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Which companions will you take along on your first foray into BG:EE?

WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
Has anyone already planned out their first party yet?

I'm going to spend a little time planning mine today and thought I would start the process by seeing what others are thinking about.

Who is on your opening roster and what race/class will your PC be?

Will you be switching companions in & out to get their quests or grabbing your team and ignoring most of the others?


  • SikorskySikorsky Member Posts: 402
    CHARNAME - Half-Orc/Barbarian

    That would be mine first BG:EE playthrought.
  • RenulanRenulan Member Posts: 109
    CHARNAME- Human or Elf Sorceror
  • RenulanRenulan Member Posts: 109
    And I guess the silly monk. Just to see his content. :(
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    I tend to think more in terms of permanent rosters. I always grab Khalid and Jaheira early on for instance, but hardly ever keep them for very long after the Nashkel mines.

    Charname - Human mage modified to have an elf mage avatar
    Khalid for awhile, then Minsc
    Jaheira for awhile, then Branwen for awhile, then Viconia
    Edwin for awhile, then Dynaheir

    Then the three new NPCs that I will somehow have to fit in.. will likely try to grab them in the interim while switching standard NPCs out (or before getting Kivan.. but that means it has to be before the bandit camp), do their quests and try to get a feel for which ones I might want for the full playthrough. But still not sure which characters of my regular party I would permanently switch out if so.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    I'm sure that already exist one thread like this... well @Tanthalas will know better probally.

    I'm going to pick

    Main char - Kensai (crazy hard for dual class in BG II) OR Blade (maybe if bards get an decent upgrade) OR Assassin OR maybe other class, i don't know yet. (They should truly make a random class and kit system).


    *kagain if i'm a thief class or kit or if Shar-Teel is dualed to thief. Safana probally otherwise (i don't like the idea of bug Montaron by killing Xzar and remove him from party).

    I'm gonna follow the 1 new NPC per game (and a 4° game with all the 3 new NPCs together), to optimise replayability.
  • NecdilzorNecdilzor Member Posts: 279
    You know... I always find Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc, Dynaheir, Edwin, Branwen and Ajantis and play with them and I never played with the others... time to change ;)
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    kamuizin said:

    I'm gonna follow the 1 new NPC per game (and a 4° game with all the 3 new NPCs together), to optimise replayability.

    That's an interesting concept - I think I may do something similar but in the opposite order - start with a run-through using all 3 new NPCs and follow that with 3 run throughs using only one at a time.

  • MyvalMyval Member Posts: 127
    Well I am debating if I'm going to use Tiber (Half-Elven Mage/Cleric) first, or Rorrick (Human Kensai, who will most likely duel over in BGII)

    The former will most likely be:

    (Rotating slot- Minsc when I go rescue Dynaheir, Coran when I am Dueling out Imoen, and hunting Wyverns, Kivan when I am doing the Bandit quest. and so on and so forth)

    The latter:
    (And Again, Rotating cast, Jaheira and Khalid when I'm in the Mines, Xan after I rescue him and till I pick up Neera, Minsc when I'm rescuing Dynaheir)
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I was thinking of playing a neutral bard, and get to most lof the available npcs at least for a quest or two.
    The new npcs are a must!
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    Such a tough decision. I'm currently playing through vanilla BG, and have had a lot of trouble picking my companions, at present: Me, Dynahier, Minsc, Kivan, Imoen, Branwen. I'm going to switch Imoen out for Alora just for kicks. When EE comes out with 3 more choices I think my brain might explode. In reality ill try to switch Minsc and Dynahier out for Neera and the Monk guy, and do an evil play through with Dorn, Edwin, Viconia, Sharteel and Monty.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Ok I'm starting to get a feel for what I may want to do first - subject to change without notice of course betweeen now and Nov 30...

    First of all I've decided that the first run-through is going to be totally dedicated to BG1 and will intentionally leave the BG2 team options behind with the exceptions of the 3 new NPCs - which will likely all be part of the team throughout the run unless it turns out they don't all play well together (alignment wise).

