(Spoiler)Those Two Guys That Poison You in the City of Baldur's Gate

Is there a downside to killing them before they talk to you and tell you the party has been poisoned?
Post edited by Cuv on
The biggest dire consequence? You lost the chance of get one of the Tomes of Understand of the game (permanently +1 wisdom)
I thought the situation was resolved until I began experiencing the effects of the poison. Since he was dead there was nothing I could do to save myself. After numerous attempts to do so, I gave up on resolving by normal means and used the MoveToArea cheat to cut down on travel time so that I could still go everywhere I needed to go in the proper order and thereby complete the main plot of the game before the poison could kill me. It took careful planning, but I was able to kill Sarevok and thus save myself from the potion a couple game hours before it would have killed me.
Those saying you miss the +Wis tome you don't. I've only completed this quest once and I've gotten all 3 Wisdom tomes in every single clear of BG that I've done. The locations of the tomes will be listed at the bottom of the post for spoiler prevention.
I find the quest is very annoying and not worth the effort unless you removed the XP cap. The shortbow is largely useless because the crossbow of speed is better for thieves and the longbows are better for warrior types so you can just skip the encounter all together but it's always fun to slaughter them for being so arrogant.
1 Tome is in the Candlekeep Catacombs
1 Tome is in Durlags Tower
1 Tome can be pickpocketed from a cleric inside the Temple of Tymora in Baldurs Gate
"Lawl, let's make the BG1BGII NPCs have consistent ability scores between games!!"
Oops now Minsc is the best Fighter hands down, Jaheira has zero disadvantages, and Viconia is by far the best Cleric no argument.
And other such heinous "fixes" that are preferences varying between players, not "fixes."
Sorry to vent that.
Talk to them
Go the the central area of BG and talk to Lothander
Go to the Temple of Umberlee
Talk to the priestess twice in a row, trick her and kill everyone and loot the geas removal scroll as well as the kid's body.
Go talk to Lothander
Go to Blushing Mermaid and Kill Marek for 10000 XP + his own loot and XP
Go to the temple of Tymora, steal the book or buy it for 500 GP
Go north of the temple and simply complete the quest related to the kid's body for the shield of stars thingy
Tharr you go, no loss, all gains!
*Larze was left alone, poor dear confused Larze
I procured Lothander's half of the antidote, then went back to the Blushing Mermaid.
I talk to Marek, he attacks, I kill - but I get NO experience OR antidote.
What is happening here? If someone could please shed some light on this that would be great.
(And no, the antidote is not on Marek's corpse after slaying him. I have checked it over and over.)
WARNING: Do NOT complete the Tremain's Son quest before completing the Marek & Lothander quest. If you do, there is a good chance you WON'T be able to complete the Marek quest and find the antidote on Marek's body when you slay him after talking to him.
Originally, I had completed the Tremain's Son quest first, and the antidote was nowhere to be found. I tried it again completing the Marek quest first, and the antidote was there.
I am not entirely sure if this is a glitch with quest ordering, or if it was an isolate incident with my game specifically. At any rate, this is why you should always save a separate 'backup' game file periodically as you play... one that you can go back to in case you made an unforeseen error. I've learned that the hard way playing BG in the past.
Very happy surprise, got 4k xp too!
This was with vanilla bg:ee.
Hate it when that happens. I am just glad I had a recent backup save file to fall back on.