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Potential Monk Stronghold in BG2:EE- What would it be?

balalaika86balalaika86 Member Posts: 20
Full disclosure: I love playing monks in DnD, and while the d'Arnise keep is one of the better strongholds in BG2 I was a bit disappointed that they were basically the only class that didn't get one of their own.

I don't really know how a possible monk stronghold fits in with the contract limitations, since they currently get the Keep, but from reading the threads on this forum there is at least some support for monks getting their very own stronghold. So this thread is meant for pure speculation about a what exactly this stronghold and its quests and storyline will be, regardless of wether or not we'll ever see it.

For myself, I'm thinking perhaps a hidden Shining Hand monastery. Since they are persecuted by the Cowled Wizards, I'm thinking they get attacked, the PC gets hired to defend it, but arrives to late to save the Master and most of the order. The remaining few novices and journeymen pledge themselves to the PC, who gets to rebuild monastery. Missions could be to recruit new members, becoming a Master at 16th level, and finally repelling new Cowled Wizards attacks.


  • balalaika86balalaika86 Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2012
    Alignments could potentially mesh quite well with having to take charge of surviving novices and basically rebuilding the monastery from scratch. Various quests could revolve around those questions. Perhaps there is a village close to the monastery and one could decide to ignore it, aid it or dominate it, which would be the classical example from the source books. How you shape the novices' training would decide if the order becomes a force for good or evil.

    That's a good idea about Rasaad. Perhaps he could be the one to recruit you, after the Temple Orders in Athkatla turns him down. Though that sounds alot like Nalia's quest.

    My ideal would be to place the monastery at a new location outside Athkatla, preferably with a village next to it that you can interact with through quests and such. A storyline could revolve around the village not really wanting the monastery there after the CWs attack and you will have to work to have them accept it. Storyline could end with you having to decide to help them or not when bandits attack the village.
  • JackalJackal Member Posts: 10
    I doubt they can change this, they havent been able to change smaller things.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    edited October 2012
    You know, I like the fact that monks take the Arnise Hold - after all, the "lord" of the place has to be 'fighting sort', one who can lead soldiers - so it could be either a fighter, ranger, paladin, cleric , barbarian or even a monk .

  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Just an excuse for lack of content, at least from my point of view.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Jackal said:

    I doubt they can change this, they havent been able to change smaller things.

    The contract says they can't change stuff that is already there. It doesn't say anything about adding new content.

    I don't see why they couldn't make a Monk stronghold quest. All three new NPCs for BG:EE have entire new areas to explore coming with them (a fact tons of people seem to overlook).

  • ScooterScooter Member Posts: 182
    I believe in the AMAA they hinted they were hoping to make new strongholds for monks and (I think) Blackguards. Can't remember the exact details of what they said sorry.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Beamdog should press more about this content restriction rule, it's like a leash in the neck of the devs, isn't good for Beamdog neither for Atari or WotC. I'm really curious of whom profit with those restrictions (unless the license in those terms had a cheaper cost, i see no reason for it).

    Beamdog can't fix the old problems with this shit.
    ATARI that probally will get a % over the sales will get less money, or if they're paid per license at once, the chance of the project fail is huge, what would make them stop to profit on old titles copyright sales.
    WotC could use this as chance to fix old lore mistakes made in the old game (Anomen CN worship Helm for example).
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    You're right they were indeed looking into alternative Strongholds for Monk and Blackguard.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Blackguard stronghold could be easly simply slaughter the Radiant Cross Order :)! (i would love this option as a quest, sometimes i do it anyway, a shame that there are so few paladins there to kill).
  • balalaika86balalaika86 Member Posts: 20
    Contractually, implementing a Blackguard stronghold wouldn't be a problem since it's a brand new class and thus not involved in any content from the original game. The only problem with a monk stronghold, as I see it, is that they currently get the d'Arnise Keep, which would have to change. Which would potentially be a breach of the contract. OR they could go the sneaky route and take after multiclass characters, where the monk can get to choose if he wants the Keep or the Monastery.
  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    Since the Githyanki are already in the game, why not introduce a side quest involving the Githzerai and let monk characters take charge of a monastery in Limbo? That would be much cooler than just plopping a random monk order in Amn.
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    I always wanted the NPCs better implemented with the strongholds, it would be nice to consult them on plans of actions and gauge what their opinions are (their validity of opinions could depend on their intelligence, wisdom and charisma).
  • balalaika86balalaika86 Member Posts: 20
    Aah, the Gith. Their combined cultures, history and relationships are one my favorite things in the Planescape setting. I would give my left foot for a new Planescape game where you can play as a Githzerai or Githyanki and visit Limbo and the Astral Plane cities.

