Is this something to be exited about?
I know baldur's gate is awesome and all, but is this enhanced edition all so great?
I will buy it and I realize that its pretty cheap but, you know they made the interface higher res(no one cares),
They improved the "smoothness" and they added a couple of quests/npc's.
That alone is "reasonably okay" but it didn't seem like what I expected when I heard about it the first time it was "announced".
They didn't add stuff like increased loot and make it more dynamic, add in more cool monsters. Add in some spells. Re-work the warrior, since that class is kind of dull... or actually improved the graphics to something better then its current state, with todays technology it wouldn't take "that long" And when I say improve the graphics I don't mean like change the graphic style to make it not feel like a baldur's gate game, I'm saying improve the graphics but keep that darkish tone. I'm not saying that graphics matter everything, but since its a different game, they might have added more then zoom in zoom out, lol...
Those are just throw in suggestions made in a couple of seconds, cmon guys, you can do better then this!
I will buy it and I realize that its pretty cheap but, you know they made the interface higher res(no one cares),
They improved the "smoothness" and they added a couple of quests/npc's.
That alone is "reasonably okay" but it didn't seem like what I expected when I heard about it the first time it was "announced".
They didn't add stuff like increased loot and make it more dynamic, add in more cool monsters. Add in some spells. Re-work the warrior, since that class is kind of dull... or actually improved the graphics to something better then its current state, with todays technology it wouldn't take "that long" And when I say improve the graphics I don't mean like change the graphic style to make it not feel like a baldur's gate game, I'm saying improve the graphics but keep that darkish tone. I'm not saying that graphics matter everything, but since its a different game, they might have added more then zoom in zoom out, lol...
Those are just throw in suggestions made in a couple of seconds, cmon guys, you can do better then this!
As for all your other points, you are missing out a lot, such as the BG2 engine and all the bugfixes without having to install any mods, plus support for non-PC platforms, plus multiplayer that actually works. I'd buy it just for those things, but they are also adding new story content and a new kit (it is actually a kit for the Paladin, so your complaint about "warriors" is being addressed). Random loot and stuff like that is more a matter of opinion but personally I don't like it and neither do the devs, apparently.
They can't change the graphics to the extent of making it HD because the source art assets were lost by Bioware years ago and each map is hand drawn, you can't simply replicate it at higher resolution. It would mean completely redrawing the entire game from scratch, so it would take "that long".
I think there might be "cool new monsters" in the Black Pits module.
Also worth the twenty bucks not to have to mess with half a dozen mods to fix outstanding issues and weird BG2/IE gameplay issues.
At the same time, there is a weapon already in BG2 that is only usable by "antipaladins", which is what a blackguard is. So you'll probably be able to use that.
On top of that, the community engagement in terms of what they've actually shown us, is really, really bad.
Maybe not enough, but definitely more.
And the graphics is actually improved, but i thought you don't care about higher res.
I don't get how you can say "they added content, but they aren't adding any content" in the same breath. New areas means there is going to be new loot. Three new NPCs, all of which are quite different from the others you can haul in your party.
They aren't going to rework warrior just because you find them boring. Welcome to AD&D. Warriors being boring is not a bug and does not need to be "enhanced."
It's a freakin' remake. They are adding a ton of stuff. I don't understand why threads like this keep cropping up. It's like people decided what they believe the release is going to be and don't bother looking into it at all.
My friends here are getting to know teacherly, pedantic, me, so I can't resist saying this little tidbit:
You must actually be asking why people DON'T support BG:EE, since you have asked people why they are "exiting" from buying it. LOL.
I do believe you meant "exciting". And if that was merely a typo, then I can totally see myself making the same mistake, and bearing the embarassment of it, if I were trying to type too fast, and not proofread my own title line.
But, if it's that you don't know how to spell "exciting", then, shame on you.
...The solemn Belgarath raises an eyebrow and gives a deep, throaty, 'harrumph', while pulling the corners of his mouth into a tight frown, shaking his head, and then *exiting* (pun intended) the podium...
Anyways it seems all they did was smooth out tiny details and add some other minor things then make it more accessible to people who were speaking different languages and make it playable on other devices.
But so little was changed gameplay vise except maybe ZOOM IN! OMG SO GREAT! (sarcasm)
Come on, my friend, it was a joke. If you really didn't know how to spell "exciting" in English, then you should be taking the opportunity to learn, and if it was a typo, then, I would say, lighten up.
It is an enhancement of a 14 year old game. Read some of the threads and you will find out that Overhaul is limited in many respects by their agreement with those who own the rights to the game. It will never be a "new" Baldur's Gate. I'm good if they just upgrade the graphics so it looks good on my 32" flat screen. Anything else is gravy.
@Dwalin You might not be excited, but clearly a lot of people on this forum are, that is why many of them are members here. Did you really think it was necessary to make a post telling everyone not to get excited and then citing a load of things that everyone already knows as evidence?
I know a ton of people who wouldn't be at all excited about BGEE, you're not wrong not to be excited, but literally WHAT is the point in attempting to spread your lack of enthusiasm?
For one thing at least 4 or 5 of my friends who would never in a million years install a game with as much man hours to fix up will be getting this and then playing it. Just for the whole new crowd and openness of the game it's great!
IF they make BG 3, then I wouldn't mind a total updating of graphics, features, etc. It's a new game, go ahead and use the new tech. But the remakes I'm nostalgically looking forward to playing in as close a form as possible to the originals. I think part of the reason they haven't updated past a certain point is that a lot of us feel similarly and they understand their market.
BG isn't going to appeal to people interested in the newest tech. Like Diablo 3, it will mostly appeal to the people who remember what came before and want to play something very similar, if not nearly the same, to the original games.
Accessibility and the same great game we all loved working better than ever! aweaome
It comes down to this: I'm the sort who prioritizes story and plot in video games, and that just doesn't seem to be a priority (or a possibility) for the EE. Dorn, Neera and Rasaad sound like interesting characters, but I'm no longer certain I can justify supporting the EE based solely on that.
At least they didn't pull a Blizzard - they charged $60 for a "refurbished" Diablo 2 and it's not even nearly as good as the original. :] So quit your whining!