her marriage ring from the prince's family although little knowledge survives of the Raumathari marriage customs to make certain of this claim. The marriage of the prince and the time forgotten bride never came to be for upon the prince's seventieth name day a great war broke out with the empire of Raumathar and the empire of Narfell within the ensuing decade long war that came to be know as the Great Conflagration that subsequently brought about the ruination both empires within its wake. It is known that upon the ninth year of the epic scaled war named the Great Conflagration that the last Raumathari prince was struck down in his prime by a warrior mage princess of the empire of Narfell whilst dueling the said Nar warrior mage princess in single combat for at a minimum of three hours. The brutal duel is sung in many old traditional bard songs of the Nar people that tell of a truly awe striking violence that completely obliterated a small town within the struggle for life and death as it pitched back and forth. Such a historical event has been immortalized by the Nars and they sing first of a magical assault that tore up the lands and razed a town to ruins until finally the ashes painted the warrior wizards grey with soot as both party's magical energies had been utterly expended unto each other and the lands that ached under their awful power. Then with many variants of the Nars bard's song then come to conflict herein with some versions sung secondly that forthtell that the royal duel was over rather quickly after the Raumathari prince's magic had been depleted from himself. Intriguingly their exists other more extended variants of this bard song that are sung out side of the Nar lands and of which can usually be found sung within the lands of Thay and Rashemen. These other more long winded iterations of the Nar's bard song tell of a ravaging melee of the two royal combatants spilling each other's blue blood upon the field of battle until the noble prince was finally rent asunder while defending what was left of his crumbling empire with a great might from the Nar Princess that she smote down upon the battle-worn prince as she cast down her edge of a flaming blade through his guard that was rent through the prince's right shoulder and unto his spine nearest his hips. The song herein is most always sung in a fever pitch as where the lyric's details all share common thread in that they proclaim that magical flames of the warrior wizard princess's blade then proceeded to set ablaze to the Raumathari prince's spell and blade battered combat wear. The bards then usually slow the pace of the song for dramatic affect and slowly raise the tempo up and up as they sing of prince's armour so heavily enchanted from the late Raumathari emperor so worried of his son's safety that as the magical flames engulfed the nearly halved prince his armour then exploded in a great inferno upon the sudden destruction of their wards. It is said that the prince was left to burn in his own armour until his body was charred black. The bards of Rashemen usually scoff at and crack belittling jokes of the Nar bards with great effect within the Rashemen Taverns. The humorous proclamations of the Rashemen bards usual hinge around the Nar bards leaving out the details of the explosion of the the prince's armour death wards that mortally wounded his foe. With some of the bards boasting that the explosion was so devastating to the princess that in spite of the royal Nar priests' most powerful spells of faith their princess could not be saved and she too later perished from that day when she picked a duel with the last prince and heir of the then imploding Raumathar empire. Upon the death of the last prince of the empire of Raumathar the tides of war shifted and both sides would come to be consumed by their own blood lust as their once wondrous empires too became victims in their great war. It is rumoured that this ring was slipped off of the prince's charred right hand by the captain of the Raumathari royal guard to give back to what was left of the Raumathari royal family after the terrible war. Although that plan for this ring too never came to fruition for the then captain of the Raumathari royal guard would later hear a fortnight after his prince's death from within a front line Raumathari war camp that the remaining Raumathari royal family had all been slaughtered just half a week prior. It is believed that the royal guard and counter spies of the Raumathar empire that had been tasked to ward the last surviving Raumathari of royal blood had failed their duty as the royal family was snuffed out of existence in one night by a swarm of summoned fire elementals that laid a successful siege to a far-flung stronghold of the then beleaguered Raumathar empire. The castle became ravaged by the fires spread by the intruded fire elementals as to such a degree that the entire keep collapsed in onto its self after the support pillars were all but burnt away thus from within the stronghold's collapse all of those whom that were not slaughtered outright were trapped within the burning rubble left to their fates to presumably burn alive. The captain of the Raumathari royal guard was said to have worn this golden ring in the final weeks of his long and bloody campaign against the battered Narfell empire where he still held true to his resolve and the oaths that bound him to protect what little was left of his once proud and strong empire. This same captain of the Raumathari royal guard would go on to be promoted and hold the rank of High General of the Raumathari Empire and to take charge of the last surviving contingent of Raumathari Battle Mages of his now all but defeated army mere weeks before the end of both the great war and the empires of Narfell and Raumathar. It is said that upon the last battle of the Great Conflagration that the Raumathari High General devised a great illusion of each man and woman who bore arms and had summoned beings to fight their opposing forces while his battered army fled to what is now known as lands of Rashemen to save what little legacy that was left of the now defeated Raumathar empire. Tragically it is believed the High General bore no children and died of alcoholism nearly twenty years later after saving the last of his empire's greatest soldiers and what would now come to be known as the Ruamathari Battle Mages that still defiantly survive to this day as the late High General's living legacy of his service to the Raumathari empire.