    Therefore the first order of business is to forget about taking that bratty pain in my patootie Imoen along at all even if she does try to force herself upon me and I'm pretty sure I am just going to leave Jahiera and Khalid cooling their heels at the FAI as well...

    I may let Edwin Minsc and Dyna tag along in some fashion early on long enough to complete their combined quest in some fashion but their presence if any in the group should be quite short lived - perhaps literally in some cases.

    I'm leaning towards a cleric/thief for PC and still debating between half-orc & gnome - maybe a female half-orc to rub noses with Dorn.

    So that would be:

    PC- F Cleric/thief (Half-orc) probably CN or NE
    Dorn -Blackguard
    Raasad - Monk
    Neera - Wild Mage

    but I'm not certain about semi-permanent members for the final two slots.

    Thats as far as I've gotten so far altho I am also considering a bard/kit for PC in which case I would likely fill the other two slots with a cleric & thief - probably Branwen & Safana - or let Xzar die and keep Monty.

  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563
    Three new ones, Coran, Faldorn and a halfling thief-variant PC or...
    Three new ones, Coran, another thief NPC and a druid variant PC.

    Depends what external resources such as Level 1 NPCs mod and Shadowkeeper will be available when I come round to play it though.
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    edited October 2012
    I always play with Viconia in my party, so I'll certainly have her. I'll also try out the new NPCs. I generally try to keep my party fairly small, like only 2-3 characters at a time, so my first pary will most likely be my PC, Viconia, and one new NPC, but I may change that if I find that I like the new NPCs or if something has been done to increase the depth of the existing ones.

    As a PC I usually play as a half-elf fighter/mage. I've experimented with other classes, but with a minimum of just Viconia in my party, I've found that having fighter, mage, and cleric abilites are the best for my playing style. I don't usually use thieves unless I'm playing solo, in which case I play as a half-elf thief/cleric.
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231
    edited October 2012
    I thought I'd make a Cleric/Thief or Sorceress... but recently I've been playing with a Berserker/Druid and I have to say they're pretty fun. The enrage alone makes me lean heavily in this direction...

    If I don't come up with something even more fun by the time BG:EE rolls out I guess this is what I will end up with:
    Charname - Human Berserker/Druid True Neutral
    Rasaad - Human Monk (?? - Neutral/Good)
    Dorn - Half-Orc Blackguard (?? - Evil)
    Yeslick - Dwarf Fighter/Cleric Lawful Good
    Imoen - Human Thief/Mage Neutral Good
    Neera - Half-Elf Wild Mage (?? - Neutral/Good)

    I'm afraid that Dorn might decide to leave if my reputation gets too high. It makes sense that he wouldn't want to stick with 'goody-goodies' as Monty calls high-rep players, but I want to see all the new banters so either I will avoid doing reputation-awarding quests or will install a Happy NPC mod.
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    Charname - Sorcerer, CG or CN

    Dorn - Blackguard, NE (I'm guessing)

    Jaheira - Fighter/Druid, TN

    Khalid - Fighter, NG

    Imoen (or other Thief) - Thief7/Mage, NG

    Viconia/Rasaad/Xan/some other Mage, perhaps
  • MuninMunin Member Posts: 95
    I certainly have some ideas I got from this forum. Since the game is delayed, I am currently playing BG1 with a party of four. Mage, Ajantis, Imoen, and Branwen. Just finished Cloakwood. With just four in the party I had to leave a lot of scrolls and gems behind. Not enough slots to carry them.

    For BGEE I am considering something similar. Maybe a party of 5. Fighter/cleric, Ajantis, Imoen, Edwin, and haven't decided on the 5th yet. Probably someone I have never used before like Sharteel.

