The life of a BG CHARNAME

Hi Everyone,
This is my first ever post (on any forum) so please forgive me if i am in the wrong spot.
Like many of you, i have been playing the BG games ever since BG1 was released way back when. It's amazing how much replay-ablity a game like this has, compared with those developed now.
My intention with this post is to create a CHARNAME and blog their adventure and encounters for the world to see. I am hoping to complete BG1, TOTSC, BG2 & TOB. It will be a completely vanilla installation of the original saga (except i am running it of a 4gb usb drive so i can run it off whatever computer is nearby). I will also be travelling with a full party.
I also want to keep it as far away from power gaming as possible, so any suggestions on this would help greatly, CHARNAME won't be picking up any hidden items if he/she doesn't hear about them somewhere, or cannot find them easily.
To this end, i would like some help with character creation, that being; suggestions on gender, race, class etc.
I am planning on taking the first abilities roll, and maybe min-maxing as best i can ?suggestions please.
The other thing a always struggle with is a great name (i cant run around the sword coast being called charname all the time), so i would love some suggestions on this to. I always like to have a first and last name.
I hope i am not asking to much.
Thanks in advance and looking forward to keeping you posted.
This is my first ever post (on any forum) so please forgive me if i am in the wrong spot.
Like many of you, i have been playing the BG games ever since BG1 was released way back when. It's amazing how much replay-ablity a game like this has, compared with those developed now.
My intention with this post is to create a CHARNAME and blog their adventure and encounters for the world to see. I am hoping to complete BG1, TOTSC, BG2 & TOB. It will be a completely vanilla installation of the original saga (except i am running it of a 4gb usb drive so i can run it off whatever computer is nearby). I will also be travelling with a full party.
I also want to keep it as far away from power gaming as possible, so any suggestions on this would help greatly, CHARNAME won't be picking up any hidden items if he/she doesn't hear about them somewhere, or cannot find them easily.
To this end, i would like some help with character creation, that being; suggestions on gender, race, class etc.
I am planning on taking the first abilities roll, and maybe min-maxing as best i can ?suggestions please.
The other thing a always struggle with is a great name (i cant run around the sword coast being called charname all the time), so i would love some suggestions on this to. I always like to have a first and last name.
I hope i am not asking to much.
Thanks in advance and looking forward to keeping you posted.
Post edited by uberduberdad on
I'd go for human for different reasons. First, you're going to have an easier time roleplaying a human than, say, an elf or dwarf.
Second, Imoen is your relative and she is human. It is not neccessary for Bhaalspawn to be of the same race, but it just feels more right calling Imoen sister when you yourself are human.
Third, the elves of Suldanessalar are going to be relatively hostile to you in any case, which can seem a bit strange if you are an elf yourself.
Another cool single-class character who will become very powerful in BG2 is the Archer (ranger kit). You'd have to endure a subpar fighter for the last half of BG1, but once in BG2 you can make him an Archer (unfortunately, the BG2 engine will roll up your HP randomly if you do that. That's where I used Shadowkeeper). Archers kick unfunny amounts of various ass, given the very good bows that are accessable early in the game and in Watchers Keep you will be getting the mother of all bows, Taralash.
If you are going for something not single-classed, I'd be inclined to suggest using an elf still and multi-classing him/her, because from an RP point of view it is going to be difficult to explain the sudden change in CHARNAME when he dual classes.
Very important: please do all the Pantaloons quests and get the armor. It is going to be hard to come up with some in-game explanation why you are not freeing that noblewoman but instead collecting the price for her delivery, but damn it's going to be funny when you do get the armor!
@GemHound I will only pick up items that CHARNAME can find out about, i.e. by talking to someone, and the process to get it should fit in with the chosen alignment. I havent decided yet if the party will just be an extension of CHARNAME's will, or if they will occasionally perform tasks in accordance with their own alignment i.e. sneaking out to picket pocket a rich pompous fool.
@cyberhawk Pantaloons are definitely in as long as CHARNAME remembers to talk to the right people. I've never been able to stick to a mage for the PC before, so maybe. I always end up wanting to get into the thick of things, and promptly die.
Or just, you know, go for a fighter. You can't go wrong with a fighter, so many different weapons, you can dual-wield, use double-handed or single-handed + shields. Towards the end of the whole thing you'd be even able to max out different styles, for different occasions. Grand mastery in axes and halberds and 3 points in fighting-with-a-shield style as well as two-handed style. This way you'll be able to switch between maximum AC and still dealing a lot of damage and maximum damage while still having a very good AC.
Please don't roll real dices for stats. Why should you, BG2 and especially ToB almost require god-like stats. It's all good for BG1 to play a realistic person, but when you have to deal with Vampires, Beholders, blood-thirsty overpowered Halflings, Liches, etc. you really need the 18 str and 18 dex as a fighter. As a mage you should not even consider having an intelligence anywhere lower than 18. 17 is maybe possible, but quite a bad decission (not being able to cast 9th level spells).
You are a Bhaalspawn man, son of the Lord of Murder. It is perfectly OK to have something special about your stats.
that ended up being
Naturally i like the idea, i am just not sure if it would be considered powergaming or not
Or maybe even video? "Let's plays" (which is roughly what you are doing) are not an uncommon thing, although recording footage on a 4gb flash drive would be nigh-impossible. As would carrying around a microphone to record one's voice :P
Providing you roll some half decent stats you should be fine. To be honest, you wouldn't even need *that* many high stats, as there are attribute-enhancing potions for certain... spells required to complete TOB without pulling one's hair out (in my experience, anyway. Who needs a barber when I had TOB's finale battle without Wish :P)
Looking forward to following this!
So lets talk character. I am leaning towards a Human fighter, purely because there are so many great NPC's throughout the game who compliment a fighter well, a bit boring though. Thoughts?
In terms of a fighter it depends how you went about it. For me, it would depend how much you roleplayed, too. Personally, more roleplay/characterisation = less care about the class.
Plus, as a human you can always dual class over to something else (providing you have the stats) if you find it a little boring.
Sure, there are two possibilities from what I am aware:
FRAPS: you have to purchase it and compress videos afterwards, but allows you to record microphone input "live" as well as game sounds
CamStudio: Free software (as far as I am aware), can only record microphone *or* game/windows sounds, not both at the same time. But for small boss-battle videos, you could just edit in some narration, if you even wanted any.
Compressing videos (making them smaller and therefore easier to upload) is also useful. Windows Movie Maker does a good job
I am doing a similar thing on Youtube myself (as are a few others I know of). This website is a good resource, based on a community of players trying to achieve similar things:
EDIT: Their forum is here:
This thread in particular may be of help:
Apologies for the lengthy reply
That is very kind of you, thank you. I will do the same for you in my next group of videos
But yeah, a human fighter sounds perfectly good to me! Do you have ideas of how to present it in your blog? E.g. a narrative or descriptive way? Really interested to see this
Nah, just kidding. Make sure to give your fighter all the tomes for strength dexterity and constitution, min/max him to the... max, I guess.
Name: Markul
Gender: Male
Class: Fighter
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good
STR: 18/83
DEX: 17
CON: 17
INT: 7
WIS: 15
CHA: 7
Weapon Proficiencies
Large Sword x2 (Will be using sword and small shield shield)
Axe x2 (Markul will be using throwing axes as his ranged weapon, as they can be used with a shield)
What are your thoughts on this before i continue. The way i see it, he will be somewhat simple and brutish, but a good natured person overall.