First Knock Scroll you find
Member Posts: 25
.... where would it be located? I´m on a solo run through Durlags Tower with a Fighter/Mage, still in Chapter one, but unable to open most of the chests there by bashing them. Is there a fixed location for a knock scroll before you get to Cloakwood Mines?
Of course there are several chests that require high Open Lock scores in the Bandit Camp but it is a simple matter to recruit Coran for awhile just because he is such a charmer, take him back to get roaring drunk at the Friendly Arm Inn and a bit of uproarious looting along the way. At Level 5 when recruited [unless you have made a special effort or held-off from levelling Charname beyond Level 3] Coran will have more than enough Open Locks ability for all the Bandit Camp chests.