Favorite Order of the Stick Cartoons

Sorry, I couldn't find the old thread discussing this. I just had to share this cartoon. It lampoons the Vancian spellcasting system we all deal with in D&D, Baldur's Gate, and Neverwinter Nights perfectly.

I like the one with all the words.
And Rich Burlew. As far as I'm concerned, the guy's a genius.
Still one with the attention span of a puppy on coke, but willing to go through extreme lengths to terrorise and dominate those around him, often with more intelligence than he lets people think.
I don't have any particular favorite comics to link, but I'll list my favorite arcs as the Siege of Azure City, Vaarsuvius' power trip and the stay at Tarquin's palace (and all the casual evil they run into there).
Sadly, it updates about once a century, even slower now that the writer messed up his drawing hand.
And alright, one favorite comic;
Alternatively, you could just post the direct link, but the image won't show up in the forum that way.
Just telling you guys.
@reedmilfam @belgarathmth
Regardless, if you could please just post a direct link to Rich Burlew's site, I would be able to enjoy the cartoon you trying to share.
@Wondervice, I love your cleric-battle strip. That's a good one!
From the heroes side my favorite is Elan, I like his goofiness, and his character growth at the same time. Belkar is also getting interesting.
From the support cast, I really enjoyed the scenes with O-Chul and the MitD.
Xykon's got to be the funniest villain, ever. A funny, deadpan, "straight-man" lich? What more could you want for hilarity? I kind of hear his voice and lines as played by somebody like Mel Brooks.
As for bit players, has to be the Oracle for me. Pure genius.