How often would you like to see news updates?

If you could choose, how often would you like to see news updates on what's going on with projects of overhaul?
/edit/ sorry for not being precise enough. I was interested in what you think how often general news updates of current development projects should take place.
/edit/ sorry for not being precise enough. I was interested in what you think how often general news updates of current development projects should take place.
- How often would you like to updates from Overhaul?109 votes
- Every day! BG:EE is my life.  4.59%
- Once a week would be cool! I like to be up to date.57.80%
- Every fortnight. I also got other things to do...14.68%
- Once a month is enough. But then a big update please.17.43%
- Depends on... (Explain)  5.50%
Post edited by Fluid29 on
But general updates monthly or everyother month
If they are just floating ideas without knowing how well they are actually going to work, I'd personally would like less nerd rage when that idea doesn't come to fruition and the staff are forced to respond to why this one idea they mentioned isn't happening when they do give an official announcement on an update they are going to do.
I am fine with meaningful updates, even if I have to wait for them, I don't want. "Yay! Today we added a new cow to the Candlekeep area that has a different colour than the others" updates every second day.
EDIT: The last update I remember now that I think about it, is scrapping the cross platform multiplayer for the original release. Yay good news! lol
Obviously for BG2:EE, to start off, once a month would be fine and then, as the release date grows closer, every other week and then weekly.
It helps keep me interested.
Overall they need to strike a balance between being left alone to get the necessary work done and not letting the BG fan base guessing too much.
And when the date gets close, a preview of the portraits, so people can go all wow and in anticipation full of wondering what character they will take on their first playthrough.
Tell me what you want, what you really really want
I'll tell you...
Never mind. What I would prefer is that the work on the game progress and, news or no, it get released on 30 NOV. Anything else is icing on the cake!