Solo run -> Gem Bag?

How can I can get a Gem bag in BG if i'm trying to do a Solo Run? I know Neera as one, but I can't take her in my team, or else Its not a solo run...
How can I can get a Gem bag in BG if i'm trying to do a Solo Run? I know Neera as one, but I can't take her in my team, or else Its not a solo run...
Edit: taking her in and dropping her immediately, of course.
Edit2 : in response to @JumboWheat01
You can Kill her or let her get Killed , both will Drop the Gem Bag.
also tried Pick pocket but even with skill 240 she wont Budge ...
simply talking to her wont give you the Bag so for Flying solo, Killing is the only Option.
Anything below these isn't worth the effort :
Laeral Tears Necklace
Pearl Necklace
Ruby Ring
Fire Opal Ring
Rogue Stone
Star Saphire
Diamond / Emerald / King's Tear (bg2 only)
Only focus on these and you will save a LOT of time.
One potion of invisibility + hitting for more than 4 damage = one free gem bag and no annoying encounter.
(then again, I never did find the stomach for a proper evil play through)
Indeed, with Hypocrisy, you can let Neera die to her assaillants before fending them off and ignore that you are then no less responsible for her death than if your own blade had did the deed!
Warning : because this product is based on the act of lying, it is not appropriate for people believing in access to an afterlife depending on values that would include honesty.
Neera giving you the gem bag as a reward for defending her...
Needless to say, I got the gem bag and didn't feel particularly guilty about Neera's untimely demise.
IIRC she can take enough damage and die. ( not being in party )