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Interupting enemy spell casting with the pause button *Not an issue*

sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,009
edited November 2012 in Fixed
One thing that needs to be fixed is interupting enemy spell casting with the pause button, if an enemy is casting a spell all you need to do is pause the game at the right time, then whamo their spell is interupted, i think that should be fixed
Post edited by Tanthalas on


  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited June 2012
    Really? Never noticed this. Everytime I have played, they just kept on casting once I unpaused it. For me, they have only stopped casting when I smacked them with something.
  • ZakerosZakeros Member Posts: 75
    It also didn't occur to me, but when I was pausing the game, the chant and sound effect of the spell was going on, and after I unpaused, the spell was finished in total quiet. If the chant would freeze during the pause it could improve a bit ;)
  • SeldarSeldar Member Posts: 438
    Yeah I knew this bug... use it many times at low level lol
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    Never seen that, is it in BG1 or 2?
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    12 yr old me used to use this bug in BG1 against that circus mage. Only a BG1 bug I think
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    It also didn't occur to me, but when I was pausing the game, the chant and sound effect of the spell was going on, and after I unpaused, the spell was finished in total quiet. If the chant would freeze during the pause it could improve a bit ;)
    That's the only thing I noticed Zakeros.
  • ZakerosZakeros Member Posts: 75
    @GemHound ya, how do you think, it's quite annoying eh? If pause would freeze everything including the chant, it'd be better I think.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,009
    @Zakeros @GemHound you have to pause it at a certain time during the casting and if you do it successfully, 100 % spell failure for the enemy mage, i think you can even do it with your own mages as well
  • KoreKore Member Posts: 245
    Haha yeah definitely. I used to use this bug years ago, but I've managed to refrain from the obvious cheese that it is :)

    @cadros, Zordral?
  • ZakerosZakeros Member Posts: 75
    @sarevok57 does this work in BG2? If yes, then I'll look into it this weekend, I'm gonna do some installing of OS and BG ;)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,009
    @Zakeros i dont remember, its been years since i've done it, i will have to check it out tomorrow on the bg II game im playin
  • Spjuv3rnSpjuv3rn Member Posts: 61
    @Zakeros It only works in the first one.
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    Then if @Spjuv3rn is right it's irrelevant to BG:EE (?) These kind of bugs that only pertain to BG1 should be fixed by the simple fact of using the BG2 engine.
  • LozLoz Member Posts: 19
    Does anyone know what causes this/have a solution? I get the same thing playing BG1 now, but I feel like the bug didn't exist when I used to play back in the day. Is it the old engine on newer computers/operating systems?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,009
    actually it has always been around, maybe just back in the day you didnt realize it?
  • LozLoz Member Posts: 19
    It is possible, being more familiar with the game does mean picking up on things like this. Do you find it impacts on your enjoyment on the game or can you work through it? Personally I find it incredibly frustrating because I like to pause a lot but I also want to give the AI a chance.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,009
    usually what i do is, if i need to pause while a mage is casting, i usually wait until he was interupted from my party or wait until they cast the spell, except sometimes in the cloakwood mines there is the one mage i never let her get a spell off because the hobgoblin elites are in the way and i cant position my characters properly in there in time and then all hell breaks loose, and i dont want to reload because then all the hobgoblins from the hobgoblin rooms respawn and sometimes wander around and then it becomes a big pain in the ass, but yeah, just wait for an enemy spell caster to get his spell off before you pause and then all should be good :)
  • DavidWDavidW Member Posts: 823
    It's a bug with the BG1 engine; it doesn't occur in BG2 (or Tutu). It's the main reason there's no SCS for vanilla BG1.
  • KenKen Member Posts: 226
    I got so pissed when I found this bug! I usually always pause just before the mages cast their spells, so I know what to counter with, but found out that it caused spell failure for them.

    But, it is a BG1 engine problem only.. And we all know BG:EE uses BG2 engine
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Wow... I'm a "Pause whore" (using pause button every second during a fight) and I've never noticed that o.O
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Labeling this one as not an issue since its a problem of the BG1 engine.
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