Special Abilities:
- Once per day cast remove curse upon the ring's wearer

Equipped Abilities:
- Saving Throws: +3

Helm of Discipline 'The Visage of Gilgeam'
This magical near entirely gold plated helm is of incredible strength considering that it is smithed from a bronze and iron alloy that most all venerable smiths of the common day would shy away from. It is readily believed by most of the armour smithing profession that such a mixture of metals to be used as a safeguard against cranial impact given the softer nature of bronze is not advisable for all but ceremonial purposes. Alas this helm provides the strength necessary to shield the wearer from all but the most determined of blows struck upon the skull. Given the unexpected metallurgic nature of such a helm one might assume that magic were at play for such a solid composition yet surprisingly no such magic is used to strengthen helm's uncommon alloy other than to prevent the decorative gold plating of the helm's exterior from scratching off. Upon further divination it is found that this helm heralds from lands of the old empire of Unther within the East of Faerûn. Although as peculiar as the Unther smiths' metal trickery of this helm is, most will agree that it still fails to intrigue to the same manner as that of the blessing gifted upon this helm by none other than the God-King of Unther himself known as Gilgeam. This golden helm bears the mark of an elite legion of the Unther empire and more specifically the rather difficult to decipher Untheric runes that that proclaim the following: "Awarded from the God-King Gilgeam himself as gratitude towards the merits of outstanding discipline and superior command." It is believed that such a blessed helm will only be given to the most stoic and devastating elite legionaries of the legions of Unther and that these varieties of helm from within the old empire of Unther are also known as 'The Visage of Gilgeam'. It is told that such helms are given as promotions to the most deadly and subsequently elite of Unther legionaries as a safeguards to keep them from turning on their own soldiers in case of a berserking curse were to be laid upon them by an opposing force. It is rumoured that Gilgeam 'Father of Victory' was deeply embarrassed when one of his most prized elite legions was all but wiped out by a group of Mulhorand spell casters. To put salt in Gilgeam's wound, his elite legion was struck down by their own blades after a clever band of Mulhorand spell casters broke the ranks of the elite legion nicknamed 'Gilgeam's Pride' with a series of berserking curses while being completely unscathed by the legion in the process. The curses were later found out by a interrogated Mulhorand priest to have been laid on the legion's own swords the night before they slew themselves while the legionaries were distracted by prostitutes hired by the Mulhorand spell casters. As to how such a prized and treasured item from both within and abroad of Unther found its way into your possession is unknown. Although one may happen a guess that if such an item was stolen from it's owner then there would likely be those incentivized by gold to search for the helm's unmistakable golden exterior and deep red plume. Then again one may come across a rich collector avid to purchase the prized helm to further expand their collection of rare and highly sought after elite Unther legionnaire equipment. It is said that such items as these are relics of an older and more grander time of the Unther empire and thus fetch a very high price from private collectors of the like. With anyway that one looks at this helm, one can be certain of at least of one thing and that is if one were to don this helm in the lands of Unther within the gaze of many a Unther legion - it would surely be removed in quick succession from one's shoulders along with one's own head.


Equipped Abilities:
– Protects against critical hits
– Wearer is immune to Berserk

Weight: 3

Masterwork Field Plate Armour
Conchobhair Strongblade commissioned this exquisite suit of masterwork field plate armour to keep himself alive if by an unfortunate bout of combat he himself were to be struck by the devastating claw or deadly tail of an angered draconic combatant. The plackart, cuirass, and the articulated plates guarding the more vulnerable areas for offense to the body on this suit of immaculate armour are made of the finest metallurgy and craftsmanship in most all of Faerûn. The mail of the gusset under the more exposed of the plated joints and that of the hose are of the finest forging and the most tight and intricate of current armourcraft. The precision and detail that the master armoursmiths undertook creating and thus imbued upon this beautiful shining suit of masterwork field plate armour is a technical marvel in itself to behold; let alone to consider the stalwart yet surprisingly nimble range of protection endowed to its wearer without the direct use of magical enchantments. The suit is of the finest fitting and tailoring of physique to that of its commissioner and -hopefully its only owner- that near only the likes of Conchobhair Strongblade can don the masterwork of plates and mail. This suit of perhaps one of the finest field plate armours forged on the sword coast in the last half decade is so precisely designed to allow Conchobhair Strongblade the highest range of motion while maintaining an extensive bulwark of protection that the exactness of the armour fitting is so great that it offers little to no mobility to most all other humanoid users; except that of almost certainly and exclusively Conchobhair Strongblade. To most everyone else the gleaming suit of masterwork field plate armour is best to be used as an item of trade or decoration, although to be of use to anyone else it would almost certainly have to be removed from the dead and bloodied corpse of its stoic commissioner, the Cavalier who hunts dragons know as Conchobhair Strongblade.


