Can a good party have Edwin or will he walk??

I have just started BG 2 yet again but have never been anything but a fighter (Boring i know) but i'm a thief this time and my party usually has Jan to take care of my spellcasting and thieving needs but I take Anomen, Minsc, Jaheira and Keldorn. So with me being the main thief in a good party I don't feel i need Jan so was thinking of recruiting Edwin but one snag.............he's evil so any Ideas??
Trigger the Ravager ability whenever you start going too high for an easy way to drop it down.
Also Minsc and Edwin will try to kill each other and it's unavoidable. Don't bring both of them in the same party. I'd swap him for Haer'Dalis or Mazzy. I believe Valygar also tries to kill Edwin but I'm not sure about that.
Clearly it's hit and miss. But of course, go for it. Edwin is bloody awesome.
Edwin and Minsc will fight eventually. I do believe that it won't happen while he is in female form, however it is dictated by a time scale much like Romance Dialogues.
The only example I know of this is when Aerie insists you ditch Korgan or she will walk from the party. She gives you 7 days. If you wait 7 days, she will then leave. If you ditch her, rest for 7 days, and take her back, she will still quite promptly bitch about Korgan and leave. I think it's dictated by days/hours that one of them have been in your party, or some science like that.
Anyway, the point is that Edwin and Minsc will inevitably come to blows unless you rest infrequently or finish the game with swiftness.
On another note: Ditch Minsc, take Edwin: Mixed alignment parties tend to promise good dialogue anyway; Edwin is unmatched by any other Mage. With Keldorn in your party, you don't need Minsc (Mazzy would be a more useful addition).
Nalia is your next best bet for a Mage though if you do decide to take Edwin as she has more XP opportunity than Imoen. If you play a thief, Jan is a tad redundant I suspect. You'll get plenty of points to open locks, stealth, and disarm traps. Replacing him with Nalia would be pretty effective, or even with Haer'Dalis. It depends who you enjoy too, though.
I'm curious what flags these altercations, and whether or not you see them is pure RNG.