LOL this game...

So might be old news to you all, but I have just started playing for first time and was doing the little quest for that paladin that wants you to fight off a wave of gibberlings (sry I am terrible remembering names). Had Xan cast Sleep in the middle of them all they all fell fast asleep and I had my fighters move down the row hacking each one to death. Thought this was pretty humorous... Anyone else got any interesting stories/experiences like this?
I'm very, very, impressed that you got all the way to that encounter to the north of the gnoll fortress. However did you get past the bear-on-the-bridge, and even more awesomely, the ogres and orcs encounter on the north bridge?
Now, you are probably wondering why was he called Graveltoes. He probably wonders himself, given that he has a foot made out of wood. It all goes back you see to the great turnip crisis of '22, when there was scarcely a turnip to be found anywhere in Faerun. It was a terrible time you see, when the Jansen family travelled throughout Amn and as far south as Calimshan looking to find a reliable supplier of turnips. Graveltoes found one, but was shortly thereafter ambushed by brigade of bandits who demanded he turn over all of his supplies and gold. He stubbornly declared "not while I'm still standing I won't", and well, after one cleave from a long sword he relented...
Alright, I'll give one. From the other end of the BG saga. I was playing through ToB to the Ascension mod at the end. Spoilers if you haven't played it.
I had just reached the part where Irenicus summons in his sister Bodhi to help fight you.
Except I had forgotten I managed to switch on 'turn undead' for a ludicrously overpowered single class cleric in my party a few seconds after stepping into the final battle. A moment before her dialogue could fire properly and she could start helping her brother make terrible threats about how she will have her revenge, Bodhi exploded into a million chunky giblets. She warped in and died, less than a second.
The game couldn't continue after this point. She was dead. She couldn't deliver the required dialogue. I liked to think, from a roleplaying perspective, that this represented a prolonged moment of awkwardness between Irenicus and the charname party.
Poor Bodhi.
I did a similar thing with Anomen and the femininity girdle once, when Anomen was being particularly annoying and condescending towards my female PC.
Irenicus and party stare, shocked...
CHARNAME: Why is everyone looking at me that way all of a sudden?!
Ain't easy being a beginner
I particularly like this part of your description:
I am not a good player. I just love the game.
I'm still not very good using magic effectively, in particular, but I'd like to improve that