Installing 'Faith's and Powers mod'

in BG:EE Mods
Hi All,,
Has anyone been able to install the Faith's and Powers Mod on BGEE SoD? I know it's in beta, but I was under the impression it at least works now, even if it is not completely finished and if I may be doing something wrong.
I unpackage the contents of the file into my data/00806 folder (just like I do with any other Weidu mods) and run the Weidu Launcher.
It asks what I would like to do with each component (so far so good). I select (I) for Install them, but then it just skips all components automatically. I tried asking about each one and same thing. I also tried the same install method in BG 2 EE and it still skips all components.
What should be done with all components that are NOT YET installed?
[I]nstall them, [S]kip them, [A]sk about each one? I
Has anyone been able to install the Faith's and Powers Mod on BGEE SoD? I know it's in beta, but I was under the impression it at least works now, even if it is not completely finished and if I may be doing something wrong.
I unpackage the contents of the file into my data/00806 folder (just like I do with any other Weidu mods) and run the Weidu Launcher.
It asks what I would like to do with each component (so far so good). I select (I) for Install them, but then it just skips all components automatically. I tried asking about each one and same thing. I also tried the same install method in BG 2 EE and it still skips all components.
What should be done with all components that are NOT YET installed?
[I]nstall them, [S]kip them, [A]sk about each one? I
SKIPPING: [Select an installation method below: -> install ALL of the new kits, AND the deity selection system, AND the sphere system]
IWD spells required!
SKIPPING: [new and revised cleric kits]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Cleric of Lathander]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Cleric of Tymora]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Cleric of Helm]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Cleric of Tempus]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Cleric of Leira]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Cleric of Loviatar]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Cleric of Talos]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Acolyte of Ilmater]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Acolyte of Tempus]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Acolyte of Mask]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Acolyte of Shar]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Incarnate of Mystra]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [new and revised druid kits]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Mountain Druid]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Jungle Druid]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Desert Druid]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Arctic Druid]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Beast Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Earth Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Water Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Air Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Fire Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Light Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Shadow Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Fate Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Elementalist]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Change item usability for priests]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [install Sphere System]
skipping component
Press ENTER to exit.
IWD spells required!
SKIPPING: [new and revised cleric kits]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Cleric of Lathander]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Cleric of Tymora]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Cleric of Helm]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Cleric of Tempus]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Cleric of Leira]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Cleric of Loviatar]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Cleric of Talos]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Acolyte of Ilmater]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Acolyte of Tempus]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Acolyte of Mask]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Acolyte of Shar]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Incarnate of Mystra]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [new and revised druid kits]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Mountain Druid]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Jungle Druid]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Desert Druid]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Arctic Druid]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Beast Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Earth Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Water Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Air Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Fire Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Light Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Shadow Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Fate Mystic]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Add Elementalist]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [Change item usability for priests]
skipping component
SKIPPING: [install Sphere System]
skipping component
Press ENTER to exit.
Here is the link:
I'm thinking that It's getting to be that time where we just convert all iwd priest spells for the mod
I'll start converting spells now (i like to have a few projects I front if me so i can switch up when one gets too tedious or frustrating).
@subtledoctor let me know if you find those volunteers.
What I like about this mod is that it appears to pull in Paladins. Makes perfect sense. I'd like to drop this into my BG/TotSCEE install.
Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, CT
DoF can run on its own, but as I say on my thread I strongly recommend that FnP's sphere system is used as it adds a lot of flavors for the kits.
About installing DoF and FnP: the only kits from DoF that need to be installed before FnP are Tempus, Tyr, Helm, Lathander, and Talos.
DoF makes some alterings on the Base Class Cleric (allow it to use any weapon), but IDK how this impacts FnP (if impacts at all).
Long story short: you can add IWDification before or after DoF, it will not impact the game.
@subtledoctor :
Any forecast with the Mask summon table issue?Nevermind, the error was in my end.So let's say, a spell that is SPPR322.spl on IWDEE is called RASP322.spl, and its bams are RASP322b.bam and RASP322c.bam, and so it goes.
When installing on IWD, DoF only COPY_EXISTING and SPELL_TO_INNATE.
As the spells are only given as special abilities/innates, they won't appear doubled on the spellbook or something like that. The only odd situation would be a mod giving special abilities to my kits, what I don't think it is possible.
I didn't use ADD_SPELL at all because i) it was not needed and ii) would possibly create a double entry on the spellbooks if IWDification or B_Spells were used with DoF.
TL;DR: Never tested, can't see a reason to conflict.
Edit: There are two kits IIRC that lets the cleric cast some wizard's spells as a cleric's spell. I can't remember who they are from the top of my head. When I reach them I'll think about a strategy to add the spells to the cleric's spellbook without double entries.
Edit: something wrong with quote. My response is below this edit.
I'm not sure what I was linking to, but I'm doing what I said in the text: converting all priest (and mage) spells. I'm done, just need to add to fnp
Yes, DoF = Deities of Faerûn