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BG2:EE v 2.1 Bugs

karl_maulderkarl_maulder Member Posts: 133
edited May 2016 in Troubleshooting
First of all, i havn't been active on this board for a long time, and couldn't find the BG2:EE (current patch) forum (bugs), so i'm sorry if i post in the wrong forum. You (mod) can move this thread to the right one, if necessary.

I encountered a couple of bugs on two different playthroughs that didn't seem to go away when loading from a previous save.

Copper Coronet: Winter Wolf (in the slave pit) don't spawn, happened in both my games, even if i load a previous save.

Cowled Wizards: Don't spawn after appearing (when using magic), even if moving to a different area. Didn't seem to work on either playthrough, even if loading.

Valen and Brus (Gaelen Bayle's nephew), didn't appear in one of my games after attaining 20K gold.

ToB: Game freezes after talking to the "heads" (stones), could be my cpu that crashes?

Due to some severe bugs, i did an uninstall, and had my saved files removed.


  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    Save-games should be in your My Documents folder, and remain unaffected by uninstalling the game.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,503
    It's not a good idea to use saved games from older patch versions of the game. They may cause all kinds of minor or not so minor issues that are difficult to track down.

    If you can reproduce these bugs on a clean game you should consider reporting them on Redmine (see How to Report Bugs).
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @karl_maulder For general bug discussion you can post in the Troubleshooting forum; I'm moving this thread there now so that our QA team can find it.
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