Neera or Xan ???

Finally rescued Adoy and now (after quite some time) am mulling over taking Xan into my party. While his numbers are quite a bit better than Neera, she has acquired so many spells that Xan wouldn't have I am really not sure I want to spend the time building up his inventory to carry forth. Any words of wisdom?
Plus she doesn't have Charlie Brown levels of depression like Xan does.
I personally prefer Xan in BG1 for his enchantment spells. Neera's much stronger in 2.
It helps that I installed the npc ee mod and turned him into a fighter/Mage, and into a blade singer (from the might and guile mod). That made him a much more powerful combatant.
The most annoying thing about the low con score is that he gets fatigued much more quickly than the others. Some of his dialogue from the mods I mentioned actually bring that up.
There are enough spells in the game to build xan if you want, especially if you have enough gold - some of course it depends on where you are in the game as well.
"Ah Xan you have a moonblade that is almost useless as you will never melee"- "why ...oh why...."
for me, I like to take xan along every once in a while just to add some flavor to the party ( or if I do speed run type games) but if I want power gaming power, then I would take neera instead, the ability to be able to cast any mage spell in the game while getting that extra spell per level, is really quite useful
I used to be all about Xan, but since giving Neera a chance, I've found her to be a much more useful and enjoyable character.
Strapped to a chair in a gas chamber, I'd choose Xan.
Otherwise, Xzar in a heartbeat.
I can manage rep easy enough.
I'm biased though because Xan is arguably my favorite caster in the trilogy.
But hey if Neera is to unpredictable, Edwin a bit crazy, Xan too depressing, and you don't like Baeloth then you could always try Qualye.
Just keep Qualye back from all the fighting if possible while having him throw out spells. Increase his survivability with potions - just a bit more micro-management to ensure everything is okay.
And really we are doing the same thing - remember revenge for Gorion's death and for the various bounty hunters he sent after us and general evil deeds against us and the Sword coast in general.
Now if you do Edwin's quest that is questionable act if not down right evil as it is obviously an assassination and there is no indication that Dynaheir is evil besides Edwin saying she is a witch.