    Alas, the Githzerai are notoriously protective of their cities and monasteries from all outsiders, and as much as I like the Planes I think it would be best if their presence could be kept to a minimum in the game. Getting to take charge of a Gith monastery feels... strange in BG2. For me atleast.

    Agreed. Valygar and Keldorn feel utterly useless in regards to the strongholds after you get them. Nalia has a follow-up mission, but I can't remember if it part of the stronghold. In any case, I don't think she has any interjections during the Keep missions themselves.
  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    edited October 2012
    @balalaika86 That could actually work out well for a stronghold quest. The idea I have in my head is that CHARNAME would find himself in monastery(how isn't particularly important) that is on the verge of collapsing into chaos under a Slaadi attack. By the end of the quest, only a few Githzerai remain, and they are unable to maintain the monastery's integrity by themselves.

    For non-monk characters, CHARNAME then helps the remaining Githzerai escape, and that's the end of the quest. If CHARNAME is a monk, the Githzerai suggest that his Bhaalspawn essence could be harnessed to stabilize the monastery when used by a sufficiently disciplined mind. Accept their guidance, and you get the stronghold, with the remaining Githzerai giving insight into their monk traditions the same way Dak'kon taught TNO about the Zerth in Planescape: Torment.

    Stronghold sidequests could then include matters concerning training of students and challenges to the monastery by monks from other monasteries.
  • balalaika86balalaika86 Member Posts: 20
    That does indeed sound like a very cool and interesting questline and stronghold and is something that would fit perfectly in another Planescape game. I just don't think it would "fit" (yeah, I know how ridiculous that sounds ;P ) a monk in BG2. I mean, the otherworldy Planar Sphere fits the fantastical nature of mages, the Keep fits the martial warrior type, the Theater troupe fits the bard. I don't really feel introducing a Planar stronghold for a monk from the Prime Material Plane "fits" the setting, so to speak, If you know what I mean. If it had been a game primarily set in the Planes then it would fit perfectly, I think. Though to quote Dennis Miller: "'Course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong." ;)
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    I like new ideas, i by myself already gave some that people had difficult to accept, but... a monastery in the Limbo, a chaotic neutral plane by the way... i don't see a reason for it, neither a class link reason, neither where it would fit well in BG II history.
  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    edited October 2012
    @kamuizin It's not really a new idea. Limbo is where the Githzerai create their monasteries and cities. As for fitting into BG2... well there are already a few excursions to the outer planes in the game, the Githyanki's existence in the game implies the existence of the Githzerai already, and a Bhaalspawn gaining control of Githzerai monastery in Limbo makes more sense than arbitrarily creating a center for learning eastern(as in Kara-Tur) martial arts in Amn. So I'm not really sure how it would fit into BG2 less than any plausible alternatives.
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072

    well there are already a few excursions to the outer planes in the game

    Which is why they can't just add more, the quota before it gets too much is already filled. It would diminish the other visits.

