What is the one thing that truly makes you consider buying BG:EE?

I must admit that the main reason I'm thinking of getting this version is for the multiplayer support. I remember wanting to play this ages ago with a friend, and we had the hardest time adjusting our computer settings to play a short session. I think playing this game with friends and strangers will be the real reward of this version, and how multiplayer is implemented will determine whether I buy it, since most other changes seem possible via mods.
I honestly see no other reason why I would seriously consider buying this, but it also makes me seriously doubt whether or not I should buy the version, since a lot of things would simply be ridiculous in multiplayer, such as meeting other players with 25 in all stats, or starting with characters with 18 in four or more stats. I think a point buy system like in Planescape Torment would fix a lot of issues I would have in this regard.
I honestly see no other reason why I would seriously consider buying this, but it also makes me seriously doubt whether or not I should buy the version, since a lot of things would simply be ridiculous in multiplayer, such as meeting other players with 25 in all stats, or starting with characters with 18 in four or more stats. I think a point buy system like in Planescape Torment would fix a lot of issues I would have in this regard.
- What is the one thing that truly makes you consider buying BG:EE?264 votes
- multiplayer support10.61%
- new NPCs15.15%
- gameplay enhancements54.17%
- new cinematics  1.14%
- new adventures (The Black Pits, and potentially more)18.94%
The fix of old mistakes, new engine, rewerite of old contents to better fit the NPCs behaviors, direct interaction of the new and the old content, an friendly mod tool interface, enhancement of game play by new magics, items, game interaction style and better AI for battle and party control.... among many other stuff.
So i brought BG EE and i discovered that none of the above would happen, well... i can live with that (barely), gonna see what BG EE turns out to be and i will evaluate it after the release.
I literally pictured something like this lol. I was literally also like, "It's about freaking time!"
Cleaned up UI, widescreen support, inproved graphical scaling and transition to BG2 engine. All without installing a bunch of mods before hand.
Most of the rest is either pretty much out there already in mod form or "nice" but not anything that I would miss if I stuck to BG1. I still play the original BG1 in original shitty resolution than BG1Tutu/BGT. Yeah. I can do without.
Hopefully the value of the game is only going to grow in the future, e.g. the planned Bhaalspawn-related sidequest and the (assumedly) improved moddability of the game leading to some interesting mods post-release.
That said, more NPC's, Items, Spells, Area's, Quests, Stronghold's etc via DLC please please please please please....do that and BG:EE series becomes the best money sink ever!!!!!!!!
Subraces is a bit speculation at this point, but I read something that Subraces are in fact coming out and will be playable... at least at some point
I am so used to mods that nothing apart from multiplayer support interests me much, and I'm in the minority. Clearly there were more options that I hadn't thought of though.
That, and updating the source code and introducing the series to a new generation is pretty awesome.
That category can cover everything from having BG2 kits in BG1 to zoomable areas to sprites that don't look like crap.
My main reason is because i been fan of role playing games for a long time my first ever role playing game wasn't final fantasy 7 or 10 it was legend of zelda for the snes called link into the past
I love role playing i love it more then any other Type of games like racing and sports games
Last summer I was at the country (a bit bored) and decided to give Icewind Dale a go. I had a blast and decided I should give BG a proper chance. So I found out about the new edition being made and decided to wait for the polished version rather then just playing the regular one.
Gameplay enhancement is at the bottom of the list for me since I play a pretty bug free version of BGT.
Truly, it *is* a chore sometimes :
Install the game
Install the expansion
Install the latest patch - oh whoops, BioWare's site doesn't have it anymore. Good luck finding it!
Download the mod
Read the readme well, as you might (and you probably WILL) do things wrong otherwise.
Run the mod installer
Specify installation folder
Think about what resolution/bug fixes/tweaks you want in the game
Play the game
Sidenote : If one of those steps went wrong, uninstall and start over. 5 Disks FTW!!!
Download the client
Let it download the game
Play game
I don't know, I believe that's quite an advantage over swapping billions of disk and failing at one process. Truly, the only game that is harder to mod is Minecraft XD