    I am still considering a run through with a party of my own characters. I will probably save that for the release of BG2EE. Run my own party from Candlekeep thru Melissan.
  • CyricSpawnCyricSpawn Member Posts: 74
    Gender: Male
    Race: Elf
    Class: Illsionist
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Abilities: STR 9, DEX 19, CON 16, INT 18, WIS 14, CHA 11
    Robe of the Good Archmagi
    Ring of wizardry
    Ring of protection +2
    Algernons cloak
    Boots of Aviodence
    Amulet of Metaspell influence

    IMOEN** will duel at 6
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Class: Thief
    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Abilities: STR 9, DEX 18, CON 16, INT 17, WIS 11, CHA 16
    Shadow Armour - Beregost Blacksmith
    Boots of Stealth
    Bracers of Archery
    Eagle Bow

    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Class: Cleric
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Abilities: STR 13, DEX 16, CON 15, INT 9, WIS 16, CHA 13
    Gauntlets of Ogre power - Baldurs Gate Iron Throne
    Ankheg Armour
    Mace +2

    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Class: Paladin
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Abilities: STR 17, DEX 13, CON 16, INT 12, WIS 13, CHA 17
    Gauntlets of Dex - Gnoll stronghold
    Spider Bane - Cloakwood forest

    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Class: Ranger
    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Abilities: STR 18/93, DEX 15, CON 15, INT 8, WIS 6, CHA 9
    Bracers of weapon expertise
    Boots of Speed
    Ring of Free Action
    Horn of Kazarange
    GrayHawks sword
    Battle Axe +2

    Gender: Male
    Race: Elf
    Class: Fighter/Thief
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Abilities: STR 14, DEX 20, CON 12, INT 14, WIS 9, CHA 16
    Gauntlets of weapon skill
    Long Bow of Accuracy

    Back ups

    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Class: Thief
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Abilities: STR 13, DEX 17, CON 10, INT 16, WIS 9, CHA 17

    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Class: Invoker
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Abilities: STR 11, DEX 13, CON 16, INT 17, WIS 15, CHA 12
  • CyhortCyhort Member Posts: 78
    I never plan out my parties. I just use whatever characters I like or seem to fit with how I'm roleplaying my character.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @CyricSpawn if you're going for a male illusionist of good alignment, use gnome race instead of elf race.

    Gnomes are locked to illusionist class only in mages and you're just about to pick that class anyway. They get +1 int, so you can start with 19 int, they can romance Aerie in BG II, and while you can only romance her as a gnome, as an elf you can't romance Viconia, so unless you plan Jaheira romance, gnome is best.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited October 2012
    I will probably play my first party as the Rape and Death Party (TM). What I mean by this, is the most overpowered party I can muster while restricting myself to Evil alignment. Which, most of the powerful characters in BG1 are evil, just pointing that out.

    So ... something probably along the lines of:
    PC - Elven Archer (because Evil kind of lacks a good archer ... Shar-Teel is passable)

    Umm but I'll also be playing a multiplayer game with my sister. Probably -

    Her PC - Blade

    My PC - Avenger

    Then of course after I finish my Rape and Death Party (TM), I will go on to either a neutral or good party.

    PC - some form of fighter

    ... idk. My brain hurts.
  • CribbianCribbian Member Posts: 19
    edited October 2012
    CHARNAME - Human/Ranger or Rogue
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    edited October 2012
    CHARNAME - TN Human Cleric of Oghma (So just vanilla Cleric really)
    Open Space for some variety

    Will probably take Garrick and Eldoth at various points for their bardic knowledge, but going into the final battle I will probably take Kivan for ranged support (and to allow him final vengeance against Tazok).
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2012
    Hope the under-confident paladin
    Imoen - her little sister
    Xzar and Montaron - the two guys they unwisely turn to in their hour of need
    Then I'll try everyone else out.
    But anyone who initiates a romance with long, tedious dialogues telling Hope about the bad stuff that happened in their past will be stripped of their armour and fed to the wolves.
    Post edited by Permidion_Stark on
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556

    Hope the under-confidant paladin
    Imoen - her little sister
    Xzar and Montaron - the two guys they unwisely turn to in their hour of need
    Then I'll try everyone else out.
    But anyone who initiates a romance with long, tedious dialogues telling Hope about the bad stuff that happened in their past will be stripped of their armour and fed to the wolves.

