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New Custom Party Ideas.

styggastygga Member Posts: 467
Okay, I've recently beaten the whole game (well not technically yet, I'm on my way through chapter seven ATM, and already cleared durlags tower), and I've decided to create an entire custom party for my next playthrough. Nothing fancy, just 3-4 characters, that way I can still pick up a couple npc's along the way I've never tried and see how they go. I usually have my charname (the bhaalspawn) some sort of caster. Just always made sense for me to be a badass spell slinger as the child of a god. But I digress. Ok I'm thinking something like:

Main pc - Mage or mage/cleric, or hell even a fighter cleric so he can tank
Some sort of thief, dual'd multi'd or single class
Obviously if my pc isn't a tank I'd need one, I'm open to paladins, rangers, and fighters.. Never played a paladin seriously yet.
Cleric - Obviously need a healer.

That's my basic set up I want to have. 3-4 characters depending on if I decide to make a multiclass thief/something. Keep in mind I want some new experiences, IE I want races I've never played (only played human elf and half elf) and maybe some classes I haven't tried (such as paladin). Input appreciated! Off to kill sarevok on my 3 mage party!


  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245
    Gnome cleric/illusionist for the PC. Gnomes get great saving throws, and the cleric/illusionist gets more spells than the standard cleric/mage available to half-elves.

    Plus gnomes are ace.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    But they're sooooooooo ugly!
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    If I was making a custom party the first thing I would do is listen to the voice sets and choose the ones I like most and then try to fit the characters to the voice sets. You are going to be hearing them a lot and in my opinion there aren't that many really good ones in original Baldur's Gate (things are better if you get some of the IWD ones to supplement the selection).
  • KaxonKaxon Member Posts: 156
    Voice sets are crucial, especially for your thief (or whoever you use to scout I guess, but I always use my thief to search for traps). The main reason I booted Jan from my party was that I got so sick of hearing him burp all the time, even though I liked pretty much everything else about him. On the other hand I never get tired of hearing Imoen's comments.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    The one caution I would give to custom party creators is that, even with only four party members, or maybe especially with four party members, giving 18's in every relevant stat to all of the custom characters makes an over-powered party that makes the game get really boring. Do you really want to just railroad over everything in the game with no challenge?

    I guess that some people do want exactly that, but I honestly don't understand how those people don't die of boredom, with nothing to challenge them and nothing to look forward to, not to mention the cutting off of all party interaction in the game. If you're that much into pure action, there are lots of better games you could be playing - Diablo, Sacred, Dungeon Siege, Titan Quest, Torchlight, Elder Scrolls, all in any of their versions.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    BG1 has very little npc interaction. Viconia kept telling Coran that in the underdark he'd be fodder for the kuo toa. That was basically what I got out of 95 in game days. Now bg2, that's a different story. The npc's actually banter.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    And I don't remember saying I was going to min/max everything? Just because it's a custom party doesn't mean I'm going to roll 18/18/18/3/3/16 on my warrior.
  • AmardarialAmardarial Member Posts: 270
    Well I roll custom groups, roll mostly 18's usually three, don't have the patience to roll perfects across the board.

    but I also run various tactics mods, in fact my current group (BGT, in Chapter 3 of BG 1) Died to one of the assassin groups like 6 times before I finally got it right, My group is avg lvl 5...running the following with TDD mod installed (Love the kits)

    Human Bard (Skald) Uses Longbow
    Half-Orc Thief (Delver) Uses Crossbow
    Half-Orc Priest (Priest of Malar) Uses the Beast Claw ability for big fights, clubs otherwise.
    Half-Elf Druid (Shapeshifter) Basically stays in Werewolf form 24/7, only leaves to pre-buff as able.
    Half-Orc Barbarian, Uses Axes
    Half-Orc Fighter (Frost Dweller) Uses Warhammers

    Group is rather buff, but with Tactics type mods I still have to play it careful or else I die, hell Xvart village with 20+ Shamans who cast Hold Person is a pain for a low level group, maxed out stats or not :P

    Oh and this groups theme is Tribal/IWD Region type group, also lends towards Evil, been a load of fun so far, save for that one assassin group, wiped so many times on that one as they hit hard and fast!! Bandit Camp and Cloakwood should be interesting.
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