Multiclass progression

I can't seem to find a definitive table of multiclass advancement for the following:
Proficiency Selection
THAC0 advancement
Hit Point increase (although I know the formula for this, its just easier to see a table)
Saving throw decrease based on character class.
Looking for fighter/thief, mage/thief, cleric/mage, and fighter/mage progression charts. There used to be some on but for some reason that site seems to be down.
Proficiency Selection
THAC0 advancement
Hit Point increase (although I know the formula for this, its just easier to see a table)
Saving throw decrease based on character class.
Looking for fighter/thief, mage/thief, cleric/mage, and fighter/mage progression charts. There used to be some on but for some reason that site seems to be down.
If you are a figher multi you get a new proficiency at every 3 levels.
You use the best saving throw of all your classes at given levels, a f/m uses a mage's superiour save vs spells/wands and fighter's other saves are generally better and are used instead.
Your thac0 also uses the faster progressing one, a f/m gains 1 thac0 at every fighter level up.
Hit points, you gain half (or 1/3 in case of triple classes) amount of normal hp at each level up.
What about for non-fighter multiclasses?