Armour Class: 2 (-4 vs. Slashing, -2 vs. Piercing and -2 vs. Missile)
Requires: 13 Strength

Weight: 27 lbs.

Not Usable By:
All except Conchobhair Strongblade

-Field Plate Armour+1 item description not quite completed yet (May involve / require a Wyvern head to reforge)

Chain Mail Armour +2 (Top) and Chain Mail Armour +3, (Middle) 'Baleful Mail' (Version 1.6 Grande Iteration)
This beautiful enchanted chain mail armour was originally crafted in 1221 DR by a Duergar smith working for a vengeful priest of Bane named Alerri of West Waterdeep. During Alerri's early days in the priesthood, he frequently provoked and attacked agents of Sune. Unfortunately for Alerri, Lady Firehair's followers employed charm magic to cease the Banite's antics. Once he had been charmed, Alerri was commanded to perform all sorts of embarrassing actions upon the streets of Waterdeep. After many long years of clandestine scheming for his revenge upon all who were related to his humiliation, Alerri decided to honour his god of hate by creating an exquisite suit of chain mail armour that would protect him from all but the most powerful of charm magics. He communed with the spiritual minions of Bane to discover the materials and rituals necessary for the suit's creation. Following his master's instructions, he murdered thirteen married couples and had their wedding rings woven into the hem of the mail. He then continued on to kill thirteen Elves and then bathed in their blood, while harmoniously chanting pitch black prayers for thirteen hours. When he was finished, his heinous armour protected him from the magic of the Sunites and filled him with irrepressible hate and ire. Alerri went on a ravenous crusade against the agents of Sune, Llira, and Hanali Celanil for three bloodied years. His killing spree ended when a band of Elven archers and priests of the God Corellon Larethian laid a trap for him on a road going northwards from Waterdeep. *Specific +3 Upgrade History Via Evil Duergar Smith Added To The Bottom Of The Item Description*


Special Abilities:
- Cast Blood Rage once per day (+3 variant only)

Equipped Abilities:
- The wearer is Immune to Dire Charm, Charm Person, Confusion, Command, and Rigid Thinking
- Charisma: -2 penalty

Armor Class: 2 (0 vs. Slashing, 4 vs. Crushing)
Requires: 8 Strength

Blood Rage
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 20 rounds
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 1 Allied Creature
Saving Throw: None

Blood Rage works only on player characters or allied creatures. When cast, the target of this spell goes berserk, attacking the nearest creature until that creature is dead, then moving to the next target. While under Blood Rage, the target is immune to charm, sleep, fear, hold, stunning, confusion, emotion, symbol spells, and related effects. In addition, the target gains +6 strength, +2 constitution, and a bonus to his/her movement rate. The spell has several disadvantages, however. The hit points of the target are masked for the duration of the spell, and the target cannot benefit from any effect that heals hit points. At the end of the spell's duration, the target becomes fatigued and their Strength drops to 3 for 2 turns. Blood Rage cannot affect creatures of lawful alignment.

