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cha and pallys

AyurukAyuruk Member Posts: 20
Started up a new game in soa. Can't remember if cha does anything for pallys in bg2 , think it just affects store prices? Also with the rule set in bg:ee will cha do anything for pallys?


  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    In BG1 high charisma also prevents your NPCs from coming to blows (so long as you are in the leader position in the line up - which, you damn well ought to be if you are a paladin). I'm not sure if this is true in BG2 as well.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    If you roll up good enough stats there's no harm in having a high charisma. There is a ring in BG2 that sets your CHA to 18, but you'll have to re-equip it whenever you wanna talk to someone if you have other rings you want to use.
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