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Altering Dexterity Properties for a Kit

ReddbaneReddbane Member Posts: 222
Does anyone know if there is a way to mod, or fudge the game using effects codes, so that Dexterity works differently for an individual Kit, say instead of providing a separate bonus to armor class it merely lowers the Base Armor class? So that a Kensai, as per 1e PnP, with 18 Dex would get a Base Armor class of 5 (ie 23-18), rather than having a base armor class of 10 with a +4 dex bonus, and an additional +2 class bonus, as this would prevent Kensais from breaking the game with Base AC lowering spells and items?

I know you've worked no small miracles in modding ability score benefits for Scales of Balance.


  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    edited May 2016
    Not @subtledoctor, but I've looked into things that have similar applications to this.

    Basically, it isn't possible to tell the engine to not apply the bonuses listed on DEXMOD.2da to a character. However, it is possible to have the EEv2.0 engine apply an effect once per round that can be determined by the Dexterity score of the character.

    So you'd have to code an effect that "neutralizes" the AC bonus and then an additional effect that applies an appropriate base AC effect.

    Or, because you're trying to fix the fact that Kensai armor bonuses stack (actual bonuses) stack with Bracers of AC (base armor), you could just change Kensai's armor bonus to a base armor bonus. I've done something similar to that for my monk mod (Monastic Orders of Faerun). This is much, much less difficult to set-up than the above method.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,367
    Would it be enough to just make them immune to Base AC bonuses entirely?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2016
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  • ReddbaneReddbane Member Posts: 222
    What if the adjustment was only based on Dex at the first level (per PnP Kensai) would I be able code something less wonky?
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069

    Btw none of that will cancel out the dexterity-based bonuses to AC in dexmod.2da, and AFAIK there's no way to make your kit immune to those bonuses. So you should code the spells above to take the normal DEX bonuses into account. (And realize that if a player uses a modded version of dexmod.2da, it will slightly mess up your kit.)

    I mean, you could have it read the DEXMOD.2da at the time of install and scale effects appropriately. Probably more of a headache than its worth, but it is possible...

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