Thief Skill: Detect Illusion

Can someone give me the lowdown on exactly how this thief skill works and what it actually does? Does it work as a sort of True Sight if you pump it enough or is it much more limited? How many points do you actually need in it to make it useful?
I've had a quick look around and there doesn't really seem to be much in the way of verifiable clarification available. I did learn you have to have Detect Traps turned on to use it which I didn't know before...
I've had a quick look around and there doesn't really seem to be much in the way of verifiable clarification available. I did learn you have to have Detect Traps turned on to use it which I didn't know before...
It's a non-magical, infinite use ability which isn't blocked by Spell Immunity: Divination. Which enables your casters to put other spells in their level 5 or 6 slots.
There should be an ability score bonus to detect illusion for high intelligence.
I didn't realise that. It does make sense in game terms then. (But personally I think they chose the wrong attribute. I think seeing through an illusion - discovering the hidden truth - has got more to do with wisdom than intelligence)
Plus Wisdom has a whole raft of spell immunities available. Not fair to load up with illusion immunities as well.
" Detect Illusions - Perhaps the most overlooked ability in Baldur's
Gate II. This acts as a True Sight that your thief can activate by
selecting "Find Traps" as a modal action. If you're going to use
this, you probably want to go all the way as fast as you can, since
generally you want to dispel illusions as fast as possible (although
the circus illusions are harmless and leaving a Detect Illusions at
10% on for a few rounds doesn't hurt you any).
In some respects, a high level Detect Illusions is even better
than True Sight, since it doesn't wipe out your own illusions and
since you essentially have an infinite use of it.
So what are illusions? The really annoying spells, fortunately for
a high level Detect Illusions: Mirror Image, (Improved) Invisibility
(which also includes Shadow Door, Invisibility 10' Radius, etc.),
Mislead (yes!), Simulacrum (woah!), Project Image (holy crap!), and
Blur. Also, the werewolves and shadows in the Circus Tent are
illusions, but the clones in Irenicus's dungeon are not (though they
seem like Simulacra of your characters).
The only problem is that it takes a while to "activate" after
selecting "Find Traps." Fortunately, this doesn't really
translate into anything but a shorter casting cost of a True Sight."
As you can see. Detect Illusions can be extremely useful.
Mayhaps they'll fix that "feature" for the new release.