Weight: 41

Not Usable By:
Good or Neutral Characters

[Reforged] Two-Hand Sword +1-2, 'Rancor' (Rightmost if of my hand, the leftmost is of Beamdog's own device.)
-Revised Item Description- [2:34 PM 06/05(May)/2016]
This ebony two-handed sword is near-completely covered with foreboding inscriptions that are scribed with what appears to be runes that are possibly other worldly or even demonic in nature. These said foreign looking runes give to an air that is sinister in nature although you cannot fully ascertain an accurate verdict for their exact purpose and meaning eludes yourself - for you alone cannot even begin to fully decipher the hidden context inscribed unto this near-giant dark razor edged sword. This deadly blade loyally hums softly with an odd and almost eerie tone that one cannot fully describe nor recognize when it is in the presence of Dorn Il-Khan. When questioned about his weapon's origin Dorn scoffs at the question bearer and rebukes at any of his peers' open curiosities with a threat to use Rancor to cleave said curiosity away from his personal matters stating that such personal knowledge if privy to himself and only himself. Oddly enough this fearsome black bladed weapon refuses other's curiosities placed upon itself by its own right and intrinsically will not give up and relinquished its guarded secrets by its very own nature of being. The blade's past remains a mystery even when it is tremendously pressed to release such protected knowledge by of some of the most determined of divination attempts; parallel as to its wielder Dorn Il-Khan. Intriguingly this intimidating two-handed sword will still remain silent, clandestine and tight-lipped to all but the most powerful of divinations set upon the weapon's being; even if the massive sword is vastly separated by a great distance from its wielder. This malefic instrument of death proves to be greatly puzzling in a way for it is as if the very core of this heinous weapon is possessed of a being with a ferocity all unto its own device and fervently resists any prying insights both of the spoken word and that of the enchanted in nature unto its thickly clouded past... Any Individuals whom are good of heart are swiftly overcome with crippling pangs of a terrible guilt and of an anxiety that shackles the very core of all but the most stalwart of beings when they hold their grasp unto the very grip of this horrendous blade.


Combat Abilities:
– When Dorn holds this blade, any death that it causes has a chance to grant Dorn an increase of +1 to his to-hit rolls for 24 hours

THAC0: +1, +2 if it has slain someone within the past 24 hours
Damage: 1d10+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword
Type: Two-handed
14 Strength

Weight: 12

Not Usable By:
All except Dorn

Notes: Reforged +2-3 Variant is planned to have +3 equivalent damage and speed factor bonus after any death caused by the weapon after a 48 hour (or possibly if 48 is too powerful a 36 hour) time frame and additionally after 34% chance of +3 Poison Damage over a 40 second duration with 1 poison damage occurring immediately after a successful hit and successful poison roll and the remaining two points of poison then occurring once every 20 seconds (1 poison damage at hit, 20 seconds later 1 extra poison damage, 40 second later the final 1 extra poison damage for a total of three poison damage) -requires massive Sword Spider Venom Sack (dropped from an extra special / bad ass / elite sword side to be found in Cloak Wood spider cave) and Elder Wyvern tail (found on a new / additional special / Huge / Elder Wyvern in cloak wood Wyvern cave) and a 'Black / Greater Demon Heart' (of which there should be *at least* two within Tales of the Sword Coast - The Demon Knight at the bottom of Durlag's Tower and the Demon summoned by the Cult in Ulgoth's Beard). I plan for the reforged / upgraded version of 'Rancor' +2-3 to feature a special once per day ability to remove poison and another once per day special ability of +1 Constitution bonus for Dorn for 2 Hours. 75,000 Gold is additionally required by the Taerom Fuiruim due to Dorn I-Khan's despicable appearance, class, out-cast race and the like with a party leader that does not possess a Charisma score of 17 or above. Although this Charisma penalty can be persuaded away and avoided by a sly and clever dialog option if the party leader's Charisma score is 17 or above, if so the player can then pay for Dorn's Personal Weapon upgrade at half of the usual 'going rate' / half of the regular amount (37,500 Gold!)

Two-Handed Sword +1 (the reforged Two-Handed Sword +2 Variant is not completed as of yet)
Osprey has commissioned this particular enchanted greatsword to be more effective when used in combat. The long blade of this two-handed sword has an ease in its swing that seems to guide its edge toward the target. The entire greatsword feels slightly lighter than most; although it hits with the same weight behind its blow as a regular two-handed sword. In addition to lessened fatigue, the reduced weight for the wielder allows for slightly more powerful strikes; thus creating a more deadly and effective two-handed sword. Due to the particular magical nature of the weapon's enchantment, only those of lawful good alignment can wield this enchanted greatsword.


Equipped Abilities:
- Dexterity: +1 bonus

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1D10 +1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Two-Handed Sword
Type: Two-Handed
Lawful Good Alignment
12 Strength

Weight: 11

Osprey's Magic Candle (Ring Equipment Slot)
Osprey's Magic Candle was created within the protected walls of Candlekeep by a master sage teaching Osprey the arts of magic and spell-craft. It was given as a departing gift to aid her on her worried and hastily planned previous journey from Candlekeep; for she lacked the time to finish her undergoing study of the arcane and spell-craft. The master sage who enchanted this nearly ornate candle placed a magical ward so that it can only be used by his student Osprey. For the magic used within the candle is a closely guarded secret kept within the confines of the library-keep and sagadic council of Candlekeep. If any other sorcerer, mage or wizard try to pry into and divine the secrets and the unique powers of this enchanted item, it will disintegrate in a flash of light and a telepathic signal will be relayed to the master sage who created this item. It is entrusted to Osprey to not only never lose this item, but to never let it be discovered by those of ill will and intent. For the master sage said to Osprey before her departure: "If your candle ever goes out, the powers at be will most likely have already extinguished your life's candle".


