American Politician plays WoW
Not a fan of WoW but it is good to see. The claims against her for playing a Rogue border on the ridiculous.
Not a fan of WoW but it is good to see. The claims against her for playing a Rogue border on the ridiculous.
I mean, nothing against republicans, I just didn't know how to name them but...
... isn't that slightly ridiculous? Gaming is such a growing element of life, I wouldn't wonder that by 2030, about 90% of the world will be gamers!
Saying that you're a gamer as something diminishing is an archaic thing. It's like calling the inquisition for every scientist you see on the street!
BADD (Bothered About Dungeons & Dragons) was set up by Patricia Pulling. As much as I sympathise with people who lose family members, there's far too much blame against games. An example being that boy who shut himself in his room for four days playing CoD(?), and then had to be rushed to hospital after collapsing. There's a time when common sense should kick in and tell them that they've been playing for long enough, either for the parents or for the person playing.
It is nice to see politicians playing games, though. I think I read something a while ago about a politician in the Netherlands who played video games, but I can't find the article.
If I were her, I would've said: 'So what?'. It's nobody's, I repeat, NOBODY'S business to critizise what someone does in their free time. I hate the fact that gaming still has this negative stigma stuck all over it in these modern times. It reminds me of my own parents who dismiss it as a 'tool of the devil'. Lol yeah. I wouldn't change my hobbies and pastimes for anything or anyone. Sorry, but that's just how I am. I have a right and free will to choose how to spend my free time and nobody has any say in that. So what's next for that poor woman? Will the media now start focusing on what kind of books she reads in her free time? Which movies she enjoys? Which sports she likes? It's despicable and shameful. It's breaching a person's privacy and wanting to control them. Do we live in a Big Brother world where everything we do, read, watch etc gets monitored and criticised? Again, if I'd been her, I would've told those guys to kindly fuck off and stay out of my private life.
EA_ATVI NEWS channel FTW!!!
I doubt they have a problem with hunting. Which includes actual violence and murder lol
Everyone knows that SW:TOR is where it's at.
My only concern would have been that WoW tends to be addicting, which isn't a good thing for someone in public office. But it sounds (from her response) like she has set aside her gaming because of her public work, which is promising.
That's one thing I really like about Radio. Everyone I've met is a huge, enormous geek in one way or another. And everyone is a musician, whether it's a total beginner nub at guitar like myself or
any of the people in town with actual bands who would probably get noticed if we lived in a bigger market.
Anyway, about the topic at hand:
NBC News did a pretty comprehensive article about it. There's at least one republican already in office who's in support of her because she also plays Horde.
This is an example of why you don't bring personal hobbies into attack ads. All you do is alienate everyone who also shares that hobby or sees nothing wrong with it. Anyone that'd be swayed by this particular attack campaign was NEVER going to vote for her to begin with.
Why do you think the Obama administration doesn't attack Romney for owning horses and enjoying horseback riding? That's a predominantly super white, rich guy activity: IF YOU'RE FROM A CITY. Attacking him for that would just piss off the huge middle class base in the center of the country where owning and riding a horse is more common. Attacking this woman for playing WoW would be along the lines of attacking Obama for following basketball. HE OBVIOUSLY DOESN'T HAVE TIME TO ENJOY SPORTS, HE'S THE POTUS.
We see right through it.
Many people also have religious objections to a lot of the content in the games. And finally, there's the general stigma of just being seen as a dorky loner. A lot of responsible adults out there, especially parents who have to work all the time and be transporting their kids from activity to activity to activity when they're not working, see gaming as a sign of laziness, or even view it with suspicion, as though the gamer somehow must have a sinister or hidden bad moral character.
The political campaign managers who decided to try mounting an attack based on the opposing candidate's gaming habit knew exactly what they were doing, unfortunately. It was a calculated gamble on their part, one that I hope backfires on them.
I wager!
"Gaming researcher Ladan Cockshut said the row revealed how gaming can be seen as a bad thing to do."
Ladan Cockshut.
So. Many. Jokes.