BG isn't my favorite game because of the NPCs. I played through almost every game with the same party. Its my favorite game because of the gameplay, and top down strategic combat, and this has always worked best in 2D engines. 3D engines even by todays standards do not, and still cannot handle the same gameplay as well as such an old engine as the infinity engine used to. No 3D game has the same combat engine, and actually having played through Witcher 2, I relate it closely to 3D hack n slash combat just with extra evasive and tactical manoevoers to avoid hits rather than to BG's strategic combat.
Also reading reviews of a game doesn't tell you anything about it. According to reviews, Dragon Age 2 was a perfect 10/10 game, and he best RPG of the decade. If you've never actually played the game yourself, you have no idea about anything to do with it.
And @bhallspawns comment was the single most accurate post in this entire thread.
It would be too restrictive on the Beamdog artists if Full-3D was put into use instead of the pseudo 3d/2d look.
If I was a artist, I would love full freedom that Full-3D can't provide in a DND game which NWN and NWN2 already proven, what they did was mostly bland and copy-paste everywhere.
Now I'm not too familiar with computer art in general that was done with BG to Icewind Dale, but what you all can Isometric that was used to construct these games to me feels like the artist had alot of freedom to work with what they want to envision.
Very true. In NWN they had to remove the transluscent clones from mirror image in BG because the 3D engine was incapable of rendering them. So instead they had those lame orbs floating around the character instead.
Also reading reviews of a game doesn't tell you anything about it. According to reviews, Dragon Age 2 was a perfect 10/10 game, and he best RPG of the decade. If you've never actually played the game yourself, you have no idea about anything to do with it.
And @bhallspawns comment was the single most accurate post in this entire thread.
Have a good life on your little fantastic world.