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[MOD] Continous Viconia Appearance for BG1EE, BG2EE, SOD and EET

smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
edited May 2016 in General Modding
This minimod standardizes Viconia's appearance through BG1EE, BG2EE, SOD and EET.

It sets her colors to her SOD colors and sets the same portrait for all three adventures.

The standard portrait by default will be her SOD portrait but that can easily be changed by changing this line in Setup-ContinousViconiaAppearance.tp2:

OUTER_SPRINT "selectedportrait" "SOD Vanilla"
Change SOD Vanilla to the portrait filename of your choice.

There are several alternatives from around the web in the Portraits folder included with the mod so feel free to pick whatever one you like there or outside the mod.

Here's a screenshot of the alternatives

This was inspired by this discussion:


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