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Which companions will you take along on your first foray into BG:EE?



  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited October 2012
    Rajick said:

    Charname- chaotic evil black guard

    Good luck with that. Seriously doubt Blackguards will have the ability to be Chaotic Evil, but I could be wrong. Chances are, Lawful Evil alone. We shall see however.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    I'm planning:

  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    Ditching Imoen ASAP. Keeping Jaheira if she's got that sweet, sweet BG2 DEX. Otherwise, she's being left behind in Beregost.

    Interested in picking up Dorn and possibly Neera. Might chunk the monk guy on purpose because I have a chip on my shoulder about that class.

    PC will likely be a caster: Avenger or Sorcerer.

    Second playthrough will be Elven stalker, if I can convince myself to let go of Kivan and Coran.
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231
    Quartz said:

    I will probably play my first party as the Rape and Death Party (TM). What I mean by this, is the most overpowered party I can muster while restricting myself to Evil alignment. Which, most of the powerful characters in BG1 are evil, just pointing that out.

    So ... something probably along the lines of:
    PC - Elven Archer (because Evil kind of lacks a good archer ... Shar-Teel is passable)

    @Quartz Archers are restricted to a good alignment. So you will have to play a ranged Fighter it you want your character to fit an all-evil party.
  • IsairIsair Member Posts: 217
    First party (evil)

    PC - Blackguard (TWF because I'm prone to it)
    Shar-Teel (fighter/thief) I'm hoping the cap has been raised enough so she can reach at least 7/9
    Faldorn (BG2 druid spells, BG1 druid spells put me off her despite being capable of a high level)
    Xzar (Necromancer/Cleric) Same hopes as Shar-Teel, would like him to reach 7/9
    Neera (because I should really have one new NPC)

    I'm hopeing the new cap is 300,000, enough to give every class another level (granted druid will get 2).

    Second (good)

    PC - Paladin (either undead hunter or cavalier - TWF as well, I plan to have Keldorn in BG2)
    Rasaad (I intend to win him over by gifting him a defender I found in the woods, I'm charismatic he'll believe me)
    Imoen (if Cap is as hoped, I'll dual her at 7 then will still be able to reach level 10 mage)

    Still haven't got a party involving Dorn planned, I'll have to rethink everything no doubt once EE is released & I find out the cap is the same.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    @neleothesze - Ahh yes of course, durp. Being a range subclass and all.

    Still going to be a ranged beast of course. If they restore Grand Mastery to its rightful BG1 ability, I'll go with a pure fighter. If they don't I may just run a Blackguard.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Quartz said:

    If they restore Grand Mastery to its rightful BG1 ability, I'll go with a pure fighter. If they don't I may just run a Blackguard.

    I would expect GM to be the same as the original myself - there were several mods that returned BG2s nerfed version back to the original but I can't ever recall seeing one that changed BG1s to the BG2 nerfed version... ;-)
  • BLack_XIIIBLack_XIII Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2012
    Actually my party is :
    Tharan Beli (Me. LE Assassin)
    Kagain (because there are only one thing, much more better of a dwarf.
    A Damned evil, beer addicted, Dwarf.)
    Viconia (Evil Sexy Cleric on the road)
    Monty(For a while, in the nearest future, Dorn will take his place)
    Neera(The only girl romance in bg1? well, a must have i suppose :) )
    Edwin (Shut up stupid monkeys! Why this idiot put me last in order!? How he dare!!!)
  • DrEastDrEast Member Posts: 113
    Besides my XP cap removed solo M/F/T run, my actual "party" party will consist of the following:

    1) CHARNAME, half-elven ranger/cleric of Selune (why isn't lycanthrope a racial enemy option?), to be an ACTUAL cleric of Selune when the silly divine remix finally gets updated.
    2) Imoen
    3) Neera
    4) Jaheira
    5) Khalid, until he decides to nakedly charge at the belt-fetishist ogre. "Sigh", says Jaheira, "we'll stash his body at the Friendly Arm so I can revive him in time to die in the sequel."
    5b) Rhasaad, or whatever the new monk's name is, because you can't have too many trap detectors!
    6) Kivan, who will be receiving the Archer kit via Shadowkeeper until level 1 npc's comes out, thankyouverymuch.
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    The intended party for my first playthrough is:
    PC half-elf Avenger

    So far recruited half of them, will see how it goes once the team is complete.
  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    My party at the moment (just completed Nashkel Mines) is:

    PC CN Half-elf Mage/Thief

    Going to pick up:
    Viconia or (more probably) Faldorn
    Rasaad or (more probably) Kivan
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