    And the same goes with the githly interactions. Having a whole questline just about interacting with them would take away from the specialness of meeting the other gith later.
  • balalaika86balalaika86 Member Posts: 20
    I don't know if martial arts on Abeir-Toril comes exlusively from Kara-Tur. Though the fact that the Githzerai in your own example demonstrably do not get theirs from Kara-Tur makes me doubt the claim. As do Rasaad.

    Furthermore, according to lore, there are quite a few monasteries in Amn, aswell as to the south in Tethyr and Calimshan, and further east. Rasaad, for example recieved his training in Calimshan. So they are not that far away. I suggested the Order of the Shining Hand precisely because they are already present in Amn and have a clear foe in the Cowled Wizards who persecute them for their dabbling in magic on the side (they worship Azuth). Due to their persecution, most Order monasteries in Amn are on the small side, which I think fits better with the PC taking charge of one as opposed to suddenly becoming grandmaster of a large and ancient monastery with many dozens of members.

    Finally there is the simple matter of art assets. Beamdog will not be creating any new creature meshes, so Githzerai will either have to use Githyanki meshes or human/elf meshes. Using the former takes away from the uniqueness of the Githyanki and looks weird for the 'Zerai, and the latter do not make them justice, in my opinion.

    (The Shining Hand using magic is something that could be used nicely gameplay-wise as makers of unique monk gear.)
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    @balalaika86 This is a very cool and plausible scenario, I hope they'll go for something like it.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Any monk who wants it is welcome to my paladin's room in the Temple of the Radiant Heart. (Unfortunately I cant tell them which room it is because I have never been able to work it out)
  • NightfallRobNightfallRob Member Posts: 43
    Essentially they went with the rules for 2nd edition: a fighter can clear a tract a land, establish a stronghold, and tax the population. The title they earn doing so is "lord." In 1st edition a monk could establish a monastery if I remember correctly, while in 2nd edition the monk vanished, and then in 3rd and beyond anyone could establish some form of fortress or retreat if they chose to do so. Because of BG 2's timing, arriving between 2nd and 3rd edition, they didn't have much for the monk in terms of fortresses/monasteries. It would be nice if they simply updated and allowed anyone to claim the fortress and if they weren't of a "fighter" class or sub-class fight a duel or something to hold it.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Monks are a class from 3° ed if i'm not wrong so... i don't think it's possible to have a 1° edition or 2° edition rule for them.
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    edited October 2012

    Potential Monk Stronghold in BG2:EE- What would it be?

    At level 20 the monk achieves ultimate supremacy of mind over body and becomes his own stronghold, his flesh and bones the walls, his mind the inner citadel.
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    Jean_Luc said:

    Potential Monk Stronghold in BG2:EE- What would it be?

    At level 20 the monk achieves ultimate supremacy of mind over body and becomes his own stronghold, his flesh and bones the walls, his mind the inner citadel.
    Sound like a rave, I'll bring my homies. There enough room for us all in there? Ah I'm sure we'll work it out.
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    edited October 2012

    Sound like a rave, I'll bring my homies. There enough room for us all in there? Ah I'm sure we'll work it out.

    If you can't get in just use the back door bro.

  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    @kamuizin The Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition had the monk among its base classes. You can read more at .
  • ramagonsramagons Member Posts: 96
    after hours community center
  • Wonderboy2402Wonderboy2402 Member Posts: 121
    edited October 2012
    I think the monk stronghold is an interesting idea. My thought would be that is abandoned or infested by squatters. After gaining control of it, a PC monk could then recruit a variety of NPC from around the world reflected of their alignment. As you gain a following, you could expect them to work daily routines of the stronghold like having a herbal gardening, or martial arts training, or whatever.

    I doubt there would be much in the way of financial incentive to owning the stronghold, but if there was a place to create potions, or get a free remove curse or something... And it could be cool to create your own order of monks reflective of what sort of alignment you hold. I can recall the Dak'kon quest line in planescape torment where you could mold his personality. Might be cool to teach your followers in the order / dogma of your choice.
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