Equipped Abilities:
- Intellect: +1 bonus
- Level One Mage Spells: +2 bonus
- Paralyze / Poison / Death Saving Throws: +4 bonus

Not Usable By:
All except Osprey

Throwing Axe +4 'Golden Throwing Axe'
Item Lore / Description -Not Currently Completed-


Special Abilities:
- Throwing range +5 bonus for a maximum of 25 throwing range

Combat abilities:
– Returns to the wielder's hand when thrown

THAC0: +4
Damage: 1d6+5, +1 Fire Damage
Damage type (melee): Slashing
Damage type (thrown): Missile
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
3 Strength

Weight: 2

Notes: This a 'new' Item that I have worked on since ~2012-2013 and have finally finished ('today') as of 9:38 PM 01/05(May)/2016

25 range. Possible +1 Fire Damage and unlikely +2 fire damage with grossly unlikely +5 reforged variant. Glow pulses 172 or 165 within the head and shaft of the same glow as Plate Mail Armour +3, 2 weight, returns to wielder once thrown. Colour Index: Blade minor 214, Grip 46, Blade major 216. Price 10,500 gold. Looted from the corpse of a Level 20-23 balanced Black Dragon optional encounter main reward.

Girdle of Spiritual Healing 'Legacy of Master Y'juogh's Inner Peace'
Item Lore / Description -Not Currently Completed-


Special Abilities:
- Five times per day allows the wearer to cast Cure Medium Wounds upon a selected target up to a combined total maximum of 70 hit points restored per day
- Once per day allows the wearer to cast Slow Poison upon a selected target

Cure Medium Wounds

Level: 3
Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

By casting this spell and laying hand upon a creature, the caster heals 14 points of wound or other injury damage from the creature's body. This healing cannot affect creatures without corporeal bodies, nor can it cure wounds of creatures not living or of extraplanar origin. Curing is permanent only insofar as the creature does not sustain further damage; caused wounds will heal—or can be cured—just as any normal injury.

Slow Poison

Level: 2
Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is placed upon a poisoned individual, it greatly slows the effects of venom, actually neutralizing all but the most deadly poisons.

Weight: 2

Only Usable By:

Helm of Bravery / Fear Protection 'Dead Man's Face' (The leftmost helm B.A.M.s are of my own device)
-Revised Item Description- [12:06 PM 07/05(May)/2016]
These ancient helms were once common among the Reghedmen Barbarians whom came to what is now known as Icewind Dale. The design of the helm is relatively simple - a plain iron helm with a hinged faceplate. Once the basic construction of the helm had been finished, the now long deceased Reghedmen craftsmen would then tool the image of a dead warrior's face onto the faceplate; thus these particular archaic helms are usually garnered by the nickname 'Dead Man's Face'. Furthermore the name of an honourable slain warrior and a one word description of their death were then carved into the forehead of the helm's iron face mask. The helm was then left in the honourable dead warrior's funeral pyre as a means of commemorating the fallen warrior's death. The Reghedmen priests believed that the mask of these such helms would hide the dead warrior's fear of the afterlife when they were to be judged by Tempos. After one month had completely passed, these such funeral pyre helms of particularly valiant warriors were then to be recovered by the Reghedmen priests. It is believed that over the next few subsequent years following these such helms' removal from the remains of past cremated warriors of great valour that the Reghedmen priests would then praise the valiant warriors by name in their daily rituals and prayers. According to the old legends that surround the Ten Towns of what is now known as Icewind Dale, if Tempos found a fallen Reghedmen warrior to be truly valiant, then their funeral pyre helm would then gain the power to make its wearer immune to fear. This particularly venerable Reghedmen pyre helm bears the ancient name of 'Siglef' and beside it is scribed the word 'Axe'.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
- Immune to the spells, Horror and Cloak of Fear
– Charisma: -2 Penalty
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 3 lbs.

Not Usable By:

Scimitar +1
Notes: This is a product of a planned project of mine to be able to commision Taerom at the Thunder Hammer Smithy to enchant any master work default weapon and or possibly any default master work armour.

Long Sword +1
Notes: This is a product of a planned project of mine to be able to commision Taerom at the Thunder Hammer Smithy to enchant any master work default weapon and or possibly any default master work armour.

-More To Come-

The attached items are not complete. They can be console command spawned.
Post edited by WithinAmnesia on
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