    Surely Hope could cast a quick Detect Evil when their backs were turned ;)
    Or is she just that trusting?
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2012
    Communard said:

    Hope the under-confident paladin
    Imoen - her little sister
    Xzar and Montaron - the two guys they unwisely turn to in their hour of need
    Then I'll try everyone else out.
    But anyone who initiates a romance with long, tedious dialogues telling Hope about the bad stuff that happened in their past will be stripped of their armour and fed to the wolves.

    Surely Hope could cast a quick Detect Evil when their backs were turned ;)
    Or is she just that trusting?
    She's very trusting. She's been known to give Eldoth the benefit of the doubt.

    Post edited by Permidion_Stark on
  • TurinTurin Member Posts: 42

    My first ever evil party! (Plus Neera, whom I hope will be neutral, or if good, not of the complaining sort.)

    Charname will be an evil human Kensai or Berserker, to be dualed to Mage in BG2EE. I think Kensai will be more powerful in BG2EE but Berserker might make BG1EE easier. I'm not looking forward to having to keep Charname away from the frontline through most of BG1EE. (Any advice on that decision?) We'll see if the Neera romance will melt Charname's cold heart. :)
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    Turin said:


    My first ever evil party! (Plus Neera, whom I hope will be neutral, or if good, not of the complaining sort.)

    Charname will be an evil human Kensai or Berserker, to be dualed to Mage in BG2EE. I think Kensai will be more powerful in BG2EE but Berserker might make BG1EE easier. I'm not looking forward to having to keep Charname away from the frontline through most of BG1EE. (Any advice on that decision?) We'll see if the Neera romance will melt Charname's cold heart. :)

    IMO as long as you give them decent DEX and CON then Kensai are fine in melee, especially if you have a tank like Kagain to hold the line (send him in first). That -2 to AC is significant in BG1 and Kensai are big enough damage dealers to kill most things before they get killed. I'm not saying you won't use a few more healing potions than a regular fighter, but I've played through with a Kensai before and it wasn't too bad. An interesting idea might be to equip your Kensai with a Spear or Halberd and have him jab at the enemy from behind the front line.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited October 2012
    I will more than likely wind up with the canon party, yet again. I have experimented countless times with every combo you can imagine, but the whole story arc just never seems as fulfilling unless I take trusty old Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc, and Dynaheir.

    I don't do much better in BG2 varying from Jaheira, Minsc/Keldorn/Sarevok, Anomen, Jan Jansen, and Nalia/Imoen.

    Everything else I try just doesn't seem "right" to the story, somehow.

    EDIT: You know, I was just looking at the coverage that those parties have of the basic four party jobs, and wondering, well then, what am I in relation to all that? Other than being the story-driving Bhaalspawn, it looks like the canon parties make my own function kind of irrelevant. I guess I might as well be a Skald so I can give them bonuses while I tag along and chronicle the story.

    Perhaps the main story arc will then make me into a sort of narrator. Years in the future, I will be an old bard, having turned down godhood in order to grow old and die as a mortal, (though no one will believe me about that part), telling the story of Baldur's Gate, and the great heroes who carried me along in their epic quest to defeat the Bhaalspawn and bring a final end to the Time of Troubles, sitting next to the fireplace in a warm, luxurious tavern, drinking ale, listening to and performing with the tavern musicians, and passing along quest information and the occasional magic item from my secret stash to young, aspiring adventurers. Heaven.
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    I'm thinking something like this:

    PC Blackguard
    Imoen dualed to Conjurer

    And then i don't know. I want to take Dorn as well to see his dialogues and quests, but i might drop him after that, since we're gonna be two Blackguards.

    I might take Kivan or Shar-Teel or just go with Dorn.

    But if he wants my armor or weapons or TOMES he goes for naked scouting o_O
  • RajickRajick Member Posts: 207
    Charname- chaotic evil black guard
    (Insert random npc here)
    Evil play through first always and imoens gotta deal with it
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