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Sarevok's MR BG1 -Spoilers-

jfliederjflieder Member Posts: 115
Where did Sarevok's magic resistance in the final battle come from? He appeared to have little or none in his ambush upon CHARNAME and Gorion in the beginning of the game. However, in the final battle, you'd be lucky for every other magic missle to hit him.
And no, I'm not making a case for him being too hard or overpowered. I think it's fine that he is set this way in the final battle, I'm just curious in a gameplay/plot way.


  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    I thought it originated from his suit of armor, from a plot stance. It's linked to his Bhaal essence, which is why it's totally vanished the next time you encounter him.

    As for how Gorion bypasses it... high level harper? Plot characters always do what they want in D&D campaigns. I think the GM was fudging dice rolls.
  • jfliederjflieder Member Posts: 115
    edited October 2012
    Gorion bypassing MR with high level harper ability? Meh, I could go with that I suppose. Perhaps in a similar way that CHARNAME gains those innate Bhaalspawn-specific abilities during BG2 (which would be roughly the same level of Sarevok at the end of BG1), Sarevok gained MR through innate abilities unique to him. Just spit-balling, though.
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    Maybe Sarevok obtains a ring or necklace between the fight with Gorion and his fight with you that greatly increases his Magic Resistance?
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Maybe Sarevok 'turned off' his magic resistance for the fight against Gorion to give the unprepared old fool a bit of a chance?
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    I thought Sarevok's Magic Resistance was only there without Tales of the Sword Coast, where he appeared to be immune to magic altogether, and with TotSC, he's just... hasted?
    I swear I saw fireballs hitting him more than once though...
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Can we quit fooling around with our hollow theories? It's clearly because they wanted the battle at the start to look more epic for the new players. They wanted to show off magic, not make it look useless. First impressions are *very* important for games. By the time you make it to the end of the game, you have a much better grasp and understanding of things and thus you would expect his magic resistance.
  • jfliederjflieder Member Posts: 115
    Quartz said:

    Can we quit fooling around with our hollow theories? It's clearly because they wanted the battle at the start to look more epic for the new players. They wanted to show off magic, not make it look useless. First impressions are *very* important for games. By the time you make it to the end of the game, you have a much better grasp and understanding of things and thus you would expect his magic resistance.

    I only kid. More seriously, these are forums for a computer game. Coming up with these "hollow" theories is something I've come to expect for questions without official answers. And your theory isn't a bad one, honestly.
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