Great Battles with Serevok

The Serevok battle is hard. I always seem to resort to a tactic of picking off his team mates one by one and saving him for last.
I really don't have much of a tale to tell when it comes to how I beat BG. I scout ahead to take care of any traps. Get the mage to dimension door where the rest of my team is waiting. Lure and take out the other two team mates. Maybe instead, kite serevok while the rest of my team takes out the other two. Then focus my fire power on Serevok... It's so anti-climatic that post fight I have to kill all my team so that CHARNAME can say what a heroic battle it was.
So, to up my game a notch, I'm interested to hear some detail about other's triumphs over Serevok. What was the team composition and tactics employed? Difficulty level? SCS? Was it a close call or extremely easy doing it your way? Any insights into particular weaknesses? Any gripes about how they cheat? I noticed that tazok is not detectable by detect invisibility no matter how long my thief stands there.
links to prior descriptions and playthroughs welcome. Thanks.
I really don't have much of a tale to tell when it comes to how I beat BG. I scout ahead to take care of any traps. Get the mage to dimension door where the rest of my team is waiting. Lure and take out the other two team mates. Maybe instead, kite serevok while the rest of my team takes out the other two. Then focus my fire power on Serevok... It's so anti-climatic that post fight I have to kill all my team so that CHARNAME can say what a heroic battle it was.
So, to up my game a notch, I'm interested to hear some detail about other's triumphs over Serevok. What was the team composition and tactics employed? Difficulty level? SCS? Was it a close call or extremely easy doing it your way? Any insights into particular weaknesses? Any gripes about how they cheat? I noticed that tazok is not detectable by detect invisibility no matter how long my thief stands there.
links to prior descriptions and playthroughs welcome. Thanks.
Doing this allows you to leave the area to rest and it will also deplete the 2x stinkweb trigger. You can then 1vs1 him with no external factors.
For me the biggest weakness of entire Sarevok's party is lack of any way to detect invisible. You can easily kill Semaj and Tazok, then go invisibile, and then kill Angelo and Sarevok.
I usually start with killing Semaj, then go for Angelo as soon as he appers, and keep Sarevok and Tazok occupied with summoned minions; I also never keep Tazok, so he's appearance in BG2 is more believable.
In the mean time, Charname went on a one on one battle against Sarevok and killed him. Only had to use Durlag's Cup (the one that fully heals) once.
It felt pretty epic. Specially imagining Charname wailing like a madman while attacking Sarevok (due to rage) and then, when Sarevok manages to score a huge wound, charname just pushes him away, drinks from a cup full of *fresh blood* and continues to fight. I think Sarevok realised then who really was destined to be the Lord of Murder because he didnt get another hit in the next 2 rounds until he died :-)
In any case, the deciding factor was the unlimited HP pool provided by the goblet while running with a 135 HP charname (or more if DUHM was not dispelled).
And the fact that I play on core rules, I suppose :-D
Edit: I just checked my final save and he has a zillion icons on the portrait, so Angelo did not cast dispel magic or i resisted it.
- And then Dynaheir used wand of paralyzation on him and it worked.
- And what then?!
- What "what"? We cut him to pieces, of course.
- ...just like that?
- Yeah, what should we do? Wait until he recovers? But later that day I ended up in drinking contest with dwarven priestess of Tempus in Splurging Sturgeon - and that's a story...!
Anyway, I buffed up with Berserk, DUHM, and Oil of Speed. Chunked Serevok pretty heavily with a backstab. Decided to ignore his lackeys and focus him down, which was the right choice. I did take a fair amount of damage, but he was down in the second round of attacks. Not sure I'd have won if the game didn't end on his death.
After that don't mind who kills what or how, it's just a job. But keeping Sarevok alive and occupied long enough to kill everything else is the challenge.
Killing Sarevok and Tazok and Semaj and Angelo = worldwide fame, immortal glory.
Killing Sarevok and Tazok and Semaj and Angelo = worldwide fame, immortal glory.
Lol, too bad the game doesn't care either way...
I wanted to use less metagame knowledge, especially knowing where Semaj would jump to. I group invis-ed the whole party, sent imoen ahead to disarm traps, and then gathered the troup along the left side of the Bhaal seal.
As soon as the battle started, edwin cast greater malaison, which missed Semaj. Angelo debuffed most of my team with his dispell magic, Greater Malaison from Selmaj. Imoen used Algernon's cloak to charm Serevok. It may not have worked, or i just missed that he was now under my control and he already was attacking Amu. Either way, Serevok got Amu down probably around half health before a dire charm from edwin took hold.
Before that happened, Dorn targeted Semaj, and the rest of the team focused on Angelo, who went down by the end of the round. Amu raced to Semaj, with Serevok following him in tow. Edwin got off the dire charm and Semaj cast Chaos, which effected Imoen, Branwen, and Dorn. Dorn continued hacking at semaj. Amu and Serevok joined in.
In came Tazok to the battle, killing imoen. Then woking on branwen. Edwin summoned some monsters to keep Tazok busy while Serevok and Amu came to Kill him. Dorn had followed them, and when the time came to target serevok, serevok cut Dorn down. But soon Serevok was dead.
All and all, a bit sloppy. Maybe next time I'll try to charm Angelo first before he can debuff the team. Kite serevok to semaj and focus on him before he can spread his chaos. All the while charming Serevok. Then have Serevoks cohort devour itself: tazok, then angelo, then Serevok.
For me it's actually a little surprising that some people don't save Serevok for last. I've been insisting on killing them all, for me its just a given part of the game that i practically forgot you can play another way. But hey, that's why i started this thread, to see the different ways this fight in particular was handled.
I can't understand what the original developers were thinking, the game ends when you are literally in the middle of a fight, being attacked/attacking. Even the game seems to be confused, there's a few seconds hesitation then the writing comes up.
Must have been the pub opened or something and valuable drinking time was being wasted, or the electricity meter needed feeding.
I hate the fight for that reason, however well you manage it (sometimes everything goes to plan and you end without loss of a single hp or the opposite and lucky to survive), next thing "transported" away from this engrossing RPG. Unbelievably immersion breaking, you feel cheated.
Also, SCS makes it so you have to kill them first.
More recently, when I was playing using a bard, I had him use a Protection from Magic Scroll, get Sarevok's attention, and go to the center of the room. When he came over, my bard drank a Potion of Invisibility and walked all over the trapped symbol, triggering lots of Skull Traps which eventually killed Sarevok. The cool thing about this was that he died in the same spot that he is in the final cinematic.