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Chromatic Orb save

who_is_danielwho_is_daniel Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 98
I noticed that Chromatic Orb doesn't mention that the save is made with a +6 bonus (unlike the Baldur's Gate version of the same spell that specifically mentions the +6 save bonus).

The question is if the omittance of the + 6 save bonus modifier is an oversight or that is actually how to spell works? I always thought a plus 6 modifier it made for a pretty useless spell at higher levels, however if it's just a regular say you feel then it so amazingly good for Icewind Dale


  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    Its effects are different than in BG2, though. Specifically, it never has any instakill effects; at level 7+ it does 2d8 damage and paralyzes the target for 13 rounds. That's not bad, but I don't think it's anything special in IWDEE.
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    From an admittedly-not-huge testing sample size, it doesn't appear to be giving a +6 to the save bonus to the party members in that I failed more than I expected if I was really getting a +6 to the save, so working as described I guess...
  • who_is_danielwho_is_daniel Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 98
    edited May 2016
    joluv said:

    Its effects are different than in BG2, though. Specifically, it never has any instakill effects; at level 7+ it does 2d8 damage and paralyzes the target for 13 rounds. That's not bad, but I don't think it's anything special in IWDEE.

    You bring up a very good point and honestly I had forgotten that there was instant kill effect in Baldur's Gate for chromatic orb as I never really use it past the first few levels because everything always ( or the vast majority of the time at least) saves against it!
    I personaly have always thought of hold or paralyzation as a death sentence ( especially one as long as 13 Rounds). I will admit I do not know what percentage of creatures are immune to instant death or what percentage are immune to paralyzation effects so one may be far greater than the other but I have no idea. I just know I have never seen anything live long enough for the 13 round paralyzation to wear off.

    I really hope that my above response did not come off as snarky or snide ( intended to be in a conversational tone).
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    Your response doesn't seem at all snarky or snide to me. :) It's true that paralysis is usually a death sentence. I guess I was thinking that by level 7 you'd have stronger spells, but that's less true for a Mage or Bard in IWD than in BG or BG2 (because of the linearity), especially if you're playing HoF. In the context of IWD, Chromatic Orb's immediately availability is a huge deal.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    One version isn't necessarily better than the other.

    BG CO can be great if you stack save penalties, nothing more satisfying than one-shotting a dragon with a level one spell! Barring that it can still be very useful to throw around for rare kills which equates to significant damage per spell when used against high HP foes.

    Otoh, IWD CO is probably the best first level spell against the foes that it works against, 13 rounds IS a long time but it doesn't equate to instant kill as you actually have to kill them in that time which involves diverting damage output from the rest of the IWD hordes. Usually it just means taking them out of the fight until their friends are dead - particularly useful against pesky archers or casters.

    Overall IWD CO is better but that's true of most first level spells - the IWD versions are stronger and useful for longer.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I've always found CO to be the best level 1 IWD spell. Some things are immune, but it has an excellent chance of taking down anything else, even Yxunomei.
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